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  3. Terra Invicta Update Preview

Terra Invicta Update Preview

Hey Terrans!

We’re excited to share a closer look at some of the features and changes currently available on an experimental branch of Terra Invicta.

This branch offers an early preview of work-in-progress content, including new mechanics and improvements. As this is an experimental branch, it will come with its share of bugs, incomplete features, and interruptions to gameplay.

Disclaimer: This experimental build has many new features but is a work in progress. We recommend holding off for the stable branch if you prefer a stable version.

In the meantime, we’d love to hear your thoughts — whether on Discord, the Pavonis Interactive forums, Reddit, or the Steam forums — and your feedback will be invaluable as we shape the game’s future.

[h2]New Alien Hulls: Titan-Class Ships[/h2]

The alien faction continues its buildup with devastating new ship classes. One of the Titan-class hulls is shown here, a massive, heavily armed vessel ready to dominate the battlefield. Ready your fleets — these aren’t ships you’ll want to face unprepared.
[h2]Exofighters and Earth’s Orbital Struggle[/h2]

Your nations can launch Exofighters — small craft capable of reaching Earth Interface orbits from the surface. While less durable than orbit-built gunships, these nimble fighters offer nations a new option to contest orbital dominance.
[h2]Fleet Management Overhaul: Officer Transfers[/h2]

Managing your fleets is about to get a lot more flexible. You can now transfer officers between ships and hab facilities. A streamlined interface ensures you can see officer roles, capabilities, and assignments at a glance. High-level officers can even be stored at habs for redeployment as needed.
[h2]Strategic Command and Combat Tools[/h2]

We’re continuing to refine fleet management and combat preparation. You can now reorder ships during combat formation selection, ensuring your reinforcements arrive in the optimal sequence.
[h2]UI Improvements: Visual Overhaul and Ledgers[/h2]

Work on the UI overhaul continues. Key additions include improved displays for national priorities, economic breakdowns, and resource tracking. Tooltips now deliver clearer breakdowns of your faction’s stats, helping you make more informed decisions.

Stay vigilant, fellow Terrans. There’s more to come!