2. News


Application Data Update and Server Maintenance Notice

Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Server maintenance will be performed on the following schedule.
◇Date & Time
[PDT] 03/12/2025 22:00 – 03/13/2025 01:00 [Scheduled]
[CET] 03/13/2025 06:00 – 03/13/2025 09:00 [Scheduled]
◇Maintenance Details
・Application Data Update
・Supply Drop Lineup Update
 ※Please note that you will not be able to log in to the game during the maintenance.
 ※The end time may vary depending on the maintenance status. Please understand this in advance.
 ※Entering the maintenance during matching may cause unexpected errors.
  Please log out of the game before maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
[PDT] 03/13/2025 / [CET] 03/13/2025 Updated content is listed below.
■Notice of Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025
Starting from [PDT] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025, "Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025" will be held.
  [PDT] 03/06/2025 02:00 – 03/17/2025 21:59 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/18/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
  ※Ongoing campaign details are listed below.
■Gundam Mk-II [Magallanica Issued] LV1 Guaranteed STEP UP Supply Drop
Starting from [PDT] 03/13/2025 / [CET] 03/13/2025,
Gundam Mk-II [Magallanica Issued] LV1 Guaranteed STEP UP Supply Drop will begin.

  [PDT] 03/13/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 21:30 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP5.
  The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request, as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4 → STEP5.
  Once STEP5 finishes, the Boosted Supply Drop will end.
  ・STEP1 (15 Tokens): Tokens 50% OFF!
  ・STEP2 (30 Tokens): ★★ and above Materials Drop Rate x1.5!
  ・STEP3 (30 Tokens): 1 ★★★ or above rarity MS guaranteed!
  ・STEP4 (15 Tokens): Tokens 50% OFF!
  ・STEP5 (30 Tokens): 1 Gundam Mk-II [Magallanica Issued] LV1 guaranteed!
 ※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops.
   For Details, please check [Item List].
■Notice of “Limited Supply Drop!! Fafnir”
Starting from [PDT] 03/13/2025 / [CET] 03/13/2025, a Limited Supply Drop with a MS drop rate boosted event will begin.

  [PDT] 03/13/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 21:30 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  During the period, “Limited Supply Drop (Once / 10 Times)” can be requested from the material counter.
  During the Limited Supply Drop, Fafnir’s drop rate will be increased.
 ■Featured material with a Big Boost to its supply drop rate
  In the Limited Supply Drop, drop rate on each unit LV and weapons will be affected respectively.
  ◎Supply drop rate increase① (Item Amount 1)
   ・★★★ Fafnir LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 650)
  ◎Supply drop rate increase② (Item Amount 1)
   ・★★★ Fafnir LV2 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 700)
  ◎Supply drop rate increase③ (Item Amount 2)
   ・★★ Fafnir Beam Rifle LV2
   ・★ Fafnir Beam Saber x2 LV2
 ■Supply Drops that are affected by the drop rate increase
  ・Limited Supply Drop
※Materials those can be received from this Limited Supply Drop will be as same as the current normal Supply Drop lineup.
 Differing from the standard Supply Drop, only the specified items in the Limited Supply Drop will be boosted.
※Drop rate increases of the Limited Supply Drop will affect the units of each LV and the units’ main weapon differently.
 While LV 1-2 unit and weapons are affected by the drop rate increases as below.
  ・LV1 Unit’s drop rate increased by “3%”
  ・LV2 Unit’s drop rate increased by “3%”
  ・Main weapons’ drop rate Increase “3%”
 The Supply Drop rate increases is made by the reducing the drop rate of “★” rarity items.
※Regarding the detailed lineup of the Limited Supply Drop, please check [Item List].
※The amount of tokens required to request a Limited Supply Drop is the same as normal Supply Drop.
 (Once – 3 tokens / 10 Times – 30 tokens)
■Notice of Supply Drop Lineup “Gundam Mk-II [Magallanica Issued]”
Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.

