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  3. Check out The Garrison Age of Empires IV LAN Event!

Check out The Garrison Age of Empires IV LAN Event!

What began as a small passion project is now a professional showcase of Age of Empires IV talent, with support from Rising Empires and the Age IV community. The Garrison is a four-day community event hosted by BEING ESPORTS in Hamburg, Germany. The LAN features intense competition and community-driven experiences for all types of Age fans! Tune in now through the 16th to make sure you don't miss any of the action live.

At the heart of the Age IV event is the Pro Tournament, where eight of the world’s best players will battle in a double-elimination bracket for a prize pool exceeding $8,000. Six players secured their spots through an online qualifier in February, while two will earn their places through an offline qualifier on March 13th. The eight-player main event will kick off on March 14th! Matches will be broadcast live, bringing the action to fans worldwide.

The Garrison isn’t just about the pros—it’s also a celebration of the Age of Empires community. Alongside the main tournament, the event will host a LAN for 125 players, with additional brackets for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, Age of Empires IV, and Age of Mythology: Retold, as well as community parties, activities, and more.

Don’t miss the action live on Twitch!