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  3. Arena Update

Arena Update

[h2]The Arena Update![/h2]

A brand new location is discovered deep within the wilderness surrounding Nottingham. A place of blood sports, where the stakes go really high, whether we're talking coin or lives... Welcome to the Blood Cairn Arena!

[h3]Fighting Pit[/h3]
Gamblers travel here from far and wide, fighters of questionable character draw their weapons on its well-trodden ground, spectators cheer loudly, demanding their share of excitement. That's what the Blood Cairn Arena is all about.
And now Robin can also join the fray in customizeable team fights, during which he either supports his fighters in the melee or from the parapet above, barraging the opponents with arrows and triggering traps.
It's a fight to the death for the ultimate prize!

[h3]A Familiar Face[/h3]
But what is the ultimate prize of Blood Cairn? Well, it's not just a high winning bet ever since the arena announced its Grand Tournament. It has drawn a bigger crowd than ever, coming after a phenomenal bounty of gold.
And who does Robin encounter among this crowd? None other than his distant relative, self-proclaimed rival, and master swordsman – Will Scarlet (Don't call him 'Scarlock'). What kind of predicament is Will going to rope Robin into with this Grand Tournament in full swing?

Visit the Blood Cairn Arena for the fight of your life today! Check Robin's house in the Village for hints on where to find it.

[h3]A Summary[/h3]
Here's a list of all the features coming with the Blood Cairn Arena:

    - Blood Cairn Arena location to discover and explore
    - Betting feature in the arena as a source of coin income
    - Arena fight feature for prizes with Direct and Assisted combat modes
    - A quest storyline featuring Will Scarlet, a character from Robin Hood ballads
    - Unique sword quest rewards

May your arrows fly true,
MeanAstronauts Team