Another update for Winter Survival - ACT II is here!
[h2]New & Improved[/h2]
- Reworked the Wetness UI - now it shows you how your Cold Protection is affected by different percentages of wetness
- Fixed a bug with a chest going into the floor of a cave to the point it was hard to use lockpicking on it
- Fixed a bug with the wrong tooltip on a ladder that led you to the mountainous area with eagle nests
- Fixed a bug with the bridge when the collapse sequence wasn’t triggered if the player approached the bridge in the wrong way
- Fixed bug with wrong names on Cold Wave radars’ ladders
- Fixed bug with Echoes of Sabotage II quest triggering before finishing the building the house
- Fixed more unpickable items:
- Cigarettes - crate near the woodcutter's hut
- Small cog - destroyed house near Babcia's
- Broken milk container and frying pan - woodcutter's hut
- Fixed a bug that let the player fall through wooden planks in a destroyed shack
- Fixed bug that teleported player out of the map if player tried to unstuck the character
- Fixed a bug that blocked players from crafting Large Branch even with enough resources
- Fixed crash that occurred then animal was hit with the Trolley
- Fixed bug with broken rails floating in the air
- Fixed bug that spawned fallen trees in different locations like trails or roads
- Fixed bug with the wrong position of the quest marker in the Footsteps of the Friends II
- Fixed bug with wooden wall slope not reacting to the rotation buttons
- Fixed bug with chest from shelter that couldn’t interact with tool crafting station (items detected in UI, but the recipe couldn’t be crafted)
- Fixed bug that could break Paratrooper questline when the player took items from the landing zone before seeing all Paratrooper’s avatars
- Fixed bug that blocked input when changing items in hands
- Cave Moss respawn time changed [from 20 sec to 600 sec]
- Added more contact shadows in small foliage