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Wayfinder News

Patch 1.2.0d


  • Fixed an issue where a corrupted save file prevented loading of backup save files at the profile select screen
  • Fixed an issue where players could revive without needing to hold the interaction key near fallen enemies
  • Fixed an issue where the game would become unresponsive when using the Turned Tables mutator during the Hollowlord Vendraal hunt

  • Resolved various issues with achievements not unlocking properly when criteria are met
  • Fixed a bug preventing achievements from unlocking retroactively

Patch 1.2.0b

Patch Notes
  • All Mythic Hunts will now drop an additional item and guarantee an accessory drop
  • The bonus chest in the Malefic Maw hunt will now always contain a random weapon as was always intended
  • Fixed a bug where a golden chest spit out by Malefic Maw could spawn underground
  • Fixed the issue where the game freezes using the Turned Tables mutator
  • Clients critical damage numbers now show up in the corresponding crit color (not just white all the time)
  • The 3rd potion slot will no longer disappear after traveling
  • Fixed an issue with Starcrossed Lover Echo failing to come off of cooldown
  • Players can now complete 'Slime Sabotage' event inside mines expedition 100% of the time
  • Fixed screen blur issue that occurred when three Lora characters used their 'Unleash' ultimate abilities
  • Fixed glitch gloom VFX getting stuck on player after traveling
  • Fixed multiple issues relating to hardcore UI and localization

Resolved an issue that was causing Xbox to crash frequently and fixed various issues with achievements not unlocking

Hardcore Mode - v1.2


Introducing Hardcore Mode - When starting a new save you now may select “Hardcore” as an option.
Once a Wayfinder falls in battle, they cannot be used again on that save. Once all Wayfinders have fallen, that save can no longer be played.

Xbox Release

Wayfinders on Xbox can utilize the cross play lobbies just like all other platforms. Please be welcoming to the new Wayfinders pushing back the Gloom alongside you!

General Updates and Fixes
  • Reduced damage from some traps in Nightmare Mode (maximum 75% health damage).
  • Fixed traps double-hitting players.
  • Fixed a crash when using the Juggernaut’s weapon ability.
  • Fixed an issue preventing clients from completing the Patrol: Path of Fire if the host completed it first.
  • Fixed the Teryssa the Silence echo failing to activate/reset upon triggering.
  • Fixed the Hollowlord Vendral Echo not working properly with Ultimates.
  • Fixed an issue with the Phoenix becoming invulnerable during the Altar of Phoenix event.
  • Fixed invisible fleas blocking chokepoints or finale encounters.
  • Fixed the Dread Legion Boss failing to move to the second arena after Phase 1 of the hunt.
  • Fixed Dryades weapon ability Nature's Grasp failing to pull enemies.
  • Fixed the revive UI disappearing after using Phoenix Oil.
  • Corrected the set bonus for the Mutated Instability accessory set.
  • Players can now perform air slam attacks after consuming Phoenix Oil.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't damage the mini-prophecy during the Gloom Tear event in the Highlands.
  • Fixed missing button callouts for tracking/untracking quests.
  • Fixed missing button callouts on the Delete Profile confirmation pop-up.
  • The back button in the Delete Profile pop-up now works properly.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on a black screen after backing out of difficulty selection.
  • Fixed a hitch when interacting with the Tracer Event.
  • Fixed a freeze during Trail of the Lingering Light and Teryssa the Silence with the Turned Tables mutator boon active.
  • Fixed Lora's voice occasionally changing during attacks.
  • Updated the following weapons to include Max Health instead of a defensive stat:

    • Grim Harvest
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Dryades
    • Venom
    • Maiden's Rime
    • Voidbinder
    • Last Ditch
    • Requiem

Platform-Specific Fixes: PlayStation 5
  • Fixed an issue where the game failed to load the most recent save slot when using the Back to game option in Activity.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t quit back to the Main Menu after entering gameplay through the Tutorial Activity.
  • Added a proper warning message when trying to join a Nightmare game from a non-Nightmare save.

Patch 1.1.0a

  • Fixed an issue where level 38 weapons were missing levels after the update
  • Fixed stutters when encountering enemies for the first time, particularly in Mythic Hunts
  • Fixed an issue where save profiles were not being displayed at the start screen

Known issues
  • When using Senja and performing Juggernaut's ability, the game will crash
  • Players using the Turned Tabled mutator in the Trial of Lingering Light may experience a crash if idled outside the boss arena for too long

Nightmare Mode, Save Slots & More! - Quality of Life Update 3 is LIVE!

New Features
  • Multiple Save Profiles: Added support for up to 4 different save profiles.
  • Introducing Nightmare Mode: A challenging new mode with account-wide rewards.

