Hey everyone!
[h2]It's a BIG day for Kyle. You see, Kyle is now... COMPLETE[/h2][previewyoutube][/previewyoutube]
Back in 2019 when Ducky released Kyle is Famous as a fun, free project here on Steam, he had no idea how popular it would get and how much people would love Kyle.
So he came to us at New Blood and said... do you want to make Kyle... Complete? And we said...

The COMPLETE Edition of Kyle is Famous now includes:
- More than 117 endings + All the original Kyle DLC (You're a hot dog!)
- Over 2000+ lines of voice acted dialogue by Gianni (He's funny!)
- A custom story editor with Steam Workshop (Oh boy, mods!)
- Twitch Integration (Twitch plays Kyle?!)
- Tons of new visuals, sounds, and more! (Shazam!)
Everyone who had the original FREE version of Kyle has now been UPGRADED to the Kyle is Famous: Free Edition. It's kinda the same... but different! And better!
This version of the game has all the content of the old version but looks and plays like the Complete Edition! But no new endings, voice acting or fancy new features. It does have Twitch integration though! And of course you can still play all your original Kyle DLC. UPGRADE

Speaking of those of you who want to UPGRADE to the COMPLETE EDITION of Kyle, know that Steam might give you this warning about that - but rest assured you can mash your face into the PURCHASE button and it will indeed give you the shiny new version of Kyle. We promise.

Thank you so much for supporting Kyle, Ducky and New Blood as we made Kyle... Complete. If you love Kyle as much as we love Kyle, be sure to tell a friend, family member, or your favorite loud mouthed internet celebrity, Kyle would love that.