Hello, aspiring architects!
In our previous articles, we introduced various specific aspects and tools of the game. Today, for this fifth Archiblog, we’re taking a broader look. We’ll walk you through how a project unfolds from start to finish in Career Mode in
Architect Life: A House Design Simulator!
Time to start your project
First things first, before you begin a new project, you need to choose one! At each stage of your career, you’ll have a selection of
three different projects. These projects are determined by your reputation, which you gradually build by successfully completing projects. The more satisfied your clients are, the more your reputation grows, unlocking access to bigger and more ambitious projects!
Once you’ve chosen your project,
it’s time to get to work! Design your house, outline its shape, define and furnish its rooms, choose materials, and much more.
When your design is complete, it’s time to build. Select the construction companies that will handle different phases of the project, each with its own pricing, deadlines, and reliability.
After making your choices, you’ll oversee the construction process on-site. Various events, such as bad weather or unexpected incidents, may disrupt the project. It’s up to you to make the right decisions to keep the project on schedule and within budget.

Construction completed!
Once construction is finished, you can finally explore your creation! With a
first-person view, immerse yourself in the house you designed and built, within its unique setting. Each project has its own environment and atmosphere.
After your visit, it’s time to see if your project meets the client’s expectations. Their satisfaction depends on how well you followed the project’s requirements.
The better you fulfill their requests, the happier they’ll be. Each completed project also grants you experience points, which unlock perks, new tools, and additional options for future projects. If you manage to satisfy your client, you’ll also keep any unused portion of the project’s budget, helping your agency stay afloat and continue growing your career.
That wraps up our overview of how a project unfolds in
Architect Life: A House Design Simulator! Beyond
Career Mode, you’ll also have access to
Free Mode, where you can take on individual projects, revisit houses you’ve previously completed, or simply let your creativity run wild without restrictions.

The free demo arrives next week!
As we mentioned in
Archiblog #4, a free demo for Architect Life is launching on
February 19, just one week away! We’ll share more details in a dedicated News post, but the demo will give you an extensive preview of the game.
You’ll have access to a limited number of plots compared to the full game, but don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of space to create your dream home or experiment with your wildest ideas!
In the demo, you’ll find:
- A preview of the Career Mode, featuring two client missions with project requirements and a budget.
- A glimpse of Free Build Mode, allowing you to construct your dream house.
- 2 construction lands to work with.
- And to fully unleash your creativity, you’ll have access to all the house editing tools and a selection of doors, windows, furniture, and decorations!
We can’t wait to see you all next week,
February 19 on Steam! 🚀

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