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  3. Training Targets & More

Training Targets & More

Hi everyone,

The new update (v0.4.092) is finally released and introduces a new mechanic to increase the combat skill levels of you colonists.

[h2]Training Targets[/h2]

I have added 2 new constructions to the game which are a training dummy for melee combat and a training target for ranged combat.


If your colonists have the right weapons equipped, they can train on a related training target. Depending on the weapon, your colonists can exercise every ~24 hours for a certain period of time.
Every hit on the target will increase the skill of your colonist.

[h2]New Schedule Section[/h2]

In connection with the training mechanic I have also added a new section to the schedule which allows you to define a time for your colonists, where they will automatically train if a valid test target is reachable.

[h2]New Technology[/h2]

There is also a new technology to unlock the new constructions, which can be found directly after the basic decorations field.

[h2]Corpses in Zones[/h2]

Additionally, I have updated the functionality of the storage zone, which allows you to sort the corpses of colonists by "yours", "neutral" and "others / enemies" now.

[h2]Use Corpses As Targets[/h2]

The menu of the test targets also contains an additional bloody option, which allows you to use corpses as targets. This option will multiply the gained skill points by x2.5, but will also have a negative impact on your colonist's mood, relations & impacts on factions.

[h2]Fixed Network Bug[/h2]

There was also a network bug which has not registered floors correctly on client side in the new structure system. The problem was that this led to errors later in the game when these floors got destroyed by the collapse system. This should be fixed now!

[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]

Last but not least, I have here a short list with all relevant patch notes:

  • added new constructions (training dummies - to train skill melee weapons)
  • added new constructions (training targets - to train skill ranged weapons)
  • colonists as items are split in 'others', 'yours' and 'neutral' now
  • added training section to colonist's schedule options
  • added new technology (basic training)
  • fixed building floors wrong registered in online-coop
  • fixed metal fence blueprint were shown as built one
  • added a few new mood, relationship & faction impacts regarding training
  • decreased probability of fire fanatic attacks
  • decreased probability of volcano eruption event
  • fixed some wrong ui colors
  • some smaller fixes

I hope you all have an awesome day and will enjoy the update,