Application Data Update and Server Maintenance Notice
Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Server maintenance will be performed on the following schedule.
◇Date & Time
[PST] 02/05/2025 21:00 – 02/06/2025 00:00 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 06:00 – 02/06/2025 09:00 [Scheduled]
◇Maintenance Details
・Application Data Update
・Supply Drop Lineup Update
※Please note that you will not be able to log in to the game during the maintenance.
※The end time may vary depending on the maintenance status. Please understand this in advance.
※Entering the maintenance during matching may cause unexpected errors.
Please log out of the game before maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
[PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025 Updated content is listed below.
■Notice of Ri-shun Festival 2025
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "Ri-shun Festival 2025" will begin.
[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 03/05/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 03/06/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
※Ongoing campaign details are listed below.
■【Ri-shun Festival 2025: ③】 STEP UP Supply Drop [Round 1]
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "STEP UP Supply Drop [Round 1]" will begin.

[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP4.
The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request, as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4.
Once STEP4 finished and this STEP UP Supply Drop will be over.
・STEP1 (15 Tokens): 50% off Tokens!
・STEP2 (30 Tokens): ★★ and above materials drop rate x1.5!
・STEP3 (30 Tokens): ★★ and above materials drop rate x2.0 & 1 ★★★ or above MS guaranteed!
・STEP4 (30 Tokens): 1 ★★★★ MS from the list guaranteed!
■Target ★★★★ MS

※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops.
For Details, please check [Item List].
※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
■Notice of Supply Drop Lineup “Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type]”
Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.

[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Added New Materials
・★★★ Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type] LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 600)
※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
■Mobile Suit Features
・General unit with cost of 600.
・This prototype variant of the Silver Bullet was developed by Anaheim Electronics and based on the Döven Wolf,
which was seized by Federation forces.
・Since research for the Silver Bullet primarily focused on the Neo Zeon-developed quasi-Psycommu system,
some of the Döven Wolf’s signature high-powered internal weaponry was omitted.
This greatly reduced the unit’s weight and streamlined transfer of energy supply throughout its various thrusters,
improving overall performance.
So development of this unit would progress primarily for technological research purposes,
while also keeping actual combat capability in mind.
・This MS was also used as a testbed for a large funnel under Federation development during the same period.
A large wired funnel with its own built-in generator was mounted to its back,
contributing significantly to development of subsequent Psycommu-equipped units.
・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
■About counter action in Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type]
Since this MS will grab the enemy with its right arm when the counter is engaged,
the action of the counter will change as follows depending on the use of the sub-weapon “Wired Hand [Saber R]”.
・When “Wired Hand [Saber R]” is ready to use,
⇒ Applying a normal counter attack.
・When “Wired Hand [Saber R]” is already in use,
⇒ No counter attack but enemy MS will be downed by the action.
■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
Beginning from [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 / [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00,
1 random exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.

[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
Normal Suit: Anaheim 01
Helmet: Anaheim 01
※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop,
and get 1 extra item.
※Single Supply Drop is NOT applied with this benefit.
The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request the 1-Attempt Supply Drop ten times in a row.
■Other materials
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★ Barzam LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 600)
・★ High Mobility Zaku (Late Model) LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 550)
・★ Zaku II FZ (Fritz Helmet) LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 450)

■Notice of [Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign]
Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
・★★★ Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type] LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 600)
■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
・Normal Supply Drop
※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.
■Overview of “GBO DAYS”
We have different events for all pilots [JST] every first Thursday through the first Sunday as our big campaign "GBO Days"!

■What is GBO Days?
GBO Days is a special monthly campaign that will start at the first Thursday of every month
at [JST] 17:00 until the next Monday [JST] 04:59 [scheduled].
Pilots who always play GBO2 will receive a lot of benefits, furthermore,
new and returning pilots will be even benefited from some of the content during the campaign!
■GBO Days February Schedule
[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/09/2025 11:59 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/09/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
■Campaign Details
During the period,
①Free "Guaranteed Mobile Suit Supply Drops" that can be requested once a day! (Up to 4 Units!)
②"Special Supply Drop" with 2 guaranteed ★★★ or above rarity MS can be requested once! (10 Times/30 Tokens)
③Basic rewards (EXP, DP, CP) after battle will be doubled!
If you are a new or returning pilot, it will be increased to 5 times!
④New & returning pilots always have a 100% container discovery rate of the recon team!
Also, veteran pilots of GBO2 who sortie with, new & returning pilots,
their observation unit's container discovery rate will be increased by 30%!
※New pilots must start up GBO2 for the first time and click "GAME START" on the title screen within 14 days.
※Returning pilots are those who have not logged in for at least 45 days since the last logged out of GBO2.
※Please note that basic rewards will not be increased if pilot has started a game session after the campaign period.
※The number of containers that can be found will be only two per day.
※If you have been awarded with Premium War Merit badge,
the number of containers you can find per day will be increased.
※Date will be updated daily at 5:00 AM [JST].
※If Penalty status is [PENALTY LV1] or above, you will not able to get any container.
■New Materials for exchange are added to Recycle Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★★★★ Gundam Delta Kai LV1 added

