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Across the Obelisk News

Patch Coming Next Week! (PC Only)


We’re excited to announce that Patch for PC players will be rolling out next week with the following fixes.

Read the full patch notes below:
  • Fixed two issues that occurred in the Shores of Sahti when entering with a savegame from a version prior to v.1.5 and locked the progress of the game. This occurred when entering the Dreadgnought and visiting the Merchant's Pier or Military Pier and accepting the event.
  • Fixed a bug that closed the path in the Sahti Shores when performing a Critical Success or Critical Failure when entering the Loa Passage using the group option roll.
  • Fixed an issue with the Story Time event in Senenthia that showed a bit more replies than intended.
  • Fixed a display bug that increased the current Act number when entering a dungeon.
  • Fixed a bug in multiplayer that in Singularity mode allowed you to duplicate a card if it came from a corruption reward.
  • Increased the score limit for madness 17 and 18. Now they should appear correctly in the scoreboard.

Across the Obelisk - The Sahti Collection | OUT NOW!

The Sahti Collection combines the Shores of Sahti Story Pack with the Bernard, the Alchemist and Sigrun, the Valkyrie Hero Packs. Uncover the mysteries of the Sahti Islands and unlock powerful strategies thanks to the addition of two new hybrid heroes. Your adventure on the high seas starts here!

Set sail for the Sahti Islands in this all-new pirate-themed adventure. Powerful factions are vying for dominance in this once-peaceful archipelago. Will you defend the indigenous people, exploit their natural resources or battle to emerge as king of the pirates? The choice is yours!

The 3 new set of DLC's are out now and available!

Along with the release of the DLC's, we have, by far, one of the biggest content patches we've worked on! Coming your way, for free! The patch will include the implementation of the winning card-back design from the community's "Design your cardback contest" to the game.


Xbox -https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9P7BHS51231V

Playstation - https://store.playstation.com/product/EP4139-PPSA21460_00-ATOTHESAHTICOLLE

Nintendo -https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/across-the-obelisk-switch/#dlc
[h3]The Shores of Sahti[/h3]


This Story Pack introduces a classic pirate setting to Across the Obelisk alongside an array of new items, enemies and secrets to discover.

Here’s what the Story Pack contains:

• Explore a tropical paradise thrown into chaos by the awakening of an ancient obelisk.
• Formidable foes have emerged from the depths of the ocean, threatening the existence of the spiritual Sahti people.
• Amid the turmoil, three powerful factions wrestle for control of the islands: the navy seeking to defend the locals, the greedy Company of Overseas Trade and feuding bands of pirates. Who will you side with?
• Face-off against 20 new enemies, three champion enemies and three new bosses, including the legendary Kraken.
• Bring two new pets to the party—Matey the parrot, and Mimy a mimic chest with a mouthful of teeth!
• Do battle in a gorgeous nautical combat theme.
• Thrilling new locations are yours to discover. Explore a mighty dreadnought, investigate a fearsome pirate fortress and solve the secrets of the briny deep.
• Navigate your way through a host of new events.
• Get to grips with 35 new items.
• Add a touch of seafaring flair to your deck with a new cardback design.

• Share the story with your co-op party. Only one person per party needs to own this Story Pack to play through the adventure.

Buy the Pack now!


Xbox - https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9N8VWBP83J11

Playstation - https://store.playstation.com/product/EP4139-PPSA21460_00-ATOSHORESOFSAHTI

Nintendo - https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/across-the-obelisk-switch/#dlc
[h3]Sigrun, the Valkyrie [/h3]


Here’s what the Hero pack contains:
• Sigrun, a mage-scout hybrid capable of summoning lightning and thunder to torment her foes.
• An agile, rapid hero. Thanks to her Spellsinger talent, Sigrun receives Elemental spells from the mage class for free and at zero cost.
• A new pet. Jelly the jellyfish is a master of lightning, just like her Valkyrie friend.
• Three unique skins suitable for any goddess who may find herself far from Valhalla.
• Three new Sahti Island-themed cardbacks.
• Custom replies for random events. Learn more about Sigrun’s mysterious past and noble quest to protect the Sahti people.
Discover an intriguing story and bring new strategies to bear with Sigrun, the Valkyrie.

Buy the Pack now!


