v11.6.9 Patch Notes
v11.6.9 Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where players movement would be hobbled after going from prone to standing when holding the ZB-30.
- Fixed missing sleeve textures for some Soviet Rifleman roles.
- Fire and Move signals have had a number of changes to address exploits and usability:
- The signal transparency is now smoothly modulated based on timing & the viewing angle.
- The duration of signals has been reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Signals will now be fully transparent if the player's viewing angle is within 2 degrees of the signal.
- The signal recipient radius has been reduced from 50 meters to 25 meters.
[h2]Pegasus Bridge[/h2]
- Fixed a Danger Zone issue that could allow Allied squad leaders to rally on the German side of the bridge solo.
- Fixed an issue with the recapture behaviors of the Town Hall and Corner House objectives.
[h2]Maupertus Advance[/h2]
- Increased Axis tickets slightly.
[h2]Armored Vieux[/h2]
- Removed NW Farm cap.
- Tank balance changed.
- Fixed some floaters.
- Re-designed last cap.
- Added progressive spawns for both teams.
[h2]Armored Gran[/h2]
- Added Sherman M4A3E8 for Allies and an extra Panther for Axis.
- Fixed Pak43 that were leaning to the side because of bad placement.
- Rebalanced some roles.
- Reduced +30% ratio to +5% as this had greatly imbalanced the map.
[h2]Armored La Champagne Advance[/h2]
- This map makes a return!
See you on the battlefield,
Darklight Games