■Custom part
・★★★ Overtuning (Ranged) LV1 added

※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter from [JST] 02/06/2025 – 03/06/2025.
・★★Galbaldy Beta High Mobility Type (Titans) LV2 added
・★★GM SP III [Mid-Range Support Unit] LV2 added

※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter from [JST] 02/06/2025 – 02/07/2025.
■Some materials in the Recycle counter are now greatly reduced the ticket requirement for the exchange.
⇒ Information about some target materials
・Sinanju LV1: 700 ⇒ 500 tickets
・Byarlant Isolde LV1: 400 ⇒ 85 tickets
・Modified Rick Dijeh LV1: 400 ⇒ 85 tickets
・Char’s Gelgoog LV1: 330 ⇒ 70 tickets
・GM Spartan [BD Squad] LV1: 260 ⇒ 40 tickets
■Main weapons
・Prototype Large Beam Rifle LV1: 240 ⇒ 25 tickets
・Clay Bazooka [Shrapnel] LV1: 160 ⇒ 20 tickets
・GD Beam Rifle [GN] LV2: 245 ⇒ 30 tickets
・Zeta Plus A1 Beam Saber x2 LV2: 250 ⇒ 35 tickets
・Dijeh Beam Sword LV2: 245 ⇒ 30 tickets
■Custom parts
・Psycho-Frame LV1: 500 ⇒ 350 tickets
・Enhanced Firing Program LV5: 350 ⇒ 120 tickets
・Enhanced Melee Program LV5: 350 ⇒ 120 tickets
・Anti-Ballistic Armor LV5: 280 ⇒ 140 tickets
・Strengthened Frame LV5: 200 ⇒ 75 tickets
・New Model Frame LV5: 405 ⇒ 230 tickets
■New Materials for exchange are added to DP exchange Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★★★ Sisquiede LV1 added
・★★ Advanced Hazel LV1 added
・★ GM Custom LV4 added
・★ GM Cannon II LV4 added

■Some materials in DP exchange counter are now relaxed the exchange condition to “Private Second Class LV1”
and greatly reduced the DP requirement.
⇒ Information about some target materials
・Nu Gundam LV1: 400,000 ⇒ 280,000 DP
・Sazabi LV1: 400,000 ⇒ 280,000 DP
・Geara Zulu (Angelo) LV1: 199,300 ⇒ 23,500 DP
・Jegan D Type LV1: 116,900 ⇒ 11,500 DP
・Varguil LV1: 199,300 ⇒ 24,000 DP
・EWAC Jegan LV1: 205,700 ⇒ 23,400 DP
・Stark Jegan LV1: 205,700 ⇒ 23,400 DP
■Main weapons
・Nu Gundam Hyper Bazooka LV1: 238,200 ⇒ 8,800 DP
・Lange Bruno Gun Kai LV1: 162,600 ⇒ 6,800 DP
・Jegan D Type Bazooka LV1: 173,900 ⇒ 7,800 DP
・Varguil Beam Rifle [GN] LV2: 161,400 ⇒ 7,300 DP
・Varguil Beam Tomahawk LV2: 179,500 ⇒ 7,300 DP
■Rating Match/Quick Match Game Modes are updated.
※There may be differences about the game mode with the information above,
which were introduced during the previous update regarding [Possible Game Modes].
■Situation Battle is now updated.
⇒ The topic of the week is “Odessa, Storm of Steel!”.
※For more details about this week’s Situation Battle, please click here.
■Schedule for this week's weekend-only battle
◎Weekend-only battle schedule
・[PST] 02/06/2025 11:00 – 02/09/2025 10:59
・[CET] 02/06/2025 20:00 – 02/09/2025 19:59
◎Special Rules
・"Mix-up", "Simple Battle", "Shuffle Target", "Brawl Match" and "Duel Match" will be held in every 2 hours.
・Situation Battle “Odessa, Storm of Steel!” will be held.
■Next Clan Match Schedule
Please refer, here for the next Clan Match schedule and reward collection period.
For an overview of the Clan Match, please refer here.
The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our Twitter in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Server maintenance will be performed on the following schedule.
◇Date & Time
[PST] 02/05/2025 21:00 – 02/06/2025 00:00 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 06:00 – 02/06/2025 09:00 [Scheduled]
◇Maintenance Details
・Application Data Update
・Supply Drop Lineup Update
※Please note that you will not be able to log in to the game during the maintenance.
※The end time may vary depending on the maintenance status. Please understand this in advance.
※Entering the maintenance during matching may cause unexpected errors.
Please log out of the game before maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
[PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025 Updated content is listed below.
■Notice of Ri-shun Festival 2025
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "Ri-shun Festival 2025" will begin.
[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 03/05/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 03/06/2025 05:59 [Scheduled]
※Ongoing campaign details are listed below.
■【Ri-shun Festival 2025: ③】 STEP UP Supply Drop [Round 1]
Starting from [PST] 02/06/2025 / [CET] 02/06/2025, "STEP UP Supply Drop [Round 1]" will begin.

