2. News
  3. Epica Update 3.0.4

Epica Update 3.0.4

With the recent changes the starting zone required some updates, which are now taking shape.

  • Updated the lobby character.
  • Enabled swimming.
  • Added forests and a river around the Tarnmill region.
  • Added a chat message on item pickup.

  • Optimized Ai spawning / despawning
  • Added Ai to the Tarnmil Tomb
  • Added a new Archer Ai to the Tomb
  • Added a new Mage Ai to the Tomb
  • Added Ai to the Castle Brock Dungeon

  • Addressed lightning issues in the Tarnmill region and Castle Brock
  • Fixed a bug resulting in some Ai not properly despawning.
  • Fixed an issue with noisy shadows (anti aliasing noise).
  • Fixed an issue with the loot dropping through the Tarnmill Tomb floor.

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