Xbox - https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9P3MD871DFM2

Playstation - https://store.playstation.com/product/EP4139-PPSA21460_00-ATOSIGRUNVALK000

Nintendo - https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/across-the-obelisk-switch/#dlc
[h3]Bernard, the Alchemist[/h3]


Here’s what the Hero Pack contains:

• Bernard, a scout-healer hybrid, best placed to take advantage of Flask and Rust, the tag and curse introduced in update 1.5.
• A deceptive hero. Bernard might have the speed of a turtle, but his powers are much mightier! Use his mastery of Rust to inflict powerful effects on unsuspecting enemies or reduce the impact of negative effects on Bernard.
• Inky, the octopus, a pet with the ability to shoot ink and apply the Wet, Poison and Dark status effects.
• Three unique skins, each fit for adventuring on the high seas and beyond.
• Three new cardbacks with a Sahti Islands flavor.
• Custom replies for random events. Discover more about Bernard’s personality, backstory and hopes for a longer life.

Thanks to Bernard, the Alchemist and Inky, his eight-legged friend, you can discover powerful new combinations previously unseen.

Buy the Pack now!

Xbox - https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9N4G5BQ45PL5

Playstation - https://store.playstation.com/product/EP4139-PPSA21460_00-ATOBERNARDALCH00 https://store.playstation.com/product/UP4139-PPSA21461_00-ATOBERNARDALCH00

Nintendo - https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/across-the-obelisk-switch/#dlc
Adventure has never been so rewarding!

Across The Obelisk | Patch notes version 1.5

The countdown is almost over!

We're not very far from the release of the Sahti Collection DLCs, bringing you epic new adventures, unique heroes, and endless strategic possibilities. As mentioned, we also one of the biggest content patches for Across the Obelisk also coming your way along with the release.
Today, we have the patch notes for Update 1.5 packed with new features, improvements, and content for the game!

Let's dive into the patch notes!
A new gameplay mode has been introduced, were you can playy the adventure with a new set of rules, the same unlocks, and ten new Madness levels.
Heroes can only have one copy of any playable card, and they start with a new deck. Upgraded rewards cards will be more common, but altar upgrades are limited and divinations are disabled. Also town upgrades and chest rewards between games don't exist.
With this new game mode we want to introduce an exciting new way to play AtO and how to think about and set up your decks.
We have also added two new cardbacks that you can unlock by playing this game mode.
[hr][/hr][h3]Increased Madness levels[/h3]
2 new Madness levels for Adventure mode, increasing it to Madness 18. We have added the 9th base level and 1 new corruptor, Equalizer.

The Equalizer corruptor makes tha all thermometer combat rewards are equalized to the "Great" performance reward in that same combat. This means that no matter in which round the combat ends, you will always have the same reward of experience, gold and cards at the end. Note: With this corruptor activated, the only thing the thermometer will count for is for the purpose of improving the final score.

With this new corruptor we want to promote a game a little more relaxed and without the pressure of having to finish a fight quickly to finish in excellent. Also at high levels of madness we hope that with this corruptor we will open more opportunities to builds of a more defensive character or with more varied strategies, since at score level it won't matter so much in which round you finish the combat.
[hr][/hr][h3]Damage calculation changes[/h3]
We have changed how the damage is calculated for several cards that had two damage types and under certain conditions.
Damage has been unified when there are two sources of damage of the same type, either by the card itself (Fixed number + X) or by a card with two different sources but that have been transformed to the same type. From now on, in the damage preview and in the damage result, it will be counted as a single source (they will be added and then the bonuses will be applied), instead of two damage sources of the same type.

