1. Below the Stone
  2. News
  3. 20% off for 1 more week! Big update coming in August/September

20% off for 1 more week! Big update coming in August/September

We have only 1 week left in the Steam Summer sale. Below the Stone is 20% off for a limited time. All the positive reviews are incredible appreciated by the team, and we'd love to have you all join the discord for the news of our roadmap coming soon!

We plan on having a huge update near the middle of September, revising parts of the kingdom, giving better access to layer 2 of the caves, more NPCs, multiple new missions, and giving players the full layer 1 + 2 experience before delving deeper into development of layers 3 and beyond.

Let us know what you're looking forward to most, because we'll be listening to player input from old and new players alike these coming months.

- Mike @ Strollart; Below the Stone