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  2. News
  3. [Completed] Update Patch on February 5th, 2025

[Completed] Update Patch on February 5th, 2025

Dear Heroes!

We're pleased to announce that our servers are now live, and that game service has been resumed as of 01:50 (PST)/ 04:50(EST), 10 minutes ahead of schedule.

[Friendly Reminder]

- Season 15: DN Pass has officially commenced!

- Let's Try DN PASS Event Rewards have been distributed.

- Challenge! Saint Haven Savior Event Extra Rewards have been distributed.

- Conquer! Saint Haven Savior Rewards have been distributed.

- Fission Maze Challenger Support Box Event Extra Rewards have been distributed.

- Ark Support Box (Week 1) have been distributed.

- Saint Haven Banquet Event Recipe have been distributed

※ Please note that all rewards  delivered during the update patch will have an expiration period of 7 days.

Thank you for your patience and Happy Nesting!


Dear Heroes!

The coming Wednesday marks the day of the February 2025 Update Patch.

The estimated maintenance time will be around 8 HOURS.

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.

[Update period]

February 5th (Wed) 2025 18:00 - February 6th (Thu) 2025 02:00 (PST) Total of 8 hrs
February 5th  (Wed) 2025 21:00 - February 6th (Thu) 2025 05:00 (EST) Total of 8 hrs

[Friendly Reminder]

- The attendance event calendar will be refreshed.

- Season 13: DN Pass will come to an end.
 ㄴ Please note that you won't be able to claim your pass rewards after the update starts, so make sure to retrieve any unclaimed rewards before the patch.

- Alteana Nest Event will be concluded.

- Harori Universe Tour will be concluded.
 ㄴ Event Shop will remain open until before March 2025 update.

- Beastia Reina Mission Box Event will be concluded.
 ㄴ Beastia Reina Mission Box (Lv.1) ~ (Lv.16) will be removed. 

- Beastia's Jelly Pouch Event will be concluded.
 ㄴ Beastia's Jelly Pouches will be removed.
 ㄴ Leftover Jellies will be converted to collectibles.

- Double the Nests, Double the Fun Event will be concluded.
 ㄴ Extra Rewards will be delivered after the update.

- New Year Daily Conversion Giveaway Event will be extended until further notice

- Happy New Year! Let's Try DN PASS Milestone Rewards will be delivered after the update.

- Happy New Year! Lunar New Year Hot Time Event Extra Rewards will be delivered after the update.

- Santa Orc's Getaway Event Shop will be closed.

- Board Game Battle: Season 14 Event Shop will be closed

- The January Spending Event will be concluded.
  ㄴ Rewards are given on an account basis and can only be claimed once; Please keep this in mind when selecting your server.

- Certain Items will be removed from Cash Shop
  ㄴ Please refer to our January 2025 Patchnotes for more details on sales duration.

※ Please note that all rewards delivered during the update patch will have an expiration period of 7 days.

Thank you.