2. News



  • Hotfix: Releasing the last 5 goats or pigs no longer causes a tamed goat or pig to become an escaped goat or pig


Happy New Year! ːsteamhappyː

Thank you to everyone who has played and supported our small team over the years. We're looking forward to releasing more content for DEVOUR during 2025. We'll release some teasers about the next map in the coming months.

Here is the small changelog for v5.1.4.

  • Christmas event ends
  • Fixed a Mac issue of flickering textures on The Inn
  • Fixed rare case where the Difficulty flame icon rendered incorrectly in lobbies
  • Fixed a spot near animal pens where Nathan could get stuck on The Slaughterhouse
  • In-game menu black background is now slightly more opaque
  • In-game menu buttons now have improved mouse hover hitboxes
  • In-game keys list (K) can now be opened and closed in quick succession without bugging


  • Mute and Text Chat Mute buttons in the lobby are now translated without needing to be used first
  • Fixed an occlusion / LOD issue on Farmhouse
  • Fixed an issue with a demon spawning in the breakfast room on Farmhouse ending up below the floor
  • Added new stat for easy mode wins
  • Pausing and unpausing the game during the intro of possessed Anna in single player on Farmhouse no longer skips the door open
  • Fixed single player lobby not necessarily showing the correct settings if re-created


  • Fixes an issue where the Azazel image in the new in-game menu would not reflect the current map
  • When dropping an animal with the Tamed perk, the animal now transitions into the sleeping animation

Christmas Update: Easy Mode, Farmhouse update, new perks & more!

'Tis the season to banish demons...

It's time for DEVOUR's annual Christmas Event, as well as lots of new, extra content! Read on for all the details of the event and what else is included in this update.

[h2]Farmhouse Texture Updates[/h2]

The Farmhouse was our first map, and the one we launched with - developed by a tiny team, on a shoestring budget. It's had an impressive audio overhaul since then, but we thought it was time to give the environment some love too. We've been hard at work implementing new textures to bring the quality in line with our newer maps. Check out some of the results below:

[h2]Easy Mode[/h2]
An easier mode has been highly requested for a long time. We deliberately developed DEVOUR to be a challenging game, but we understand that some players want to play in a more casual way, and we think the new mode will be an accessible entry point for inexperienced players.

Easy mode consists of:
  • Azazel speed is reduced by approximately 30%
  • UV charge regenerates at 200% speed
  • Approximately 25% less minions spawn
  • EXP gained from a match is reduced by 50%

[h2]UI refresh Phase 1: HUD[/h2]
We've designed a crisp, new in-game HUD UI. Banishing Azazel and his minions never looked so pretty! This is Phase 1 of a complete UI refresh. We plan to release more improvements over the coming months.

[h2]New perks[/h2]
Babe wake up, new DEVOUR perks just dropped...

SPEED WALKER: Allows sprinting whilst using UV.

TAMED: Ritual animals will not flee for 10 seconds after being dropped.

[h2]Christmas Event[/h2]
During this year's event you'll have access to the following:

[h4]1) Bonus EXP[/h4]
Grind those cult ranks with a generous 1.5x EXP for the duration of the event!

[h4]2) Little Helper Outfit[/h4]
Unlock this super creepy new Christmas elf outfit for Molly by beating any map on Hard or Nightmare while playing as her (you'll retain the outfit permenantly). Those who miss out will be able to purchase the outfit after the event ends.

[h4]3) Christmas Robe[/h4]
Unlock this bloody Christmas robe by collecting all 60 presents across the 6 maps. Time to go hunting!

[h2]Here Comes The Bride Outfit[/h2]
This stunning new outfit for April, designed by our lead digital artist, is now available to purchase. We're hoping to develop this into a series and release each character's demon form outfit.

[h2]Full 5.1 Changelog[/h2]
  • Starts Christmas Event
  • Adds Easy Mode
  • Updates Farmhouse textures
  • Updates in-game HUD UI
  • Adds new perks Speed Walker and Tamed
  • Adds new outfits Little Helper and Here Comes the Bride
  • Adds Event Bonus section to the post-game awarded EXP tooltip
  • Adds Collectables section to global stats page
  • Clients can now invite friends to (public) lobbies
  • Fixes distorted outline for pigs on The Slaughterhouse
  • Players with high latency caught by a lump on the Manor that manage to escape through a mirror will now be released by the lump
  • Slightly tweaked the wording for the tutorial after picking up a battery
  • Cloth physics on character outfits are disabled when playing on Very Low
  • Weather is now correctly rendered on all intro/win/fail cutscenes
  • Fixed an issue where the Goat stat was being increased when burning a Book
  • Russia and Russia East regions were removed. Apparently our server host had dropped those a while ago and they were actually running in Tokyo all this time. We obviously didn't get the memo!