Hotfix #2 for Winter Survival ACTII is here.
New & Improved
- Added voice line for starting Panic Attack
- Added Trap tutorial near the Rabbit Quest (Traps are single use at the moment. After it's used or broken by an animal you can loot it for extra resources but can not pick it up again. We are considering this to be changed in the future.)
We rebalanced the Weather System:
- There should no longer be situations where multiple weather areas overlap causing extreme drop in temperature in a small area.
[h3]For Story:[/h3]
- Act 1 location ambient temperature is set to -10 (-8 for the first night),
- Act 2 locations are set to -13. Of course, different weathers add to ambient temperature,
- Cloudy weather can appear after the first night
- Snowy weather can appear after "The Survival Instinct" quest (Rabbit Hunting)
- Snowy and windy weather can appear after the "Hunting" quest (Deer Hunting Act 2)
- Blizzard weather can appear after picking up the lever from "Echoes of Sabotage II"
[h3]For Survival:[/h3]
- Every area is set to -10 with all weathers possible from the start.
[h3]For Story and Survival:[/h3]
- Area 3 (Mountain in Act 2) - always blizzard, and near the mountain, there is always snow
- Area 6 (Behind the Act 2 final gate) - Possible weather is snowy, snowy and windy or blizzard (temp. Story -13 for Endless -10)
- Shelter buff now gives an additional 5 cold protection (was 10)
- Cave buff now gives an additional 2 cold protection (was 6) but retains the coldness from the weather outside, so in net it will now usually be a bit colder in caves.
- Hot springs now give +10 to ambient temperature (was +15) and in addition, increase the wetness by +4
[h3]Campfire changes to ambient temperature:[/h3]
- Basic campfire gives +8
- A proper campfire gives +10
- Platform campfire gives +13
- Long campfire gives +14
- Tepee campfire gives + 18
- Shelter campfires +13 (also campfires in hunters' and woodcutters' huts in Story)
[h3]Weather changes to ambient temperature and wetness:[/h3]
- Clear weather is from 0 to -2 (was 0 to -1), for wetness it is -1 (was -2 to -4)
- Cloudy weather is from -2.5 to -3.5 (was -2 to -3), wetness 1
- Snowy weather is from -4 to -6 (was -3 to -4), wetness from 2 to 4
- Snowy and windy weather is from -5 to -7 (was -5 to -6), wetness from 4 to 6
- Blizzard stays -8, wetness 8
- Main heat multiplier increased by 20% (will be getting cold and warm 20% faster)
[h3]Story Specific:[/h3]
- Switched equipment to a Small Spear Holder at the beginning of Act 2
- Added Bone Axe schematic to Hunting Book but removed it from the start of Act 2
- Moved the Bone Axe to Act 2 to avoid sidetracking progress
[h3]Cold Wave:[/h3]
- We changed the MMR calculation to add bonus points for Survival Time
- Changed duration of the Cold Wave Gold beams to make them easier to spot
- Cargo Drop Event frequency increased [now it happens randomly 1-3 days instead of 5 days]
- Relocated one of the Wolf Aftermath Event near the green lever
- Relocated one of Wolf Aftermath Event on Rabbit Glade further from the Bonfire
- Relocated one of the Wolf Aftermath Event near the Paratrooper
- Schematics can now be assigned to a quick slot by just pressing the quick slot key
- Removed the Wooden Jaw trap schematic after picking up the Rabbit Journal
- Tweaked the amount of needed resources for the fur set, added the recipe for fur straps from fur scraps
- Removed Wolves without senses for proper wolves that are killing players going in the wrong direction during the first night.
- Bone and Stone Axe durability increased x1,5
- Makes Steps Challange reduced [1500 from 5000], now also it resets properly when you get it multiple times
- Reduced the experience gained from Crafting Spears: Bone [40 from 475], Stone [30 from 350], Stick [20 from 75]
- Adjusted crafting experience gained for some items: Plank [20 from 50], Gluestick [18 from 40]
- Resource Range (detection of chests) for Crafting Benches increased to 10 meters from 3 meters
- Changed the Deer Health from 75 to 30 to make Deer easier to hunt
- Boar now Gives 350 XP per kill instead of 5 XP
- Flour now creates 20 Flour for every 4 Winter Wheat instead of 1 Flour for every 4 Winter Wheat
- Sugar recipe now creates 8 Sugar from 1 Sugar Beet instead 1 to 1.