[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP4.
The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request, as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4.
Once STEP4 finished and this STEP UP Supply Drop will be over.
・STEP1 (15 Tokens): 50% off Tokens!
・STEP2 (30 Tokens): ★★ and above materials drop rate x1.5!
・STEP3 (30 Tokens): ★★ and above materials drop rate x2.0 & 1 ★★★ or above MS guaranteed!
・STEP4 (30 Tokens): 1 ★★★★ MS from the list guaranteed!
■Target ★★★★ MS

※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops.
For Details, please check [Item List].
※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
■Notice of Supply Drop Lineup “Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type]”
Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.

[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Added New Materials
・★★★ Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type] LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 600)
※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
■Mobile Suit Features
・General unit with cost of 600.
・This prototype variant of the Silver Bullet was developed by Anaheim Electronics and based on the Döven Wolf,
which was seized by Federation forces.
・Since research for the Silver Bullet primarily focused on the Neo Zeon-developed quasi-Psycommu system,
some of the Döven Wolf’s signature high-powered internal weaponry was omitted.
This greatly reduced the unit’s weight and streamlined transfer of energy supply throughout its various thrusters,
improving overall performance.
So development of this unit would progress primarily for technological research purposes,
while also keeping actual combat capability in mind.
・This MS was also used as a testbed for a large funnel under Federation development during the same period.
A large wired funnel with its own built-in generator was mounted to its back,
contributing significantly to development of subsequent Psycommu-equipped units.
・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
※Please also make sure to have a check to the event schedule so that you will not miss anything.
■About counter action in Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type]
Since this MS will grab the enemy with its right arm when the counter is engaged,
the action of the counter will change as follows depending on the use of the sub-weapon “Wired Hand [Saber R]”.
・When “Wired Hand [Saber R]” is ready to use,
⇒ Applying a normal counter attack.
・When “Wired Hand [Saber R]” is already in use,
⇒ No counter attack but enemy MS will be downed by the action.
■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
Beginning from [PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 / [CET] 02/06/2025 09:00,
1 random exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.

[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
Normal Suit: Anaheim 01
Helmet: Anaheim 01
※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop,
and get 1 extra item.
※Single Supply Drop is NOT applied with this benefit.
The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request the 1-Attempt Supply Drop ten times in a row.
■Other materials
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★ Barzam LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 600)
・★ High Mobility Zaku (Late Model) LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 550)
・★ Zaku II FZ (Fritz Helmet) LV4 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 450)

■Notice of [Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign]
Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/12/2025 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/13/2025 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
・★★★ Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type] LV1 (General unit, ground/space uses, cost: 600)
■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
・Normal Supply Drop
※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.
■Overview of “GBO DAYS”
We have different events for all pilots [JST] every first Thursday through the first Sunday as our big campaign "GBO Days"!

■What is GBO Days?
GBO Days is a special monthly campaign that will start at the first Thursday of every month
at [JST] 17:00 until the next Monday [JST] 04:59 [scheduled].
Pilots who always play GBO2 will receive a lot of benefits, furthermore,
new and returning pilots will be even benefited from some of the content during the campaign!
■GBO Days February Schedule
[PST] 02/06/2025 00:00 – 02/09/2025 11:59 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/06/2025 09:00 – 02/09/2025 20:59 [Scheduled]
■Campaign Details
During the period,
①Free "Guaranteed Mobile Suit Supply Drops" that can be requested once a day! (Up to 4 Units!)
②"Special Supply Drop" with 2 guaranteed ★★★ or above rarity MS can be requested once! (10 Times/30 Tokens)
③Basic rewards (EXP, DP, CP) after battle will be doubled!
If you are a new or returning pilot, it will be increased to 5 times!
④New & returning pilots always have a 100% container discovery rate of the recon team!
Also, veteran pilots of GBO2 who sortie with, new & returning pilots,
their observation unit's container discovery rate will be increased by 30%!
※New pilots must start up GBO2 for the first time and click "GAME START" on the title screen within 14 days.
※Returning pilots are those who have not logged in for at least 45 days since the last logged out of GBO2.
※Please note that basic rewards will not be increased if pilot has started a game session after the campaign period.
※The number of containers that can be found will be only two per day.
※If you have been awarded with Premium War Merit badge,
the number of containers you can find per day will be increased.
※Date will be updated daily at 5:00 AM [JST].
※If Penalty status is [PENALTY LV1] or above, you will not able to get any container.
■New Materials for exchange are added to Recycle Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★★★★ Gundam Delta Kai LV1 added

