2. News
  3. Ri-Shun Festival 2025

Ri-Shun Festival 2025

Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Thank you for your constant support, pilots!
We would like to announce that "Ri-Shun Festival Pre-event 2025" is about to start!
■Ri-Shun Festival 2025
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "Ri-shun Festival 2025" will begin.
  [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 03/05/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 03/06/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025: ①】 ★★★★ Unicorn Gundam for login bonus!

All pilots!
Come and login to GBO2 to gain your own present ★★★★ MS “Unicorn Gundam LV1” during Ri-Shun Festival 2025!
※You can receive the present from Reward Center.
※Pilots who already have the MS or the weapon will obtain a number of recycle tickets instead.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025: ②】 Up to 40 Free Supply Drops!
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "Up to 40 Free Supply Drops!" will begin.

  1st week:
   [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  2nd week:
   [PST] 02/13/2025 00:00 – 02/19/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/13/2025 09:00 – 02/20/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  3rd week:
   [PST] 02/20/2025 00:00 – 02/26/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/20/2025 09:00 – 02/27/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  4th week:
   [PST] 02/27/2025 00:00 – 03/05/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/27/2025 09:00 – 03/06/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
  During the Period, Special Supply Drops (10 Times) that include all MS and Weapons that are appeared
  by previous Supply Drops can be requested, once for free every week. (Up to 40!)
  Furthermore, 2 ★★ or above MS + 1 ★★★ or above MS is guaranteed in each Drops!
  (Up to 8 ★★ or above MS + 4 ★★★ above MS is guaranteed!)
※Right to request a Supply Drops is updated on every [PST] Thursday at 00:00 / [CET] at 09:00 [Scheduled]
 during the campaign period.
※This Special Supply Drop will contain all materials on the lineup updated after [JST] 07/29/2021 on other platform.
 (Supplies to be drawn in the special Supply Drops include all MS and weapons that have been previously excluded,
 also Freedom Gundam LV1, Dijeh[Luio & Co. Type] Lv1 and Burning Gundam LV1 which are only on Steam version.)
※Regarding the lineup of Special Supply Drops and Drop Rates, please check [Item List] during the campaign period.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:③】 5 Special Supply Drop!

  During the period, STEP UP Supply Drop [round 1] down to [round 4] will be available to all pilots.
 ■Recommended for [all pilots]!
  [Round 1]: Handpicked ★★★★ MS guaranteed STEP UP Supply Drop!
  1 Handpicked ★★★★ MS is now guaranteed in the final STEP!
  ※For more details, please click here.
   [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
※Details of the [Round 2] - [Round 4] will be announced in the near future.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:④】 Limited Special Mission every week!
Weekly Time Limited missions! Complete the missions and get special rewards!

■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:④-1】 Limited Special Mission [Round 1]
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "Limited Special Mission [Round 1]" will begin.

   [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
   During the period, special mission will be available for all pilots.
   By completing the mission, pilots will able to obtain limited rewards such as MS.
  ■Mission reward
    ・★★ Re-GZID LV1 – 2 (Support unit, ground/space uses, Cost 600–)

  ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・Support Unit with cost of 600.
  ・One of the units manufactured for the official selection model screening group.
   Development began while researching transformable units based on Zeta Gundam after the Gryps War.
  ・Also this MS is based on Amuro Ray’s concept, this MS was close to mass production
   due to its high cost performance, since some parts are using the same on Jegan
   which had already been mass-producing and some are from Zeta Gundam.
   However, it was never put into official selection, instead returning to Amuro Ray,
   it was given to Lieutenant Saphira Gardner to replace her lost unit.
  ・While using a Beam Smart Gun as its main weapon,
   it is also equipped with a variety of ammunition such as a Gatling gun and grenades.
   Combined with its ability to attack and disengage by transforming,
   it can be expected to achieve high results in battles.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
  ■Other rewards
  ・130 ★★ Mechanic tickets
  ・200,000 DP
 ※Unlike the daily missions, there is no need to complete everything within one day.
  Your completion status will carry over each day while the campaign is active.
 ※You may check the process in “H.A.R.O Menu” → “Mission” → “Limited”.
 ※You can claim the reward in the Reward Center.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:④-2】 Limited Special Mission [Round 2]
Starting from [PST] 02/13/2025 / [CET] 02/13/2025, "Limited Special Mission [Round 2]" will begin.

