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Dragon Nest News

[Completed] Update Patch on February 5th, 2025

Dear Heroes!

We're pleased to announce that our servers are now live, and that game service has been resumed as of 01:50 (PST)/ 04:50(EST), 10 minutes ahead of schedule.

[Friendly Reminder]

- Season 15: DN Pass has officially commenced!

- Let's Try DN PASS Event Rewards have been distributed.

- Challenge! Saint Haven Savior Event Extra Rewards have been distributed.

- Conquer! Saint Haven Savior Rewards have been distributed.

- Fission Maze Challenger Support Box Event Extra Rewards have been distributed.

- Ark Support Box (Week 1) have been distributed.

- Saint Haven Banquet Event Recipe have been distributed

※ Please note that all rewards  delivered during the update patch will have an expiration period of 7 days.

Thank you for your patience and Happy Nesting!


Dear Heroes!

The coming Wednesday marks the day of the February 2025 Update Patch.

The estimated maintenance time will be around 8 HOURS.

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.

[Update period]

February 5th (Wed) 2025 18:00 - February 6th (Thu) 2025 02:00 (PST) Total of 8 hrs
February 5th  (Wed) 2025 21:00 - February 6th (Thu) 2025 05:00 (EST) Total of 8 hrs

[Friendly Reminder]

- The attendance event calendar will be refreshed.

- Season 13: DN Pass will come to an end.
 ㄴ Please note that you won't be able to claim your pass rewards after the update starts, so make sure to retrieve any unclaimed rewards before the patch.

- Alteana Nest Event will be concluded.

- Harori Universe Tour will be concluded.
 ㄴ Event Shop will remain open until before March 2025 update.

- Beastia Reina Mission Box Event will be concluded.
 ㄴ Beastia Reina Mission Box (Lv.1) ~ (Lv.16) will be removed. 

- Beastia's Jelly Pouch Event will be concluded.
 ㄴ Beastia's Jelly Pouches will be removed.
 ㄴ Leftover Jellies will be converted to collectibles.

- Double the Nests, Double the Fun Event will be concluded.
 ㄴ Extra Rewards will be delivered after the update.

- New Year Daily Conversion Giveaway Event will be extended until further notice

- Happy New Year! Let's Try DN PASS Milestone Rewards will be delivered after the update.

- Happy New Year! Lunar New Year Hot Time Event Extra Rewards will be delivered after the update.

- Santa Orc's Getaway Event Shop will be closed.

- Board Game Battle: Season 14 Event Shop will be closed

- The January Spending Event will be concluded.
  ㄴ Rewards are given on an account basis and can only be claimed once; Please keep this in mind when selecting your server.

- Certain Items will be removed from Cash Shop
  ㄴ Please refer to our January 2025 Patchnotes for more details on sales duration.

※ Please note that all rewards delivered during the update patch will have an expiration period of 7 days.

Thank you.


[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance on January 22nd, 2025

Dear Heroes!

We are pleased to announce that our game service has been successfully resumed as of 01:00 (PST) / 04:00 (EST), 1 Hour ahead of schedule.

[Friendly Reminder]

- The Limit Break Package is now available in the Cash Shop!

Thank you for your patience and happy nesting!

Scheduled Maintenance on January 22nd, 2025

Dear Heroes!

We'd like to inform you about the scheduled maintenance on January 15th 2025, starting from 22:00 HRS (PST) /  January 16th 2025, starting from 01:00 HRS (EST).

During the maintenance, the game will be inaccessible including for Steam users. Service is expected to resume by 02:00 HRS (PST) / 05:00 HRS (EST).

[Maintenance Period]

January 22nd 22:00 – January 23rd 02:00 (PST)
January 23rd 01:00 – January 23rd 05:00 (EST)

[Friendly Reminder]

- Flash Sale: Limit Break Package will become available

We strongly recommend logging out of the game before the maintenance begins to prevent any potential loss of items.

Best regards,


[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance on January 15th, 2025

Dear Heroes,

We are pleased to announce that our game service has been successfully resumed as of 01:00 (PST) / 04:00 (EST), 1 Hour ahead of schedule.

[Friendly Reminder]

- White Core Balls are now available in the Cash Shop!

- December 2024 Spending Event Rewards were distributed.

- Festive Holidays 2024 Event Rewards have been distributed.
ㄴBoth Participation Rewards and Lucky Rewards have been distributed.

- December 2024 Discord Server Booster Perks Event Rewards have been distributed.
※ Kindly note that all rewards have a 7-day expiration period, so please make sure to claim them before they expire.

Thank you for your patience and happy nesting!

Scheduled Maintenance on January 15th, 2025

Dear Heroes!

We'd like to inform you about the scheduled maintenance on January 15th 2025, starting from 22:00 HRS (PST) /  January 16th 2025, starting from 01:00 HRS (EST).

During the maintenance, the game will be inaccessible including for Steam users. Service is expected to resume by 02:00 HRS (PST) / 05:00 HRS (EST).

[Maintenance Period]

January 15th 22:00 – January 16th 02:00 (PST)
January 16th 01:00 – January 16th 05:00 (EST)

[Friendly Reminder]

- December 2024 Spending Event Rewards will be distributed

- Festive Holidays 2024 Event Rewards will be distributed

- December 2024 Discord Server Booster Perks Event Rewards will be distributed.

  ㄴ All of the rewards above are given out on an account basis and can only be claimed once.

We strongly recommend logging out of the game before the maintenance begins to prevent any potential loss of items.

Best regards,