  [PDT] 03/13/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 21:30 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
 ■Added New Materials
  ・★★★ Gundam Mk-II [Magallanica Issued] LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 550)
   ※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
  ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・General unit with cost of 550.
  ・This modified variant of the Gundam Mk-II was used by the Magallanican government,
   and played a defensive role in the Republic of Zeon after the Laplace Incident occurred.
  ・Although heavily damaged at the end of the Gryps War and later repaired,
   it remained a core role of the AEUG until the First Neo Zeon War.
   However, it is said that it was damaged during the final stage of the war and ultimately discarded within Axis.
  ・After the Laplace Incident, this unit underwent extensive modifications for comprehensive enhancement,
   including internal structural improvements, while docked in Magallanica under the Republic of Zeon.
   A special reinforcement was added to the right arm so that a Beam Magnum could be used,
   similar to the splint on the right arm of the Döven Wolf.
   As a result, the right arm was significantly enlarged, creating a unique unit shape.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
   ※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
   ※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
 Sub-weapon “Knuckles Dummy Balloon”
 ・Deploys a decoy balloon.
  The balloon will be marked on the enemies’ radar as your MS.
  Balloon can be detonated by reloading the weapon.
  Temporarily decreases enemy mobility on hit.
 ■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
  Beginning from [PDT] 03/13/2025 01:00 / [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00,
  1 random exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.

   [PDT] 03/13/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 21:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  ■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
   Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
  ■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
    Normal Suit: AEUG 02
    Helmet: AEUG 02
   ※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop,
    and get 1 extra item.
   ※Single Supply Drop is NOT applied with this benefit.
    The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request the 1-Attempt Supply Drop ten times in a row.
 ■Other materials
   ・★★★ Fafnir LV2 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 700)
   ※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.

   ※For more information regarding the updated supply drop lineup, please refer to the [Supply Drop List].
 ■Notice of [Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign]
  Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
   [PDT] 03/13/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 21:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  ■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
  ・★★★ Gundam Mk-II [Magallanica Issued] LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 550)
  ■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
   ・Normal Supply Drop
    ※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.
■New Materials for exchange are added to Recycle Counter.
 ⇒ Information about newly added materials
 ・★★ Galluss-J LV4 added
 ・★★ Prototype Stark Jegan LV4 added

 ■Main weapon
 ・★ Stark Jegan Hyper Bazooka LV4 added

  ※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter from [JST] 03/13/2025 – 03/14/2025.
■New Materials for exchange are added to DP exchange Counter.
 ⇒ Information about newly added materials
 ・★★ Geara Zulu (EH) LV2 added

■Rating Match/Quick Match Game Modes are updated.
 ※There may be differences about the game mode with the information above,
  which were introduced during the previous update regarding [Possible Game Modes].
■Some MS spec is adjusted for the Situation Battle “The Final Battle, A Baoa Qu”.
 ■Adjusted MS
 ◎Team A
  ⇒ Greater MS spec
  ⇒ Greater MS spec
 ・GM Command Space Type
  ⇒ Greater MS spec
  ⇒ Greater MS spec
■Schedule for this week's weekend-only battle
 ◎Weekend-only battle schedule
  ・[PDT] 03/13/2025 12:00 – 03/16/2025 11:59
  ・[CET] 03/13/2025 20:00 – 03/16/2025 19:59
 ◎Special Rules
  ・"Mix-up", "Simple Battle", "Shuffle Target", "Brawl Match" and "Duel Match" will be held in every 2 hours.
  ・Situation Battle “The Final Battle, A Baoa Qu” will be held.
■Next Clan Match Schedule
Please refer, here for the next Clan Match schedule and reward collection period.
For an overview of the Clan Match, please refer here.
The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our X (Twitter) in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".