   [PST] 02/13/2025 00:00 – 02/19/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/13/2025 09:00 – 02/20/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
   During the period, special mission will be available for all pilots.
   By completing the mission, pilots will able to obtain limited rewards such as MS.
  ■Mission reward
    ・★★ Gaza G LV1 – 2 (General Unit, ground/space use, cost: 500–)

  ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・General Unit with cost of 500.
  ・This unit was developed as a successor to the Gaza line, the main unit of Axis’s Neo Zeon remnants.
  ・Its MS form is identical to the Gaza D,
   relying on a knuckle buster supplemented by missiles for mid to long-range support.
   It also allows for excellent production and maintenance through the appropriation of production lines,
   and went into active service for the Luce Krangel’s armada during Neo Zeon’s invasion of Moon Moon.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
  ■Other rewards
  ・130 ★★ Mechanic tickets
  ・200,000 DP
 ※Unlike the daily missions, there is no need to complete everything within one day.
  Your completion status will carry over each day while the campaign is active.
 ※You may check the process in “H.A.R.O Menu” → “Mission” → “Limited”.
 ※You can claim the reward in the Reward Center.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:④-3】 Limited Special Mission [Round 3]
Starting from [PST] 02/20/2025 / [CET] 02/20/2025, "Limited Special Mission [Round 3]" will begin.

   [PST] 02/20/2025 00:00 – 02/26/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/20/2025 09:00 – 02/27/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
   During the period, special mission will be available for all pilots.
   By completing the mission, pilots will able to obtain limited rewards such as MS.
  ■Mission reward
    ・★★ Jegan (CH) LV1 – 2 (Raid Unit, ground/space use, cost: 550–)

  ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・Raid Unit with cost of 550.
  ・A modified version of the Jegan D Type piloted by ECOAS member Conroy Haagensen.
  ・Conroy originally used this unit to fire a ship-mounted Mega Bazooka Launcher,
  ・but it’s also well-suited for close-range combat,
   with a beam rifle, sawed-off shotgun, and dagger knife in its loadout.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
  ■Other rewards
  ・130 ★★ Mechanic tickets
  ・200,000 DP
 ※Unlike the daily missions, there is no need to complete everything within one day.
  Your completion status will carry over each day while the campaign is active.
 ※You may check the process in “H.A.R.O Menu” → “Mission” → “Limited”.
 ※You can claim the reward in the Reward Center.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:④-4】 Limited Special Mission [Round 4]
Starting from [PST] 02/27/2025 / [CET] 02/27/2025, "Limited Special Mission [Round 4]" will begin.

   [PST] 02/27/2025 00:00 – 03/05/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
   [CET] 02/27/2025 09:00 – 03/06/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
   During the period, special mission will be available for all pilots.
   By completing the mission, pilots will able to obtain limited rewards such as MS.
  ■Mission reward
    ・★★ Ga-Zowmn [Gunner Type] LV1 – 2 (Support Unit, ground/space use, cost: 450–)

  ■Mobile Suit Features
  ・Support Unit with cost of 450.
  ・An MS variant developed as the culmination of the Gaza series in the course of the development of the Gaza D,
   which is a reinforcement and development of the Gaza C, the main variable MS of the Axis,
   the remnants of the Principality of Zeon’s military forces.
  ・It specializes in long-range sniping with its “Sniper Knuckle Buster” and “Beam Launcher”,
   and by utilizing the high mobility of its MA form,
   it can be expected to improve self-defense and continuity of battle capabilities.
   Although it is equipped with a small number of weapons,
   it is an easy-to-manage MS with a simple and clear operational method and role.
  ・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
  ■Custom Part
  ・Range Specialized Program LV1
   Increases the ranged-attack damage dealt to enemy unit by 5%.
   However, the melee-attack damage dealt to enemy is reduced by 3%.
   Reduce HP by 1000.

  ■Other rewards
  ・130 ★★ Mechanic tickets
  ・200,000 DP
 ※Unlike the daily missions, there is no need to complete everything within one day.
  Your completion status will carry over each day while the campaign is active.
 ※You may check the process in “H.A.R.O Menu” → “Mission” → “Limited”.
 ※You can claim the reward in the Reward Center.
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:⑤】 Welcome New & Returning Pilots Campaign!
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "Welcome New & Returning Pilots Campaign!" will begin.

  [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 03/05/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
  [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 03/06/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
  During the period, new pilots who have only joined GBO2 within 14 days or
  veteran pilots who are returning to GBO2 from the last login of over 45 days,
  basic battle rewards, EXP and CP will be multiplied by 5 times, DP will even increased to 10 times!
  10 times (15 times for DP) basic rewards if you are adding DAILY BONUS on top of it!
※As of the [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 / [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 scheduled update, pilots who have joined GBO2
 within 14 days or have not logged into GBO2 for 45 days or more will able to gain the rewards.
※The target pilots will see a message in the log window when logging in the game when the campaign starts.

■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:⑥】 Relaxation on materials in DP exchange counter and Recycle!

Over 1000 materials are now having a relaxation of rank requirement for the materials
in DP exchange counter and Recycle counter!
Target materials can be exchanged even for Private Second Class LV1!
■【Ri-Shun Festival 2025:⑦】 Battle Simulator Missions update!

※The details will be announced on [PST] 02/13/2025 / [CET] 02/13/2025.
The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our Twitter in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".