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RedEX News

Update 1.2

The game has undergone multiple fixes and improvements, ranging from the interface and chips to improve the Quality of Life of the player to the behavior of the AI and fixing old bugs. The game was ported to the latest version of GameMaker, which allowed us to add gamepad support to the game. And we are also preparing one big surprise!

We are interested in finding the remaining bugs and vulnerabilities, so if you manage to find them, please post them in this thread: Bugs found in update 1.2

Update 1.1

Bugs and crashes
  • Soldiers could sometimes be immortal
  • Lab boss could spawn in the wall
  • Fixed text overlay after a wave with a boss
  • Fixed a bug with opening all weapons in the game after restarting the game
  • Fixed bugs that provoked game crashes

  • Now computers work only if there are at least 3 enemies at the location
  • Changed the working principle of the Tesla tower
  • Increased health and speed for the boss of the laboratory
  • Now the boss of the laboratory throws grenades

Patch 1.0.1

User Interface
  • Mouse can be used in menu and pause
  • Now the position of the box is marked with a beacon
  • Reworked skill leveling window

  • New skill "Engineering", which allows you to pump the characteristics of weapons and turrets
  • Reworked some perks, now they are more important for comfortable gameplay
  • Added platform jumping mechanic. The game now supports full WASD control
  • Cut out the regeneration of armor, increased the regeneration of health, and now its speed is affected by the skill "Strength"
  • The maximum points of armor is now more dependent on the skill "Mastery"
  • Added cooldown for registering enemy bullet damage (cooldown does not apply to shotguns)
  • The difficulty of enemies grows with the wave