Notice About Suspension of Some Accounts(2025/03/06)

Thank you for playing "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
This is the Steam® version oeperations team.
Currently, we are receiving reports indicating that regular gameplay is being disrupted due to unauthorized behavior.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to users who are enjoying the game normally.
We have been conducting investigations based on the reports we have received and information
from our internal investigation criteria, and in response to these disruptive actions,
we have been monitoring the action logs as appropriate on the management side.
We would like to report that for the accounts where issues were confirmed,
measures to halt gameplay have been successfully implemented.
As of 28th february, 2025 [JST]
■Number of Account Suspension Cases
Number of Accounts Addressed
~July 2023
350 Accounts
August 2023
4,477 Accounts
September 2023
1,463 Accounts
October 2023
921 Accounts
November 2023
930 Accounts
December 2023
347 Accounts
January 2024
379 Accounts
February 2024
306 Accounts
March 2024
306 Accounts
April 2024
372 Accounts
May 2024
207 Accounts
June 2024
95 Accounts
July 2024
439 Accounts
August 2024
1347 Accounts
September 2024
514 Accounts
October 2024
505 Accounts
November 2024
347 Accounts
December 2024
269 Accounts
January 2025
167 Accounts
February 2025
99 Accounts

■ Actions Taken: Permanent Usage Suspension, etc.
As this online competitive game thrives through everyone's collaboration
the management will continue to investigate accounts that are deemed to be
violating the terms of use or engaging in disruptive behavior towards others.
If disruptive or interfering actions are confirmed,
we may halt gameplay for the relevant accounts without prior notice.
We kindly ask for your understanding in advance.
Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to users who have provided information about those
engaging in disruptive or interfering behavior and have cooperated with our investigations.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
※Please note that if there are repeated instances of false reports, penalties may be imposed on the reporting users as well.
If you come across players who might be engaging in unfair practices or using unauthorized tools
during gameplay in the future, we kindly request your cooperation in providing information
through the "Contact Form" mentioned below.
▼Contact (Inquiry)
We are committed to applying penalties to those involved in unfair practices and tool usage, for the sake of our players.
We ask for your continued support for "Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2."
Thank you.

[Situation Battle] Schedule(2025/03/06)

Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.

■Next Situation Battle Schedule
 1st week: 03/06/2025 11:00 – 03/09/2025 10:59
 2nd week: 03/13/2025 11:00 – 03/16/2025 10:59
 1st week: 03/06/2025 20:00 – 03/09/2025 19:59
 2nd week: 03/13/2025 20:00 – 03/16/2025 19:59
 The Final Battle, A Baoa Qu

 Space Fortress Interior
No. of Players
 5 vs 5
Team A
Main weapons
Ranged: Gundam Beam Rifle
Melee: Beam Saber [Enhanced]
Ranged: GunCannon Beam Rifle
Melee: Blow
Ranged: Quadruple BOP Missile x2
Melee: Gun Barrel Punch
GM Command Space Type
Ranged: Hyper Bazooka
Melee: Beam Saber [Late Model]
Ranged: Beam Spray Gun
Melee: Beam Saber

 Unit “Gundam” will have extra skill “Forced Injector LV2” and “Environment Specialization: Space”.
 Unit “GM” will have extra skill “Melee Combo Controller LV1” and “Emergency Evasion System LV1”.

Team B
Main weapons
Ranged: 5-Barrel Mega P.C. x2
Melee: Blow [Enhanced]
Ranged: Gelgoog Beam Rifle
Melee: Beam Naginata
Ranged: Prototype 5-Barrel Mega P.C. x2
Melee: Blow
Rick Dom
Ranged: Giant Bazooka
Melee: Heat Saber
Zaku II
Ranged: Zaku Bazooka
Melee: Heat Hawk

 Unit “Zaku II” will have extra skill “Melee Combo Controller LV1” and “Emergency Evasion System LV1”.

