Patch Notes V0.2.9
Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.9
Mob/AI Changes:
- Mob AI: aggro radius calculations have been fixed, so they will engage players correctly when aggressive.
- Mob AI: now focus onto their targets when engaged in combat
- Mob AI: attacks now properly hit the player at the end of animation frames
- Mobs AI: have had their chase behavior modified
- Mob ranged attacks have had their range reduced
- Mob ranged attacks have had their projectile speed slightly increased
- Mob Nameplate/status UI updated on all mobs
- Toka chieftain textures fixed and varied amongst them
- Deer model updated
Player changes:
- Players are properly grounded and no longer floating a bit
- Stats HUD gauge now smoothly follows head rotation
- HP fill gauge fixed (was filling horizontally)
- Player walk/sprint speed has been reduced
- Player Stamina slightly increased
Audio Changes:
- NPC audio no longer heard across long distances
- Footsteps changed and setup for sfx settings
- New music tracks added
UI Changes:
- Laser-pointer added with new reticle for UI navigation
- Vendor UI updated
- Questing UI updated and adjusted
- Codex UI updated and adjusted
- Login screen UI updated
- Skill UI updated
- Audio settings added to login menu (behind you)
- Video settings added to login menu (PCVR Only, behind you)
- WayDar now smoothly follows head rotation
- Turned off remote character backpack icon
- Updated NPC 'chat' UI
Quest Logic Changes:
- Quest objective objects should now properly sparkle when you need to collect them.
- Quest notification (kill count, etc) no longer continuously pop up notifications after being completed.
- Quest reward loot tables now face the player when spawned
General Changes:
- In game calibration and player space reset controls are now available in the codex
- Added new Skill Training Station
- Fixed in game time format
- Fixed NPC odd rotation when the player is above or below
- Fixed reward table rotation, item scale, and infinite spawning
- Adjusted shaders to remove spec from world objects
- Removed Weskelette ship
- Removed odd wind noise and death SFX when you die