    • Difficulty cannot be changed once started.
    • Matchmaking is restricted to other Nightmare Mode players only.
    • Supports world scaling options.
    • Features one-and-done Nightmare Challenges.
    • Rewards are accessible across all save slots once unlocked.
  • Eventide Content: New holiday-themed content for 2023, always accessible.

    • New Mythic Hunt - Eventide Queen (Unlocks after completing the Crucible quest line).
    • Winter Queen echo updated: Improved Broodmother echo emitting frost pulses while shielded.
    • Eventide rewards include Helper Coins, Marks, Arc Shards, Glory, and Avarys.
    • Eventide minibosses added to Reaver Woods.

Adjustments and Fixes
  • Added the “Arcbane” weapon skin as the reward for Lora’s Awakening 5 (granted automatically for existing players at this level).
  • Arcanist Reactivity Prime Talent now properly applies 30% of Magic Defense as a Damage Shield, with damage from the shield increased to 10% (up from 2.5%).
  • Grim Harvest: Increased Bone Geyser radius to 450 for all 3 Latent Power levels.
  • Night’s Edge: Daggerfall will no longer attack recently killed enemies.
  • Fixed visual issues with Tooth and Claw’s Shredder Toss.
  • Fixed weapon masteries breaking when swapping within the same category.
  • Inspiring Flourish: Now grants the correct amount of crit chance at each tier.
  • Fixed AS-713 Conflux echo not triggering for co-op clients.
  • Deposed King echo now drops at level 25.
  • Fixed Mythic Crucible boss echoes having the same power rating as normal versions.
  • Adjusted Deceivers’ loot tables in the Grand Deceiver hunt.
  • Raised the Artifact Power Cap from 10 → 20.
  • Fixed the Teryssa artifact passive not working.
  • Fixed some one-time chests not granting appropriate rewards.
  • Fixed co-op clients being unable to enter the hidden room in the Toll of the Relics event.
  • Fixed Lost Zone tiles not appearing on the minimap.
  • Fixed missing Reaver Flags in the Defend Fort Koken event.
  • Fixed bonus chest animations in Void Dungeon summary screens.
  • Fixed Arcbound Sentinel patrol animations.
  • Fixed various collision issues.
  • Fixed Job board progress bar not functioning.
  • Fixed Crucible expeditions with Greed imbuements dropping incorrect accessories.
  • Fixed Imbuement Boon “Turned Tables” not applying correctly.
  • Fixed players spawning out of bounds after fast-traveling.
  • Fixed multiple boss health bars appearing for the same enemy.
  • Fixed various narrative quips not playing correctly.
  • Fixed quest markers either missing or pointing incorrectly.
  • Fixed co-op clients seeing “!” for unaccepted host quests.
  • Fixed Demolitionist not spawning for the quest The Mad Bomber.
  • Fixed stretched VFX on the Portent weapon.
  • Fixed dye channel mapping for the Veritas weapon skin.
  • Fixed incorrect menu visuals for the Glacius weapon skin.
  • Fixed visual issues during the Slyv’r hunt.
  • Fixed Lora’s Unleash buff timer getting stuck for co-op clients.
  • Fixed characters turning invisible in player housing.
  • Fixed co-op client mounts becoming detached from players.
  • Fixed visual issues during the Teryssa hunt and cutscene.
  • Fixed incorrect models for the Boreal Charger and Outrider’s Saddle.
  • Fixed various environment LOD issues.
  • Fixed missing string issues.
  • Fixed infinite loading icons for vendor shop items.
  • Fixed HUD visibility restarting during the tutorial level.
  • Fixed D-Pad functionality issues in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed “Apply Changes” firing prematurely in the settings menu.
  • Fixed UI elements persisting on screen incorrectly.
  • Fixed missing location labels on the map.
  • Fixed missing previews for emotes and sprays.
  • Fixed missing background for the Crucible tab.
  • Fixed certain menus not recognizing mouse clicks.
  • Fixed Gloomstone UI not updating after shard reduction.
  • Fixed map scrolling incorrectly for fast-travel browsing.
  • Fixed missing archetype icons for Kyros and Lora save profiles.
  • Fixed equipped consumables showing 0 count on the HUD.
  • Fixed missing Crossplay setting in the Find Party menu.

Platform-Specific Fixes
  • PS5: Fixed party statuses not updating correctly.
  • PS5: Fixed the “Could Not Join” error when accepting invites on the main menu.
  • PS5: Invite codes now filter correctly to sessions.
  • PS5: Fixed getting kicked to the title screen after completing the into in offline mode
  • Steam Deck: Fixed incorrect aspect ratio
  • Steam Deck: Fixed inability to type in chat.
  • Steam Deck: Improved UI responsiveness.
  • Discord: Fixed activity not displaying or updating correctly.
  • Fixed the application becoming unresponsive when idle in the Fallen state.
  • Fixed crashes when selecting “Exit to Main Menu.”