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Ilysia News

Patch Notes V0.2.9

Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.9

Mob/AI Changes:
  • Mob AI: aggro radius calculations have been fixed, so they will engage players correctly when aggressive.
  • Mob AI: now focus onto their targets when engaged in combat
  • Mob AI: attacks now properly hit the player at the end of animation frames
  • Mobs AI: have had their chase behavior modified
  • Mob ranged attacks have had their range reduced
  • Mob ranged attacks have had their projectile speed slightly increased
  • Mob Nameplate/status UI updated on all mobs
  • Toka chieftain textures fixed and varied amongst them
  • Deer model updated

Player changes:
  • Players are properly grounded and no longer floating a bit
  • Stats HUD gauge now smoothly follows head rotation
  • HP fill gauge fixed (was filling horizontally)
  • Player walk/sprint speed has been reduced
  • Player Stamina slightly increased

Audio Changes:
  • NPC audio no longer heard across long distances
  • Footsteps changed and setup for sfx settings
  • New music tracks added

UI Changes:
  • Laser-pointer added with new reticle for UI navigation
  • Vendor UI updated
  • Questing UI updated and adjusted
  • Codex UI updated and adjusted
  • Login screen UI updated
  • Skill UI updated
  • Audio settings added to login menu (behind you)
  • Video settings added to login menu (PCVR Only, behind you)
  • WayDar now smoothly follows head rotation
  • Turned off remote character backpack icon
  • Updated NPC 'chat' UI

Quest Logic Changes:
  • Quest objective objects should now properly sparkle when you need to collect them.
  • Quest notification (kill count, etc) no longer continuously pop up notifications after being completed.
  • Quest reward loot tables now face the player when spawned

General Changes:
  • In game calibration and player space reset controls are now available in the codex
  • Added new Skill Training Station
  • Fixed in game time format
  • Fixed NPC odd rotation when the player is above or below
  • Fixed reward table rotation, item scale, and infinite spawning
  • Adjusted shaders to remove spec from world objects
  • Removed Weskelette ship
  • Removed odd wind noise and death SFX when you die

Winter Holiday Update | Patch Notes v0.2.8.2


[h2]Winter Holiday Update | Patch Notes V0.2.8.2[/h2]

Realms Merge Update:
  • Per the User Poll - Notus, Portus and Crikdale servers have been merged into Abermore to bring players together!
  • Duplicate Names: The first timestamp of creation of a name where duplicates exist will keep the name. Duplicates will have a number appended on the end of their name
  • Players who have a duplicate number can reach out on discord to request a name change. (Only available to players with a duplicate number post merge)

In-game Voice chat Updates:
  • Players will now have their Voice Speakers and Mic enabled by default
  • Players can now hear each other in open world via positional voice. So up close they should be full volume and it lowers at a distance
  • Players will now have private VOIP 'Party chat' when joining a party.
  • Players will hear each other from anywhere if in a party, distance is not taken into account.
  • Players can hear both a player in the world AND party via both methods at the same time
  • Players can mute themselves from the mute options menu by turning off 'Self Mic'
  • Players can mute specific players from the Rosters of Party/Nearby players
  • Players can see other players' names in the correct roster lists in their codex
  • Players can successfully restart Voice service and continue to hear players via the codex
  • Players Mute Options save through a close and reopen of the game

Holiday Update 2023:
  • Word has spread of an Evil Gromch roaming the lands... Be on the lookout, but be careful!
  • Collect festive holiday gear upgrades
  • Holiday chests have been sprinkled throughout the land for adventurers to find.
  • Enjoy festive decorations throughout the land!

  • New HP/MP bars! - (there is an issue with rotation, which solves itself through play, we will address this in the next patch!)
  • Hits/Tips added to the loading screen while you wait
  • Trogre cave boss room updated
  • Charged Shot skill no longer has lingering purple FX
  • Haptics updated for Spells fizzle
  • Haptics updated for Melee combat
  • Haptics updated for Ranged combat
  • NPCs should turn to face you when interacting with you

Patch Notes v0.2.7

Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.7

  • Quest 3 Graphics Update! Improved resolution, texture filtering, render distance, detail distance, and real-time shadows.

  • Vive Wand Controller support added.

Starting Island Improvements:
  • Starting Island Keep gates are now open, and players no longer have to climb down. Quests have been updated to match this change.
  • New early-level cloth, leather, and plate gear added.
  • Updated starting island terrain with a new path for easier ascent if a player falls off the bridge.
  • Starting Island waterfalls no longer sound like the gates of hell
  • Quests: Fixed typos for ‘Entrance Test’, ‘Animal Analysis,’ ‘Care Package,’ ‘Raiding the Ruins,’ ‘Scout Hunting,’ ‘Turn up the Heat’

Additionally, we've laid out our initial road map for the coming months for players to get an idea of what to expect! After reviewing the feedback from our community, our focus is smoothing out current content (Looking at you, Melee combat, character controller, AI, and Servers!) and then shifting into brand new content in the new year!

Patch Notes v0.2.6

Ilysia | Patch Notes | v0.2.6

  • Player viewpoint is no longer above your avatar’s head.
  • Remote players should no longer look like they are hunched over or have their hands over their heads.
  • Remote player hands are now rotated correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing mobs in the Eurus region to spawn under the snow.
  • Merchant Amaya has had her shoes of magical levitation taken away and is no longer floating above the ground.

  • Quest: Misbehaving herbs for 'The Cursed Well' quest should now be harvestable from the Graveyard grounds.
  • Quest 'Stalling Tactics' fixed incorrect mob spawning
  • Quest 'Act of Mercy' fixed incorrect mob spawning
  • Quest 'Travel to Ironhold' waypoint fixed
  • Quests: Typos in 'The Quartermaster's Quest', 'Boarish Behavior', 'Return To Sender' and 'Misplaced Medicine' fixed.

This patch is lighter than usual as the team is now heads down on the larger multi-week work items we discussed in our Tavern Talk Ep.3, including the refactor for Melee Combat, the new Character Controller and updated graphics for Quest 3. We're still a few weeks out from those, but they're in progress!

Patch Notes v0.2.5

Ilysia | Patch Notes | v0.2.5


  • Short press on right controller ‘A’ button should now shortcut to open player backpack.
  • Long press on right controller ‘A’ button should now shortcut to open your backpack and wardrobe.
  • Fixed bug with currency that was allowing players to acquire negative coin amounts.
  • Adjusted ratling spawners near Tambria to prevent them from spawning in the ground.


  • Finally untangled an issue that was preventing mobs from reacting visually to taking damage.
  • Fixed bug where some mobs were playing incorrect animations when moving.
  • The Trogre, Yeti, and Bal’Ramos have had their reaction time and movement adjusted.


  • Fixed a bug that was causing all quest NPCs to display a quest summary instead their full dialog when offering quests.
  • Fixed quest “Travel to Portus” which prevented several of its quest chains from working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing several Dominion quests not to be available.
  • Fixed quest “Return to Sender” where the quest description did not indicate where to collect Ceremonial Armor Pieces. The Waydar marker has been updated.
  • Fixed issue where NPC Minius was standing too close to the map board, preventing players from reading dialogue.
  • Fixed quest “Improving living conditions” typo
  • Fixed quest “The Spider Salesman” typo
  • Fixed quest “Misplaced Medicine” typo
  • Fixed quest “Care Package” typo
  • Fixed quest “Lost Cure” typo
  • Fixed quest “Fire Web” typo