On the cards with 2 defined damage types, when converted to the same type, only 1 value will be shown on the card (remember to right click on the card to see the original card). We hope this change will make everything more consistent and intuitive.
We have improved the damage preview, showing the damage done for cards with "X" where x was 0, but it dealt damage due to having bonus damage.
[hr][/hr][h3]New Curse: Rust[/h3]
Rust is a new curse that modifies existing auras or curses in the game and has several functions.
On the one hand it increases the effect of Poison, Crack and Slow by 50%, on the other hand it also reduces the effect of Wet, Sharp and Fast by 50%. In addition, when applying Rust, it dispels Reinforce charges and each Rust charge prevents a Reinforce charge.
Rust has been added to several base game cards and some enemies, but this aura curse is more dominant on enemies coming from the Sahti Islands.
[hr][/hr][h3]Improved perk tooltips[/h3]
In combat all the tooltips of the auras and curses change dynamically according to the perks you have chosen and that will modify the aura or curse.
We have adjusted the powerful perk that increased powerful to 10% damage to 8% but reduced the max charges to -2 instead of -3.
[hr][/hr][h3]New Cards & items[/h3]
We have added 8 new cards and 6 new items to the base game.
New Cards: Amplify, Charged lunge, Compassion, Evaporate, Holy Water, Oxidant, Thorneater and Thunderbolt.
New Ítems: Alchemy pot, Cauldron, Exotic Spices, Fork, Rusty Boots and Salt.
[hr][/hr][h3]Card Changes[/h3]
Added a small fixed base damage to all cards(+20) that only had 1 damage type and dealt damage based on X aura or curse (Bane, Bloodbath, Shield Charge, etc). Also adjusted some of the values of the old cards of that type that already had a base damage to match the card changes.
  • Absorption: Added the Flask tag.
  • Backstab: Increased the damage sightly in all versions.
  • Ball Lightning: Blue versión, decreased damage to 16 (from 18) increased repeats to 7 (from 6)
  • Bloodforblood: Yellow versión changed to front Monster (from Monster).
  • Bulk Heal: Yellow versión now scales from Vanish pile instead of Discard pile, added vanish.
  • Burning Blood: Blue versión changed to target hero (from anyone).
  • Captivating Voice: white version is now common (from uncommon) slow reduced to 2 (from 3. Yellow version reduced cost to 1 (from 2), reduced damage and slow.
  • Corrupted Blade: Increased the damage and charges. Changed Yellow versión to apply rust instead of decay.
  • Dawnlight: Yellow versión, changed to work with cards on draw pile (from hand).
  • Dark Concoction: Added the Flask tag, changed upgrades to rare (from epic). Changed yellow version to work with self rust.
  • Deep Darkness: Blue versión, added vanish and now triples dark (from doublé), yellow versión now cost 3 (from 4).
  • Desperate Prayer: Increased healing a bit. Yellow version, added dispel paralize. Blue version, added dispel decay.
  • Detoxify: Added the Flask tag and upgrades are uncommon (from common). Blue version, added dispel rust and vanish.
  • Devastate: Increased damage a bit and added gain 1 fury to all versión. Yellow versión increased repeats up to 5 (from 4).
  • Disintegrate: Increased damage in all versión. Increased burn and spark charges in yellow versión.
  • Dilute: Added the Flask tag.
  • Electrocute: Increased damage, specially in the blue versión.
  • Endless Abyss: Increased damage a bit.
  • Energizing Serenade: yellow version, added an Overcharge option.
  • Entomb: Blue versión increased dark charges. Yellow versión increased dark scaling to x7 (from x6).
  • Holy Aegis: Changed Courage charges for Zeal charges and increased the vitality charges given.
  • Gunshot: Increased damage a bit.
  • Ice Comet: Increased damage. Upgrades are now Mythic, changed yellow versión.
  • Impale: increased damage.
  • Inner Fire: Blue versión changed to target hero (from anyone).
  • Meteor Shower: Increased damage, specially in the blue version.
  • Meteorite: Increased damage. Yellow versión now purges Reinforce.
  • Mesmeric Mirage: upgrades are now Mythic. Blue versión, increased damage and added purge buffer. Blue versión now also applies shackle.
  • Neverending Story: yellow version, reduced repeats up to 5 (from 6).
  • Neurotoxin: Added the Flask tag, increased damage and charges, upgrades are now mythic (from epic).
  • Panacea: Added the Flask tag.
  • Penance: Yellow versión, reduced damage by 1.
  • Poison Catalyst: Added the Flask tag.
  • Poison Flask: Added the Flask tag. White versión is now Rare (from Epic).
  • Pulverize: Yellow versión, increased crack to 2 (from 1).
  • Ray of Hope: Reduced cost of white version, added vanish to all version and ajusted values.
  • Revealing Flask: Added the Flask tag. Added gain Stanza I.
  • Ruin Bolt: Removed apply Mark and added apply Rust.
  • Siphon Life: Blue and yellow versions, increased dark to 2 (from 1).
  • Terrorize: Blue and yellow versions are now epic (from rare) and cost reduced cost by 1 on each.
  • Toxic Strike: Increased Poison charges in White and blue versions.
  • Thousand Needles: increased thorns charges by 1 in all versions. Added Overcharges to the Blue and Yellow upgrades.
  • Vile Gas: Added the Flask tag.
  • Void Crush: increased scaling to 0.5 (from 0.4) in the blue and yellow versions.
  • Yin Yang Bolt: Blue versión, increased scaling to 1.5. Yellow versión, reduced cost to 3 (from 4).
  • Holy Smite, Light Cuby card: increased sanctify to 4 (from 3).
  • Unholy Smite, Dark Cuby card: now also applies 1 scourge.

