1. Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
  2. News
  3. More news on Sunbreak coming on May 10! There's a sale too!

More news on Sunbreak coming on May 10! There's a sale too!

[h3]We will be airing the "Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Digital Event - May 2022" on May 10 with lots of new information on Sunbreak, which releases on June 30!

We will be showing off new footage, and sharing information on monsters, new hunter actions, and additional features.
[h3]Visit the official website for more information:[/h3]

[h3]Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin will also be on sale for 50% off![/h3]

[h2]Here's a quick recap of the information we've shared so far.[/h2]

[h3]The Three Lords[/h3]
The elder dragon Malzeno, the powerful and boulder-like Garangolm, and the icy wolf-like Lunagaron.
These three monsters comprise the Three Lords, an infamous trio of monsters that threaten the lands of the Kingdom.


An elder dragon covered with elegant silver scales. It drains the life energy of other living creatures, creeping around at night and attacking its prey from behind. Though Malzeno appears regal at a glance, it takes on a more sinister appearance after draining enough energy.


An azure-colored Fanged Wyvern with an organ that chills the air it inhales, which then circulates throughout its body in a unique form of thermoregulation.
When enraged, Lunagaron reveals its true form,standing on hind legs and thrashing its claws with deadly precision.
It is rumored that there is nothing that its claws cannot shred to pieces.


A monster characterized by its massive and rigid body.
This behemoth may seem docile at first, but it won't hesitate to attack with its huge body.
Once enraged, its left arm is covered in moss, and its right arm in magma allowing it to attack with both fire and water elements, to make it nearly unstoppable.

[h3]Meet new allies in the new headquarters, Elgado![/h3]

The Hunt Begins in a Far-off Land...
Elgado is an outpost of the Kingdom, and home to the research team tasked with looking into the mystery surrounding Malzeno and other Kingdom monsters.

[h3]New Subspecies and Returning Monsters[/h3]


Large Flying Wyverns with crest-shaped organs that can be vibrated to build and store vast amounts of electricity.

[h3]Shogun Ceanataur[/h3]

[h3]Blood Orange Bishaten[/h3]


In order to enjoy the new content in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, you'll need:
- A copy of Monster Hunter Rise.
- To complete the HR 7★ hub quest "Serpent Goddess of Thunder" in the base game Monster Hunter Rise.
- The expected size of the update is 13GB. Make sure you have enough free space before attempting to download.

[h2]There's a Monster Hunter series sale until 16:59 UTC on May 11.[/h2]

[h3]MONSTER HUNTER RISE - 50% OFF for the first time! [/h3]

[h3]Helpful support equipment for beginning players are also available![/h3]

If you just started playing or are considering playing Monster Hunter Rise, we have some powerful support equipment for you to help you out during the early game.

[h3]Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin - 50% OFF for the first time! [/h3]

[h3]MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE - Save up to 50%![/h3]

[h3]Visit the Sales page[/h3]