Notice About Suspension of Some Accounts(2025/02/06)
Thank you for playing "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
This is the Steam® version oeperations team.
Currently, we are receiving reports indicating that regular gameplay is being disrupted due to unauthorized behavior.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to users who are enjoying the game normally.
We have been conducting investigations based on the reports we have received and information
from our internal investigation criteria, and in response to these disruptive actions,
we have been monitoring the action logs as appropriate on the management side.
We would like to report that for the accounts where issues were confirmed,
measures to halt gameplay have been successfully implemented.
As of 31th January, 2025 [JST]
■Number of Account Suspension Cases
■ Actions Taken: Permanent Usage Suspension, etc.
As this online competitive game thrives through everyone's collaboration
the management will continue to investigate accounts that are deemed to be
violating the terms of use or engaging in disruptive behavior towards others.
If disruptive or interfering actions are confirmed,
we may halt gameplay for the relevant accounts without prior notice.
We kindly ask for your understanding in advance.
Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to users who have provided information about those
engaging in disruptive or interfering behavior and have cooperated with our investigations.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
※Please note that if there are repeated instances of false reports, penalties may be imposed on the reporting users as well.
If you come across players who might be engaging in unfair practices or using unauthorized tools
during gameplay in the future, we kindly request your cooperation in providing information
through the "Contact Form" mentioned below.
▼Contact (Inquiry)
We are committed to applying penalties to those involved in unfair practices and tool usage, for the sake of our players.
We ask for your continued support for "Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2."
Thank you.
This is the Steam® version oeperations team.
Currently, we are receiving reports indicating that regular gameplay is being disrupted due to unauthorized behavior.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to users who are enjoying the game normally.
We have been conducting investigations based on the reports we have received and information
from our internal investigation criteria, and in response to these disruptive actions,
we have been monitoring the action logs as appropriate on the management side.
We would like to report that for the accounts where issues were confirmed,
measures to halt gameplay have been successfully implemented.
As of 31th January, 2025 [JST]
■Number of Account Suspension Cases
Number of Accounts Addressed
~July 2023
350 Accounts
August 2023
4,477 Accounts
September 2023
1,463 Accounts
October 2023
921 Accounts
November 2023
930 Accounts
December 2023
347 Accounts
January 2024
379 Accounts
February 2024
306 Accounts
March 2024
306 Accounts
April 2024
372 Accounts
May 2024
207 Accounts
June 2024
95 Accounts
July 2024
439 Accounts
August 2024
1347 Accounts
September 2024
514 Accounts
October 2024
505 Accounts
November 2024
347 Accounts
December 2024
269 Accounts
January 2025
167 Accounts
■ Actions Taken: Permanent Usage Suspension, etc.
As this online competitive game thrives through everyone's collaboration
the management will continue to investigate accounts that are deemed to be
violating the terms of use or engaging in disruptive behavior towards others.
If disruptive or interfering actions are confirmed,
we may halt gameplay for the relevant accounts without prior notice.
We kindly ask for your understanding in advance.
Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to users who have provided information about those
engaging in disruptive or interfering behavior and have cooperated with our investigations.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
※Please note that if there are repeated instances of false reports, penalties may be imposed on the reporting users as well.
If you come across players who might be engaging in unfair practices or using unauthorized tools
during gameplay in the future, we kindly request your cooperation in providing information
through the "Contact Form" mentioned below.
▼Contact (Inquiry)
We are committed to applying penalties to those involved in unfair practices and tool usage, for the sake of our players.
We ask for your continued support for "Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2."
Thank you.