Added the new community Cardback.
New Weeklie Challenge, Pirates Ahoy! This weeklie challenge features some of the new bosses of the Sahti Islands and comes with his own Cardback.
Added a few new events over the world and events replies.
New sounds for some the enemies.
Fixed some text here and there.
Fixed all of the reported bugs.
This is one of the biggest content patches we have done so far, we hope you enjoy it!
As always thanks for your support and feedback

- The AtO Team.

Across the Obelisk - The Sahti Collection | Coming Jan 22nd, 2025

The Sahti Collection combines the Shores of Sahti Story Pack with the Bernard, the Alchemist and Sigrun, the Valkyrie Hero Packs. Uncover the mysteries of the Sahti Islands and unlock powerful strategies thanks to the addition of two new hybrid heroes. Your adventure on the high seas starts here!

Set sail for the Sahti Islands in this all-new pirate-themed adventure. Powerful factions are vying for dominance in this once-peaceful archipelago. Will you defend the indigenous people, exploit their natural resources or battle to emerge as king of the pirates? The choice is yours!

The 3 new set of DLC's are set to release on the 22nd of January, 2025. Along with the release of the DLC's, we have, by far, one of the biggest content patches we've worked on! Coming your way, for free! The patch will include the implementation of the winning card-back design from the community's "Design your cardback contest" to the game.

Buy the Sahti Collection Bundle and save 25%, bundle will be visible after release.
This Story Pack introduces a classic pirate setting to Across the Obelisk alongside an array of new items, enemies and secrets to discover.

Here’s what the Story Pack contains:

  • Explore a tropical paradise thrown into chaos by the awakening of an ancient obelisk.
  • Formidable foes have emerged from the depths of the ocean, threatening the existence of the spiritual Sahti people.
  • Amid the turmoil, three powerful factions wrestle for control of the islands: the navy seeking to defend the locals, the greedy Company of Overseas Trade and feuding bands of pirates. Who will you side with?
  • Face-off against 20 new enemies, three champion enemies and three new bosses, including the legendary Kraken.
  • Bring two new pets to the party—Matey the parrot, and Mimy a mimic chest with a mouthful of teeth!
  • Do battle in a gorgeous nautical combat theme.
  • Thrilling new locations are yours to discover. Explore a mighty dreadnought, investigate a fearsome pirate fortress and solve the secrets of the briny deep.
  • Navigate your way through a host of new events.
  • Get to grips with 35 new items.
  • Add a touch of seafaring flair to your deck with a new cardback design.
  • Share the story with your co-op party. Only one person per party needs to own this Story Pack to play through the adventure.
Buy the Pack now


Here’s what the Hero pack contains:
  • Sigrun, a mage-scout hybrid capable of summoning lightning and thunder to torment her foes.
  • An agile, rapid hero. Thanks to her Spellsinger talent, Sigrun receives Elemental spells from the mage class for free and at zero cost.
  • A new pet. Jelly the jellyfish is a master of lightning, just like her Valkyrie friend.
  • Three unique skins suitable for any goddess who may find herself far from Valhalla.
  • Three new Sahti Island-themed cardbacks.
  • Custom replies for random events. Learn more about Sigrun’s mysterious past and noble quest to protect the Sahti people.

Discover an intriguing story and bring new strategies to bear with Sigrun, the Valkyrie.

Buy the Pack now


Here’s what the Hero Pack contains:
  • Bernard, a scout-healer hybrid, best placed to take advantage of Flask and Rust, the tag and curse introduced in update 1.5.
  • A deceptive hero. Bernard might have the speed of a turtle, but his powers are much mightier! Use his mastery of Rust to inflict powerful effects on unsuspecting enemies or reduce the impact of negative effects on Bernard.
  • Inky, the octopus, a pet with the ability to shoot ink and apply the Wet, Poison and Dark status effects.
  • Three unique skins, each fit for adventuring on the high seas and beyond.
  • Three new cardbacks with a Sahti Islands flavor.
  • Custom replies for random events. Discover more about Bernard’s personality, backstory and hopes for a longer life.

