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Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game News

Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game is 25% off for a limited time!

[h2]Hey all![/h2]

Just popping in really quick to say that Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game is 25% OFF during the Steam Spring Sale! The OST is also on sale for 20% off!

We don't know when it'll go on sale next, and for how much, so if you've ever been interested in the game, now's the time to pick it up!

Alongside this, we've launched the Big Heccin' Update, which rebalances the game and adds more content and fun! Full details here.

Here's the image that we had made up for the sale:

[h2]THAT'S ALL FOR NOW![/h2]

Once again, thank you so much for checking out Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game, we hope to hear from many of you as you continue to make progress in the game!

Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 5, and Microsoft Xbox One and Series X/S right now! Join Jae and his friends on an unforgettable journey to the moon to try and fix the past!


Got any questions for us? Feel free to join our Discord, or just leave a question in the comments!

- Jimmy
Studio Kumiho

Version 1.2: The "Big Heccin'" Update is Here!

Hey all!

How have you been doing? It's been a while! Have you gotten around to doing your taxes? I've been trying to handle them but I have this thing I gotta do, and this other thing, you know?

All that aside, I'm here to announce that Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game V1.2: The "Big Heccin'" Update, is finally here!

Overall with this patch we aimed to bring Cricket closer in line with our initial vision of the game, things we wanted to fix and address for a while but straight up didn't have time to do. This means re-balancing the game, focusing up on some of the game's systems, bringing in some more story elements, and giving players a reason to explore the game world a bit more.

In particular, we wanted players to be able to tune their adventure with Jae and friends to their liking, as we heard a variety of opinions on the difficulty of the initial version of the game. The feedback did NOT go unheard!

Now, what's in this patch, you are almost certainly asking. Be patient! Just kidding, here's the patch notes:

New Features

- Optional hard mode: get the button timing for moves right or suffer huge consequences.
- Options menu has an enemy scale slider to make the game easier / harder.

New Content

- New weapons have been added: 3 for each character.
- New armor has been added: 3 for each character.
- New enemies: more robots, sock puppets, and sharks.
- Some enemies have new attacks.
- Enemies are tuned to be more difficult by default.
- Fewer enemy encounters, and time between respawns has been increased.
- More interactables, as in, more things to bump into!
- Some side characters now appear in town after their story sections are complete.
- Cutscene before final fight has additional dialogue and some fun other stuff ;)
- As you clear the game, check the Voicemail section of the Blokia menu every once in a while, you'll see.

Gameplay Changes

- Treasure has been moved around and is more interesting, more character tokens have been placed around the map.
- Character tokens boost stats, find as many as you can!
- More abilities have status effects, and status effects are more incorporated into the game strategy overall.


- Player attack descriptions are more helpful.
- Friendship levels are capped at 10 to reduce confusion.

For more information on the decision making behind this update, you can read more on our website here!

Thank you so much for playing and (ideally) enjoying Cricket, we do believe this is the best version of the game yet!

Cricket: Jae's Really Peculiar Game is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and the Sony Playstation 5 (and regional pricing for other areas) right now! Join Jae and his friends on an unforgettable journey to the moon to try and fix the past!


Got any questions for us? Feel free to join our Discord, or just leave a question in the comments!

- Jimmy
Studio Kumiho

Minor Patch v1.1.6

Hey all!

Because Jimmy is a pedant, we fixed an absolutely inconsequential line in localization to have better spacing.

That's it. A whole patch for that. Nice.

Thanks for playing Cricket!

Minor Patch 1.1.5

Hey all!

Just a very tiny change this go around:
- Fixed a NPC not displaying text when you talked to them in Strawtown

Thanks for playing Cricket!

Minor Patch 1.1.4

Hey all!

Tiny patch today:
- Fixed a miscolored object during a Trio attack

Thanks for playing Cricket!