WIGGED OUT - Patch Notes
Improved Visibility:
"Add Bot" and "Remove Bot" text relocated inside empty portrait frames for better visibility.
Online Room Code Menu Fix:
Each option now has its own button prompt for clarity: "A" to Accept and "B" to Go Back.
Melee Wigs Persistence:
Resolved issue where Melee Wigs would disappear after first use as a client.
Teleporter Item Fix:
Teleporter item can now be removed from one player to another as expected.
Fan Mechanics Adjustment:
Fans only exert force when there is air present, preventing constant pushing.
Hazards Behavior Fix:
Fire Hydrant and Manhole hazards now correctly push and stun characters upon contact.
-Purple Passing Level (Country Side):
Bridge Accessibility:
Characters can now walk across the bridge in Purple Passing level instead of being obstructed.
Text Correction:
All tutorial texts have been reviewed and corrected for accuracy.
Option Menu Improvement:
Audio and video settings no longer slide up slowly in the Game Options menu.
Afro Wig Unlock Issue:
Afro wig unlocking issue has been resolved.
Mouse Cursor Lock:
Mouse cursor now stays locked within the game window during fullscreen mode to prevent accidental clicks outside the game.
Improved Visibility:
"Add Bot" and "Remove Bot" text relocated inside empty portrait frames for better visibility.
Online Room Code Menu Fix:
Each option now has its own button prompt for clarity: "A" to Accept and "B" to Go Back.
Melee Wigs Persistence:
Resolved issue where Melee Wigs would disappear after first use as a client.
Teleporter Item Fix:
Teleporter item can now be removed from one player to another as expected.
Fan Mechanics Adjustment:
Fans only exert force when there is air present, preventing constant pushing.
Hazards Behavior Fix:
Fire Hydrant and Manhole hazards now correctly push and stun characters upon contact.
-Purple Passing Level (Country Side):
Bridge Accessibility:
Characters can now walk across the bridge in Purple Passing level instead of being obstructed.
Text Correction:
All tutorial texts have been reviewed and corrected for accuracy.
Option Menu Improvement:
Audio and video settings no longer slide up slowly in the Game Options menu.
Afro Wig Unlock Issue:
Afro wig unlocking issue has been resolved.
Mouse Cursor Lock:
Mouse cursor now stays locked within the game window during fullscreen mode to prevent accidental clicks outside the game.