- Fixed an issue that could cause us not to gain experience gained for completing Quests in Story Mode
Crash Fixes:
- Crash on Bed wakeup animation
- Crash on Start Crafting
- Crash on Snow Take and quick slot drag
- Crash on Trunk Split
- Moved the large spear holder to level 34 as it was impossible to craft it before (no leatherworking station)
- Fixed a bug with repeated usage of building items or schematics that caused the previous item in hand to be equipped
- Fixed a bug that caused the match from lighting a Torch to stay in hand in some situations
- Fixed a bug that caused the player’s fingers to clip through the spear
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from getting negative stats from items
- Fixed bug with Survival Points amount
- Removed misleading “Lever Key” and Key Box from the Trolley Storage
- Removed an extra path to avoid the puzzle in the Smaller Mountain Area.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t complete the objective after placing bait in the trap and loading the game
- Fixed bug with missing Escape Room Mannequin after the Save/Load
- Fixed bug with missing Sarah dialogue after Save/Load in Relocation Quest
- Fixed bug with the player losing input in the Strange Dream Quest
Fixed bugs with unpickable items:
- Alcohol-Soaked Bandage in Paratrooper Quest
- Cave Moss in Stonehenge Area
- Cog next to the logs with faces
- Cog near the Blue Lever
- Metal Scraps near the Trolley Repair Station
Fixed bug with Weather locking on the “Clear” status after Strange Dream Quest. You can now again experience all the weathers.
- Removed “Canned Food” as an item from the environment, it still exists as a category of ingredients in recipes
- Removed annoying foliage collider under Act 1 Shelter
- Fixed issue where if you have a Panic Attack while in Instinct Mode, it’s impossible to turn off and the camera goes insane
- Torch from Torch Holder is now in the proper place after loading the game
- Fixed bug with broken Exp gain after the starting game with Act 2 or loading First Sleep save
- Falling rock near the Act 2 start only kills the player when it has enough velocity
- New schematics unlocked in Adaptation now show the proper bench for crafting them
- Fixed bug that allowed you to drink from the Canteen when you carried the Log
- Removed the rock formation that could block the player on the road to Paratrooper
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to have two Walkie-Talkies
- Removed an RRI cure recipe fragments from the Endless mode
- Fixed a bug that blocked the sound of sprinting
- Fixed visual bug in the Introduction (no more weird black marks on bear paws tracks)
- Fixed a bug in the Introduction where you could fall off the Hidey Hole
- Fixed that bug that stopped showing the scene with Mike and Joel on the ground fighting with Wolf (Intro)
- Fixed bug with Willowherb bushes preventing animals from moving nearby
- Fixed bug with the Double Escape Room building in Cold Wave was preventing players from entering the building
- Wolves near the hot spring in Act 1 are now not spawning in players' eyes, if a player goes in the wrong direction wolves will kill him
- Fixed visual bug with painting being highlighted all the time
- Fixed bug with Wrong Address Cargo Chest flying in the air
- Fixed bug with not saving the Paratrooper state while in the quest "Missed in action"
- Fixed issue with Panic Attack music not ending until you enter the shelter when eating Herbal Extract
- Fixed an issue with resetting filters in inventory when clicking on an item while filtering.
- Fixed Herbal Tea recipe that works consistently with how making Tea is supposed to work
- Reworked Joel’s hair to make them look better and fix a few visual bugs
- Re-painted some sections of terrain (primarily focused on train tracks and gravel areas) to make them look better.
- Added new icons for the Trolley and Carpentry Station
- Improved visibility of the Gold Beams in the Cold Wave
- Proper icon and name for Empty Can
- Minor Sarah related position / dissapearance fixes.
- Fixed symptom length on the status screen to show properly formatted numbers.