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  2. News
  3. Viscerafest's Full Release is Near - Audio Updates, and Price Raise

Viscerafest's Full Release is Near - Audio Updates, and Price Raise

Howdy folks!

We have a bit of a quick update regarding the full release. The game is pretty much on track to hit the previously announced release window of April this year. There is, however, one minor hiccup.

Our lead sound designer, Markie, has been going through one heck of a tumble dryer with all life has been throwing at him; as such, we've had to bring in another sound designer to help us wrap up everything. Even with this, however, there's a very real possibility that Viscerafest will launch with some placeholder/missing audio. We'll be working to make sure that doesn't happen, and if it does, we'll be aiming to patch in the missing sounds as quickly as possible.

On a similar note, if you've not been following our youtube channel, we've been posting a few extra little sneak peaks as of late, including some looks at the new tracks for the OST by John S. Weekley.



We'll be announcing the exact date of release fairly soon here, but for everything to fall into place, we have to raise the price of the game to its final value of 19.99 USD/EUR (and its equivalence in other currencies, based on the Steam pricing matrix). This will go into effect on Friday, March 7th. With the full release will come the game's third and final chapter, massive changes and revisions to chapters 1 and 2 (with some of the levels being longer than their originals), new enemy types, a new weapon, the lorebrary, the shop, gameplay modifiers, and... probably some other stuff I'm forgetting...

So with that if you want to grab Viscerafest at the lower, Early Access price, you better hurry!


We can't wait for you all to see the fullness of what's in store for Viscerafest and we really hope you enjoy your time with the full game. In the meantime if you'd like to hang out with us and chat, come join us at the Viscerafest Discord server and if you haven't follow us on Twitter to keep up with our shenanigans! Thank you for your time, we hope you have a wonderful day!
God bless you.
