v11.6.5 - Bug Fixes & Frequent Disconnects Notice
Hello there! We're back with another small patch that introduces a number of bug fixes and level tweaks. If you ever noticed your turret sometimes rotating on its own when entering a tank, this old Red Orchestra bug is finally gone!
But before we dive into the changelog, there's something we need to address.
During the past week you might've experienced frequent disconnects with a Connection Failed error from both official and community servers. We're currently looking into this and contacted Valve, as we suspect this is caused by authentication issues with Steam.
In the meantime, just reconnect if it happens and there won't be any more disconnections for the rest of the session.
Now back to the patch notes.
[h3]Klin 1941[/h3]
[h3]St. Marie du Mont[/h3]
See you on the battlefield,
Darklight Games
But before we dive into the changelog, there's something we need to address.
Frequent Disconnects Issue
During the past week you might've experienced frequent disconnects with a Connection Failed error from both official and community servers. We're currently looking into this and contacted Valve, as we suspect this is caused by authentication issues with Steam.
In the meantime, just reconnect if it happens and there won't be any more disconnections for the rest of the session.
Now back to the patch notes.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where turrets and cannons would spontaneously rotate on entering them if they were used by another player earlier.
- Fixed a bug where players who disconnected from the game as spectator would be automatically assigned to the Axis upon rejoining.
- Fixed an exploit where it was possible to place constructions in invalid locations by switching to a smaller construction in the menu during the placement process.
- Fixed a bug where active objective spawns could be calculated incorrectly when the objective was linked to multiple active objectives.
- [Server maintenance] Fixed a number of errors that would spam the server logs.
- Slightly increased the BT-7 HE shell velocity (it was about ~10m/s slower than it should have been, according to sources).
- Changed blocking boundaries in setup phase to delay Soviet tanks at the first objective.
- Reworked tank progression (Soviets will have fewer tanks at the final village, while some other Soviet models like the KV-1E and S will unlock earlier in the game).
- Added the Panzer IIIN as an additional fire support option for the Germans.
- Increased respawn timers on most Soviet tanks by 20-30 seconds.
- Removed Soviet objective spawn from the final village.
- Reworked objective Danger Zone influences around the final village.
[h3]Klin 1941[/h3]
- Removed Axis ticket bleed from all objectives.
- Increased max active Panzer IIIJs from 2 to 3.
- Reduced respawn timers for Panzer IVF1 and BT7 tanks by 20-40 seconds.
- Reworked all objective Danger Zone influences.
- Reduced Axis and Allied tanker slots to match number of active tanks.
- Changed round time to 20 minutes.
- Removed time gain awards from capturing objectives.
- Reduced simultaneously available Soviet tanks from 2 to 1.
- Reduced respawn timers on all Soviet tanks by 30 seconds.
- Changed team balance ratio to be even.
- Added additional cover and spawn protection to final Axis spawn.
[h3]St. Marie du Mont[/h3]
- Reworked NW, Eastern Road and Church objectives to unlock in a new order: Now when either road is taken, the Church will be unlocked and is grouped with them.
- Increased lockdown timers for the above objectives from 250 to 600 seconds.
- Reduced initial unlock timer for the Church to 60 seconds.
- Removed map-placed Axis HQ construction.
- Reworked all objective Danger Zone influences.
- Removed Allied ticket bleed from all objectives.
- Updated objective spawn locations to offer better cover.
See you on the battlefield,
Darklight Games