 ※You can join this mode even you don't have any MS on the list.
  Pilot will be assigned a random MS from team A or B.
 ※MS status in this mode will different from the normal, also the main weapons and custom part cannot be changed.
  Default MS and pilot appearance will also be used in this mode.
 ※You can check the MS list in sortie counter.
◆Situation “The Final Battle, A Baoa Qu” rewards
 Directives for Situation Battle will be available to pilots during the period.
 You can finish the missions and claim the rewards before the schedule cycle is over.
  ◎1st week
   ・STEP1: Gundam LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 550)
   ・STEP2: 10,000DP
   ・STEP3: 40,000DP

  ◎2nd week
   ・STEP1: Zeong LV1 (General unit, space only, cost: 550)
   ・STEP2: 10,000DP
   ・STEP3: 40,000DP
 ※The details of the directives and their achievement status can be checked by pressing [tab]
  in basecamp or even sortie room.
 ※Rewards can be gained in the Rewards Center.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".

Notice of Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025

Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Thank you for your constant support, pilots!
We would like to announce that "Ri-Shun Festival post-event 2025" is about to start!
■Notice of Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025
Starting from [PST] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025, "Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025" will begin.
  [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/18/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
  We will have some event ongoing during the campaign.
■【Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025: ①】 2 ★★★ MS guaranteed Free 10-consecutive Supply Drop
During the campaign, 2 ★★★ or above MS guaranteed Free 10-consecutive Supply Drop are
now holding twice (1st and 2nd week) and lasting for 2 weeks!

  1st week:
   [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  2nd week:
   [PST] 03/13/2025 00:00 – 03/17/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  During the event, pilot can request 1 free 10-consecutive Special Supply Drop in both 1st and 2nd week.
  All materials in this Special Supply Drop will be MS only, and 2 ★★★ or above MS will be guaranteed as well!
※This Special Supply Drop will contain all materials on the lineup updated after [JST] 07/29/2021 on other platform.
 (Supplies to be drawn in the special Supply Drops include all MS and weapons that have been previously excluded,
  also Freedom Gundam LV1, Dijeh [Luio & Co. Type] Lv1, Burning Gundam LV1 and Char's Z'Gok LV1
  which are only on Steam version.)
※Regarding the Special Supply Drops and their percentages, check the [Item List].
■【Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025: ②】 Special STEP UP Supply Drop
Starting from [PST] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025, "Special STEP UP Supply Drop" will begin.

  [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/18/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP4.
  The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request, as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4.
  Once you reach STEP4, “Special STEP UP Supply Drop” will end.
  We have a bunch of handpicked materials for you in this Supply Drop!
 ◎STEP1 (15 tokens)
  token 50% off + 1 ★★ handpicked MS guaranteed!
 ◎STEP2 (30 tokens)
  1 ★★★ handpicked MS guaranteed!
  + New custom part “Overtuning (Melee) LV2” for bonus!
 ◎STEP3 (30 tokens)
  1 ★★ handpicked MS & 1 ★★★ handpicked MS guaranteed!
  + New custom part “Overtuning (Ranged) LV2” for bonus!
 ◎STEP4 (30 tokens)
  All drops will be ★★ or above handpicked MS!
  + New custom part “Enhancement Program [Melee] for bonus!
 ■Custom parts
  Overtuning (Melee) LV2
  Increases melee damage to enemies by 6%.
  Adds an additional 2% per unit level.
  Bonus for multiples of part cap at 12%.

  Overtuning (Ranged) LV2
  Increases ranged damage to enemies by 4%.
  Adds an additional 2% per unit level.
  Bonus for multiples of part cap at 10%.

  Enhancement Program [Melee] LV1
  Melee Strength, Melee Resistance, High Speed Movement, Thruster and MS Turning Speed increase 1.
  An additional 1 is provided per Unit LV.
  This custom part can be enhanced up to LV 5.

