The time has come to be reborn as the Undead. The update adding
a new story branch into the campaign is out! So, what is that about?
The Undead update adds into the game:
- The Undead story branch with 5 new missions;
- Unique mechanics exclusive to the Undead;
- No walls — your army is your defense;
- Raise zombies — a special unit under your command can raise dead enemies as zombies. You also have access to Dark Resurrection spell;
- Zombies as a resource — use the acquired zombies as troops, create more powerful Undead out of them, or even recycle them into bones!
- The Undead buildings can be built on defiled soil only;
- New achievements;
- Twitch integration updated for the Undead.
And of course there are fixes and improvements to the game in general!
So, how to start playing the new story branch? If you have played DiNaO and already reached
Ozzie, you can load a special
save before his cutscene — then you’ll be able to choose between supporting your current faction and the Undead. If you just started playing the campaign, you can simply continue — in one of the missions you’ll be offered to change sides.
Additionally, we are launching the Autumn Sale earlier! Starting from 19:00 CET today
all Door 407 games and additional content will be available for purchase with a discount!
We also want to remind you about our recently announced
cosy cooking card game Abra-Cooking-Dabra. Don’t forget to wishlist it!
And don’t miss the two new bundles Diplomacy is Not an Option is now in! The first one is with
Thronefall, a cute minimalistic kingdom building strategy, and the second one is with a nice medieval city sim
Going Medieval. Remember, bundles can provide an additional discount!
As always, we will be waiting for your feedback!
Yours, the Door 407 dev teamP.S. The full list of changes, as usual, is under the cut.
Update 1.0.35Features
- The Undead plot branch in the Campaign mode;
- Twitch integration for playing for the Undead;
- New achievements related to… playing for the Undead.
- Added the option to lock the cursor in the Borderless window mode (comes in handy for those who play with multiple screens);
- Changed messages from The Ninth Twilight Overlord. He now says what he always really wanted in all the story branches;
- Some UI and UX improvements;
- Some SFX improvements and fixes;
- Some visual improvements (including the unique decorations added to the “Rebel's Thorny Path” mission).
- The “Abberlore will fall!” and “The Final Battle” missions:
- Increased the time intervals between attacking waves (starting from the 5th one);
- After destroying the “Terminator machine” unit, you always get 1 Soul Crystal. (Completing any research is not required).
Bug Fixes
- Cases with melee warriors having a group run instead of attacking enemy gates. (In missions where you need to storm an enemy base);
- A bug that made it impossible to watch the cutscene when reloading a save after encountering Ozzy;
- Multiple localization fixes.