Thanks to Bernard, the Alchemist and Inky, his eight-legged friend, you can discover powerful new combinations previously unseen.

Buy the Pack now
Adventure has never been so rewarding!

Across the Obelisk - Dev Diary #3 - Sahti Islands

Hi, everyone! Welcome to the third and final preview of our upcoming set of new DLC’s. In the first two parts, we introduced you to the two new multiclass heroes coming to the game—Sigrun, the Valkyrie, and Bernard, the alchemist. This time, our attention turns to the 3rd expansion setting, the once peaceful but now pirate-infested Sahti Islands.

In this diary, we’ll talk more about the lore behind the islands, the people who inhabit them and the different factions competing to dominate them.

Without further ado, let’s set sail!
[h3]A pirate’s life[/h3]
When we first started planning this expansion, we decided early on that we wanted to explore a classic fantasy setting. In particular, we were after a naturally adventurous theme with scope for exploration, excitement and recognisable character tropes. The idea of a pirate setting ticked all of these boxes. You can expect plenty of traditional pirate references, but we also wanted to ensure we added a touch of AtO magic. So, what can you expect to see from an Obelisk-style pirate fantasy? Dastardly pirates? It’d be weird without them. A friendly, superstitious native folk who live and die by their traditions? Absolutely. A powerful and cruel overseas trading company profiting by exploiting the islands? Naturally. A navy waging war against the pirates? 100%. Pirates feuding between themselves in a bid to become pirate king? Sure. Legendary creatures lurking beneath the waves? Check. Ridiculous pirate jokes? Aye! So, everything you’d want from a classic pirate experience, plus one or two surprises yet to be revealed…

That’s an overview of what to expect. Let’s take you deeper into the lore.

[h3]The lore[/h3]
The Sahti Islands are known as that because of the Sahti people who inhabit them. The Sahti are peaceful sea folk who live in communion with playful warden spirits called the Loa. Over the years, the Sahti have needed to defend themselves from those seeking to exploit their archipelago. The main offenders were the pirates and the greedy overseas trading company (COT), eager to turn the islands’ resources into cold, hard cash. An uneasy truce has existed between these factions. But everything changes when the Sahti Islands’ obelisk activates, awakening the terrifying Rust King and a hoard of ghastly creatures from beneath the waves. The chaos unleashed by the obelisk upsets the delicate balance between the factions. The navy is left struggling to protect the Sahti people. The trading company, hellbent on protecting its investment and profits, decides to step up the exploitation of the Sahti’s natural resources. On top of all that, the pirates are at war with each other to decide who will become the new pirate king. Turmoil is an understatement! So, this is the scene you will find yourselves in as you arrive at the Sahti Islands. But which group will you pledge your allegiance to? That’s up to you!

An important feature of this expansion is that you can decide which of the factions you side with. If you see yourself as a defender of the people, join the Sahti in their bid to protect their homeland. If gold and untold riches are what floats your boat, then get on board with the COT. Or perhaps you fancy becoming king of the pirates? Well then, sharpen your cutlass and practice your best ARGH.
[h3]May yer anchor be ever tight![/h3]
That brings us to the end of our Sahti Island previews. Before we go, here’s a handy list of all the new content coming your way as part of the expansion:

  • A new map to play in Act 2 or 3 of your adventure
  • One new subzone dungeon
  • A new combat theme
  • Loads of new events
  • 20 new enemies and three champion enemies
  • Three new bosses
  • 35 new items
  • Two new multiclass heroes (Sigrun and Bernard) and their pets
  • One cardback

The Sahti Islands story pack, and the Sigrun and Bernard hero packs will be available to download in a single bundle. Or, you can buy each of the three packs individually, if you prefer.

But that’s not all! Along with the release of these DLCs, we have a big free patch coming your way! This is one of the biggest free patches we’ve worked on so far, packed with fixes and improvements. Another exciting addition to the patch is the implementation of the winning cardback design from our community “Design your cardback contest” which will officially be part of the game.

We hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about the Sahti Islands. We’re thrilled to share the details with you and can’t wait for you to experience it. See you on the high seas!

- The AtO team