2. News


After almost 10 months, the PROJECT: RUN update is here!

*QUICK NOTE* if you get a Missing Executable error it's because I messed something up when I first released the update. To fix this, simply uninstall the game then reinstall it. If that still doesn't work then leave a comment!

When I released the game, I knew it wasn’t quite refined to the level it could be. After reading reviews people left, I got a better idea of what to do. So, what was there to do?

Bugs- I added A LOT of checks in the game’s scripts to catch errors that could freeze the game. Hopefully it works, but I’ll be monitoring comments and discussions to see if anyone reports bugs so I can quickly make a patch.


The map- I felt like it was a little bare, and people agreed. So naturally I added a big tree.

Difficulty- This game isn’t meant to be bone-crushingly hard, but I did agree that it could be more challenging. The tree provides tough-to-master routes and verticality, and I modified areas of the map to make them harder. After the map changes and tuning the challenge timers and goals, the game provides a good challenge for everyone.

Music- I got so used to listening to music while making the game that I forgot that there would just be silence in Freeroam. So I found a handful of tracks that play during Freeroam.

UI- The TVs now use the keyboard to navigate their menus instead of the mouse. This makes them feel much more consistent.

Race/Coin Rush- It was jarring for the challenges to begin as soon as you pressed Start, so now there’s a short countdown to let you look around and locate the goal or find which route you want to take.

Languages- Spanish, Japanese, and Vietnamese! Now fair warning, these translations are all done by me. Do I really speak any of these languages? No. Are they perfect translations? No, but they have personality to them and convey important game information.

And some minor changes- like cooler progress bars, easier to grab coins/stopwatches in cosmic challenges, and code updates to make game systems more solid like sprinting and progress bars.

I have big ambitions for another game like this one- multiple levels each with their own theme, story modes that the challenges tie into and after completing each level it gradually evolves the map- like collecting power fuses which would then turn on the power.

This sequel would most likely come out in single map installments over time, due to its much much much larger scope.

Anyways back to this game, it’s been quite a journey making this game. This game has been part of my life for almost 3 years, and in a way it’s always been there for me to pour my emotions and creativity into.

It’s been one heck of a journey. Hope you enjoy this little game!