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  3. En Route to Version 1.0 - Update 0.99tu

En Route to Version 1.0 - Update 0.99tu

[Patch Note 0.99tu - [25/07/2021]

Scene Upgrades
- Upgraded Revolta Village. Welcome to Hellsace ~
- Added a Cinematic after "The DELTA appears".
- Reworked The Entity Battle.
- Changed The Entity Battle Music.
- Optimized SK City.
- Added a Forcefield to Old Mansion in Barkan Island.

- Fixed the Custom Shops.
- Fixed CapTen Windows.
- Fixed Benediction Dialogues.
- Fixed Preserved Garden Lights.
- Fixed an issue with Gla Gla Road Entrance.
- Fixed a Spawn issue when taking the Bus to La Fabrique.

- Updated some Steam Images and Layouts.
- Fixed an issue with Batsu Amusement Park Achievement.
- Fixed an issue with GlaGla Road achievement.
- Added The E.Y.E Achievements triggers.