Game Update #12 is out!

[h2]New & Improvements[/h2]
- Added Blocking to the How to Play tutorial
- Now in the crafting bench you can open the ingredients' recipe by clicking on it.
- We added pointers to the building mechanic to improve visibility of building slots.
- Bedrolls are now crafted into the inventory rather than being instantly placed to be built. If you wish to build a bedroll, simply deploy it from your inventory.
- In Story Mode Campfire UI now automatically closes after starting the fire.
- Wind and flags now have new sound effects.
- New sound sets added to the Combat System.
- Mortar and Wardrobe are now destroyable by Hammer.
- Trolley brakes should now work when riding backwards.
- Reparented shelter and cave buffs to stat rating buffs. They now both provide +10 cold reduction as long as they're active.
- We replaced two slopes in the building system with one, which makes building a roof easier.
- Weight Pass: Adjusted and rebalanced weight of over 500 in-game items.
- Clothes: 26 items
- Consumables: 221 items
- Containers: 5 items
- Fuel: 16 items
- Devices: 5 items
- Knives: 5 items
- Misc. Items: 69 items
- Quest Items: 59 items
- Axes, Spears and Torches: 16 items
- Raised the max distance of building next to a crafting station from 800 to 1200.
- Balanced the Cooking Outside Event. Now the check is each 180s instead of 300s. Chances for boar and bear have risen to 27.5% and 2.5% respectfully.
- Balanced chances to trigger The Bear The Host event. Explorer: 2% to 5%, Survivalist: 5% to 10%.
- Maximum speed for the Trolley has been slightly reduced.
- Tweaked base building collisions for better shelter detection.
- Tweaked base building collisions for better shelter detection.
- Decreased time of drying for all skins. From 800 seconds to: -320 for boar, -300 for deer, -200 for fox, -180 for rabbit, -240 for wolf.
[h2]Rebalanced the recipes for animal skin clothes [/h2]
Old Recipe
New Recipe
- 6 dried rabbit skins
- 2 leather straps
- 2 gluesticks
- 6 leather straps
- 2 gluesticks
- 2 bone needles
- 4 leather pieces
- 4 thread
- 1 dried deer skin
- 2 dried rabbit skins
- 4 leather straps
- 1 glue stick
- 2 dried rabbit skins
- 4 leather straps
- 1 gluestick
- 2 bone needles
- 2 thread
- 1 dried deer skin
- 18 leather straps
- 2 gluesticks
- 1 dried deer skin
- 14 leather straps
- 2 gluesticks
- 4 bone needles
- 6 thread
- 4 dried deer skins
- 10 dried rabbit skins
- 24 leather straps
- 10 gluesticks
- 2 dried deer skins
- 6 leather straps
- 2 glue sticks
- 4 bone needles
- 6 threads
- Wolf Sleep Event - now we have a chance to be attacked only if we sleep in wolf territory not every time
- Two rare crashes were fixed, both related to animals and the game’s garbage collection system.
- Fixed bug with wrong Trolley placement after loading the game.
- Fixed an issue with crafting Sewn Clothes in Endless mode when starting with good equipment. Now recipes will be able to use both Winter and Torn Winter clothing.
- Fixed an issue with the cursor appearing on screen after crafting from a quick slot.
- Fixed a bug with Cow Catcher snapping to a build slot where a Cowcatcher is already attached.
- Added description to the walkie-talkie item.
- Now lockpicking requires having a lockpick.
- Disabled the “New Objective” notification for hidden objectives.
- In Story Mode Bonfire UI now automatically closes after starting the fire.
- Wetness status is now displayed correctly on wet items in equipment slots.
- Fixed a bug related to clothes when drying not storing durability when saved.
- Fixed an issue with double ESC in Adaptation and Inventory widgets.
- Grabbing while jumping should me more consistent now.
- Now only the placed compass markers are increasing the counter of the placed markers.
- Added default icon for objectives to improve readability.
- Added tooltip name wrapping.
- Changed text and icon color to red when the weight is higher than max capacity.
- Added more options to display maps/images properly on HUD.
- Added a new icon for Tall Grass in inventory.
- New meshes for animal skins.