※MS guaranteed in each STEP will all be LV1 MS that new added to the lineup in 2024 on other platform.
 In addition, other materials (MS and weapons) in this Supply Drop will also be new added items
 on the lineup in 2024 on other platform.
 (Supplies to be drawn in the special Supply Drops include MS and weapons that have been previously excluded,
 also Freedom Gundam LV1, Dijeh [Luio & Co. Type] Lv1, Burning Gundam LV1 and Char's Z'Gok LV1
 which are only on Steam version.)
  For details, please check the [Item List].
※While an application update will be applied on [PST] 03/13/2025 00:00/ [CET] 03/13/2025 09:00 (scheduled)
 during the event, please note that the STEP count will NOT be reset after the update.
■【Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025: ③】 Daily Mission Challenge
During the campaign, pilots will obtain ★★ or ★★★ Mechanic tickets by completing Daily missions everyday.
140 ★★ and 120 ★★★ Mechanic tickets you will get in total if you get all daily mission done during the event!

※If you have already completed the daily mission before the update on [JST] 03/06/2025 18:00,
 you will be able to update the counting of “Complete all missions” by going out once in battle after the update.
■【Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025: ④】 Daily Bonus Boosting Campaign
During the event, basic daily bonus can be claimed from 3 ⇒ 6 everyday! Come and join battles!

The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our X (Twitter) in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".

Application Data Update and Server Maintenance Notice

Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Server maintenance will be performed on the following schedule.
◇Date & Time
[PST] 03/05/2025 21:00 – 03/06/2025 01:00 [Scheduled]
[CET] 03/06/2025 06:00 – 03/06/2025 10:00 [Scheduled]
◇Maintenance Details
・Application Data Update
・Supply Drop Lineup Update
 ※Please note that you will not be able to log in to the game during the maintenance.
 ※The end time may vary depending on the maintenance status. Please understand this in advance.
 ※Entering the maintenance during matching may cause unexpected errors.
  Please log out of the game before maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
[PST] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025 Updated content is listed below.
■Notice of Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025
Starting from [PST] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025, "Ri-shun Festival post-event 2025" will begin.
  [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/17/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/18/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
  ※Ongoing campaign details are listed below.
■Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] guaranteed STEP UP Supply Drop
Starting from [PST] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025,
“Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] guaranteed STEP UP Supply Drop” will begin.

  [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP10.
  The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request,
  as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4 → STEP5 → STEP6 → STEP7 → STEP8 → STEP9 → STEP10.
  After STEP10 is requested, Boosted Supply Drop will be over.
  ・STEP1 (15 Tokens): Tokens 50% OFF!
  ・STEP2 (30 Tokens): 50 ★★★★★ Mechanic tickets for bonus!
  ・STEP3 (30 Tokens): 50 ★★★★★ Modification kits for bonus!
  ・STEP4 (30 Tokens): ALL Drops will be MS! + Accessory “Backpack: Unicorn Gundam [Awaken]” for bonus!!!
  ・STEP5 (30 Tokens): 100 ★★★★★ Mechanic tickets for bonus!
  ・STEP6 (30 Tokens): 100 ★★★★★ Modification kits for bonus!
  ・STEP7 (30 Tokens): 1 “Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] LV1” guaranteed!
                  + Custom part “Melee ATK-DEF Program LV1” guaranteed!!
  ・STEP8 (30 Tokens): 1 ★★ MS & 1 ★★★ MS guaranteed! + 300 ★★★★★ Mechanic tickets for bonus!!
  ・STEP9 (30 Tokens): 2 ★★ MS & 1 ★★★ MS guaranteed! + 300 ★★★★★ Modification kits for bonus!
  ・STEP10 (30 Tokens): Another “Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] LV1” guaranteed!
                   + 1 ★★★★ MS guaranteed! + Accessory “Mask: Unicorn Gundam [Awaken]” for bonus!!!
 ■Custom part
 ◎Melee ATK-DEF Program LV1
 ・Increase melee boost by 5.
  Reduce melee attack damage taken by 10%.

 ※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops.
   For Details, please check [Item List].
■Notice of Supply Drop Lineup “Unicorn Gundam [Awakened]”
Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.

