Winter Sale, New Feature & Update!

Good news to make your winter night exciting! Robin Hood: Sherwood Builders is joining the Winter Sale on Steam with a huge 50% discount! Now is a great time to play the legendary Robin Hood and fight for the freedom of Sherwood's people, if you have not yet taken on this mission.
This offer expires soon, so make sure you don’t miss out! 🏹
🛠️ New Feature
A new feature will soon be added to make the game even more interesting.
A number of camps around Sherwood have grown sick of rats chewing on their pitch barrels, leaving the precious resource within to be wasted. So now you'll find them suspended above where the pesky rodents can't get to them quite as easily.
While to most this is a measure taken to prevent volatile goods from being damaged by pests, to the skilled outlaw it's an opportunity to wreak havoc with a flammable substance.
After all, no one's skilled enough to cut something down from a rope with an arrow... Aren't they...?

🏆 Achievement Adjustments.
Based on your feedback we are pleased to announce a major change to “The Pro” Award. The Grand Archery Tournament minigame has been made simpler to complete changes.

The goal is now attainable for all players. The archery tournament will be more fun and challenging for everyone. We appreciate your suggestions and support – your feedback is greatly valued!
❄️ Summary.
Winter Sale is live! Also, check what’s new in the update. Wilderness is waiting for you – get ready for more adventures and more challenges!
See you in Sherwood, Heroes!
~ The Robin Hood: Sherwood Builders Team