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  3. Age of Empires IV – Patch 12.2.3327

Age of Empires IV – Patch 12.2.3327

Happy belated New Year, Age IV community! We shared some exciting news last week (read here if you haven’t already). And now we’re back with more of what you’re looking for: balance updates, bug fixes, plus a brand new seasonal event and game mode.

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Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Empires what it is today!

—The Age of Empires Team

Please Note: As part of updating to this latest build, any saved games and observable matches made on previous builds will be unable to be loaded or replayed.
This is just a small taste of what is coming in the latest update. For a more complete list, please visit our site and check out our blog. Happy Gaming!

◆Patch 12.2.3327◆
[h2]Season Nine[/h2]
[h3]New Seasonal Event: Chart a Course[/h3]
Kicking off the start of the year with another brand-new game mode, Chart a Course. Players who select this mode will periodically receive a choice from three powerful upgrades. Look to the stars and chart your course as you adapt your civilization to the ever changing and challenging world around you!

Login between February 13th at 10:00am PT (1:00pm ET / 18:00 UTC) and March 31st to share in the season’s festivities!

Known Issue: We're still adjusting to the New Year! One of the Chart a Course event challenges references "2024" instead of "2025." Rest assured, logging in this year will earn you the reward.
[h3]Map Pool Rotation[/h3]
You’ve been climbing the ladder all Season Nine, and now it’s time to test your mettle on a fresh set of maps!

1v1 Ranked Map Pool
  • Hill and Dale –> Cliffside
  • Marshland –> Prairie
  • Four Lakes –> Lake Side
  • Wetlands –> Golden Heights
  • Haywire –> King of the Hill
  • Nagari –> Archipelago
Team Ranked Map Pool
  • King of the Hill –> Cliffside
  • Rocky River –> Lipany
  • Socotra –> Mountain Clearing
  • Waterholes –> Lake Side
  • Himeyama –> Prairie
  • Mongolian Heights –> Nagari
This is just a small taste of what is coming in the latest update. For a more complete list, please visit our site and check out our blog. Happy Gaming!

[h3]:alertalert: DISCLAIMER[/h3]This list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.

For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.