  [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
 ■Added New Materials
  ・★★★★★ Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] LV1 (Raid unit, ground/space uses, cost: 700)
   ※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
  ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・Raid unit with cost of 700.
  ・FA Unicorn Gundam in its full battle configuration with all its weapons runs out.
  ・The Unicorn Gundam’s pilot, Banagher Links, overcame numerous hardships and grew as a result,
   and in response to his strong wishes, the Psycho-frame system emits from red to green.
  ・Remotely controlling a simple shield like a funnel, forming a special force field,
   and piercing Neo Zeong’s armor with a blow, such events could be regarded as miracles,
   for it is not mechanically possible, as well as pointing to the superhuman abilities of Newtype pilots.
  ・Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] is equipped with shield funnels,
   which is a combined offensive and defensive weapon, as well as a beam magnum and head vulcan.
   In addition, this unit has an all-time effect of nullifying the “psycommu jack” effect,
   which was originally denying the access to psycommu weapons.
   And the skill “Awaken Ability Boost (B)” not only improves the performance of the unit itself,
   but also allows the recovery of units in your army when the skill is activated,
   making it a unit with the “potential” to turn the tide of battle even in critical situations.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
   ※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
   ※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
 Skill “Awaken Ability Boost (B)”
 ・Activates automatically once only when HP goes under a certain value with following effects.
 ・Boosting unit spec.
 ・Reduced thruster consumption when starting and during the high-speed movement.
 ・Extending the lock-on time of enemies’ psycommu weapons.
 ・When damage is dealt to an enemy MS with a melee attack or counter attack,
  additional damage is dealt depending on the remaining HP of the enemy MS
  In addition, the HP of allies within a certain range immediately after the skill is activated will be recovered by
  a certain amount, and the HP of each part (head, rear, legs) is fully recovered.
  The amount of recovery increases the lower the remaining HP of the target is.
 Skill “Shield Funnel Special Def System”
 ・When an equipped shield funnel is attacked, damage taken will be reduced.
  If hit by a ranged beam attack, damage and reaction are further reduced.
 Skill “Shield Funnels x2 [Sensor]”
 ・Deploy 2 shield funnels when using the weapon.
  Deployed shield funnels will follow the unit for a certain period of time
  and automatically attack enemy MS within range.
  If the MS is downed, the deployment will be canceled and the weapon will be forced into overheat.

 ■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
  Beginning from [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 / [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00,
  1 random exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.

   [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  ■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
   Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
  ■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
    Normal Suit: Vist Foundation 01
    Helmet: Vist Foundation 01
   ※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop,
    and get 1 extra item.
   ※Single Supply Drop is NOT applied with this benefit.
    The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request the 1-Attempt Supply Drop ten times in a row.
 ■Other materials
  ・★ GM II LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 450)
  ・★ High Mobility Zaku LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 450)
  ・★ High Mobility Zaku Ground Type LV4 (General unit, ground only, cost: 450)

 ■Removed Materials from the Supply Drop
  Some materials are removed from the supply drop lineup.
   ※For more information regarding the updated supply drop lineup, please refer to the [Supply Drop List].
 ■Notice of [Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign]
  Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
   [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  ■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
  ・★★★★★ Unicorn Gundam [Awakened] LV1 (Raid unit, ground/space uses, cost: 700)
  ■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
   ・Normal Supply Drop
    ※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.
 ■Time Limited Special Hangar unlocking campaign
  Starting from [PST] 03/06/2025 / [CET] 03/06/2025, Time Limited Special Hangar unlocking campaign will begin.
   [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 04/12/2025 11:59 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 04/12/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
   During the period, pilot who obtain a new ★★★★★ MS from Supply Drop will unlock
   a time limited hangar slot for MS enhancement.

 ※Hangar slot can only be used during the campaign.
  (If the campaign ended while the slot used for MS enhancement,
  then the slot will be no longer available after the enhancement is finished.)
■Overview of “GBO DAYS”
We have different events for all pilots [JST] every first Thursday through the first Sunday
as our big campaign "GBO Days"!