■Custom part
・★★★ Overtuning (Ranged) LV1 added

※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter from [JST] 02/06/2025 – 03/06/2025.
・★★Galbaldy Beta High Mobility Type (Titans) LV2 added
・★★GM SP III [Mid-Range Support Unit] LV2 added

※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter from [JST] 02/06/2025 – 02/07/2025.
■Some materials in the Recycle counter are now greatly reduced the ticket requirement for the exchange.
⇒ Information about some target materials
・Sinanju LV1: 700 ⇒ 500 tickets
・Byarlant Isolde LV1: 400 ⇒ 85 tickets
・Modified Rick Dijeh LV1: 400 ⇒ 85 tickets
・Char’s Gelgoog LV1: 330 ⇒ 70 tickets
・GM Spartan [BD Squad] LV1: 260 ⇒ 40 tickets
■Main weapons
・Prototype Large Beam Rifle LV1: 240 ⇒ 25 tickets
・Clay Bazooka [Shrapnel] LV1: 160 ⇒ 20 tickets
・GD Beam Rifle [GN] LV2: 245 ⇒ 30 tickets
・Zeta Plus A1 Beam Saber x2 LV2: 250 ⇒ 35 tickets
・Dijeh Beam Sword LV2: 245 ⇒ 30 tickets
■Custom parts
・Psycho-Frame LV1: 500 ⇒ 350 tickets
・Enhanced Firing Program LV5: 350 ⇒ 120 tickets
・Enhanced Melee Program LV5: 350 ⇒ 120 tickets
・Anti-Ballistic Armor LV5: 280 ⇒ 140 tickets
・Strengthened Frame LV5: 200 ⇒ 75 tickets
・New Model Frame LV5: 405 ⇒ 230 tickets
■New Materials for exchange are added to DP exchange Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★★★ Sisquiede LV1 added
・★★ Advanced Hazel LV1 added
・★ GM Custom LV4 added
・★ GM Cannon II LV4 added

■Some materials in DP exchange counter are now relaxed the exchange condition to “Private Second Class LV1”
and greatly reduced the DP requirement.
⇒ Information about some target materials
・Nu Gundam LV1: 400,000 ⇒ 280,000 DP
・Sazabi LV1: 400,000 ⇒ 280,000 DP
・Geara Zulu (Angelo) LV1: 199,300 ⇒ 23,500 DP
・Jegan D Type LV1: 116,900 ⇒ 11,500 DP
・Varguil LV1: 199,300 ⇒ 24,000 DP
・EWAC Jegan LV1: 205,700 ⇒ 23,400 DP
・Stark Jegan LV1: 205,700 ⇒ 23,400 DP
■Main weapons
・Nu Gundam Hyper Bazooka LV1: 238,200 ⇒ 8,800 DP
・Lange Bruno Gun Kai LV1: 162,600 ⇒ 6,800 DP
・Jegan D Type Bazooka LV1: 173,900 ⇒ 7,800 DP
・Varguil Beam Rifle [GN] LV2: 161,400 ⇒ 7,300 DP
・Varguil Beam Tomahawk LV2: 179,500 ⇒ 7,300 DP
■Rating Match/Quick Match Game Modes are updated.
※There may be differences about the game mode with the information above,
which were introduced during the previous update regarding [Possible Game Modes].
■Situation Battle is now updated.
⇒ The topic of the week is “Odessa, Storm of Steel!”.
※For more details about this week’s Situation Battle, please click here.
■Schedule for this week's weekend-only battle
◎Weekend-only battle schedule
・[PST] 02/06/2025 11:00 – 02/09/2025 10:59
・[CET] 02/06/2025 20:00 – 02/09/2025 19:59
◎Special Rules
・"Mix-up", "Simple Battle", "Shuffle Target", "Brawl Match" and "Duel Match" will be held in every 2 hours.
・Situation Battle “Odessa, Storm of Steel!” will be held.
■Next Clan Match Schedule
Please refer, here for the next Clan Match schedule and reward collection period.
For an overview of the Clan Match, please refer here.
The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our Twitter in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".