 ■What is GBO Days?
  GBO Days is a special monthly campaign that will start at the first Thursday of every month at [JST] 17:00
  until the next Monday [JST] 04:59 [scheduled].
  Pilots who always play GBO2 will receive a lot of benefits, furthermore,
  new and returning pilots will be even benefited from some of the content during the campaign!
 ■GBO Days March Schedule
  [PST] 03/06/2025 01:00 – 03/09/2025 11:59 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 03/06/2025 10:00 – 03/09/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
 ■Campaign Details
  During the period,
  ①Free "Guaranteed Mobile Suit Supply Drops" that can be requested once a day! (Up to 4 Units!)
  ②"Special Supply Drop" with 2 guaranteed ★★★ or above rarity MS can be requested once! (10 Times/30 Tokens)
  ③Basic rewards (EXP, DP, CP) after battle will be doubled!
   If you are a new or returning pilot, it will be increased to 5 times!
  ④New & returning pilots always have a 100% container discovery rate of the recon team!
   Also, veteran pilots of GBO2 who sortie with, new & returning pilots,
   their observation unit's container discovery rate will be increased by 30%!
 ※New pilots must start up GBO2 for the first time and click "GAME START" on the title screen within 14 days.
 ※Returning pilots are those who have not logged in for at least 45 days since the last logged out of GBO2.
 ※Please note that basic rewards will not be increased if pilot has started a game session after the campaign period.
 ※The number of containers that can be found will be only two per day.
 ※If you have been awarded with Premium War Merit badge,
  the number of containers you can find per day will be increased.
 ※Date will be updated daily at 5:00 AM [JST].
 ※If Penalty status is [PENALTY LV1] or above, you will not able to get any container.
■New Materials for exchange are added to DP exchange Counter.
 ⇒ Information about newly added materials
 ・★★★ Gundam GP01 [Aqua] LV1 added
 ・★★★ Dijeh (CA) LV2 added
 ・★★ Advanced Hazel LV2 added
 ・★★ Jesta [Shezarr Type Team B] LV2 added


■Rating Match/Quick Match Game Modes are updated.
 ※There may be differences about the game mode with the information above,
  which were introduced during the previous update regarding [Possible Game Modes].

■Situation Battle is now updated.
 ⇒ The topic of the week is “The Final Battle, A Baoa Qu”.
 ※For more details about this week’s Situation Battle, please click here.

■Schedule for this week's weekend-only battle
 ◎Weekend-only battle schedule
  ・[PST] 03/06/2025 11:00 – 03/09/2025 10:59
  ・[CET] 03/06/2025 20:00 – 03/09/2025 19:59
 ◎Special Rules
  ・"Mix-up", "Simple Battle", "Shuffle Target", "Brawl Match" and "Duel Match" will be held in every 2 hours.
  ・Situation Battle “The Final Battle, A Baoa Qu” will be held.
■Next Clan Match Schedule
Please refer, here for the next Clan Match schedule and reward collection period.
For an overview of the Clan Match, please refer here.
■Update for Clan Match reward MS!
 New reward MS for Clan Match is available from [JST] 03/09/2025.

 ■New MS
  ・★★ GM Shooter (Support unit, ground/space uses, cost: 500)
 ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・Support unit with cost of 500.
  ・A unit reused the GM Sniper II for ultra-long-range support MS.
  ・Due to the improvements made to sub-flight systems (SFS) after the One Year War,
   MSs now become more capable of performing aerial attacks.
   For this reason, even in the late 0090s,
   MS without variable mechanisms and bases with poor defense facilities still required sniper units
   and other MS that could provide medium- and long-range support from the perspective of air defense.
  ・Although this unit is based on the outdated GM Sniper II,
   operation was streamlined for use with a high-output long-range beam rifle.
   By integrating and downsizing its cooling system and energy packs to fit within its backpack,
   it was able to provide sustained, ultra-long-range fire as a standalone MS.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
 ※Since the lineup has been updated, “Condition of claiming Clan Match reward MS” has been reset as well.
The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our X (Twitter) in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".