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Gas Station Simulator News

Restocking Shelves Update – Patch #1🔥

  • Improved storing products on Shelves, now we place all the same products in one batch
  • Improved how product filters work:

  1. All (decorations/shelves etc...)" button is exclusive to the rest of the filters
  2. By pressing "all filter" you clear the rest of filters
  3. By pressing any filter "all filter" is cleared
  4. You can still have more than one filter
  • Improved Employee restocking animations depending on the level of restocked Shelf


[h3]Base game⛽[/h3]
  • Fixed a crash caused by using a Reset button
  • Fixed issue with missing string tables in Photo Mode when Junkyard DLC isn’t installed
  • Fixed various issues with localizations of the Employee Restock feature
  • Fixed a bug that caused cars that leave the Car Wash to block traffic
  • Fixed various localization bugs in Shelves and Products
  • Fixed a bug that caused Delivery cars to block traffic when turning to the Station
  • Fixed various issues with cars getting stuck on the road
  • Fixed a bug that caused a change of FoV after clicking not immediately in the Photo Mode
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a player from resetting the Paint Service Driver
  • Fixed a bug with missing key bindings string tables when Junkyard DLC is not installed
  • Made enviro corrections in Car Wash pavements
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Workshop car parts to be out of focus when carried
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from painting the Warehouse corner
  • Removed an unnecessary SFX played when trying to refill the full Shelve
  • Fixed visual bug with levitating Valentines decorations
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to teleport into the center of the screen when changing inventory filters
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Delivery Driver to get stuck in the Warehouse blocking further deliveries
  • Fixed a bug causing the display of an incorrect Employee Restock tutorial
  • Fixed a visual bug with the incorrect position of Trailers decorations
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Employee task list to get blocked
  • Fixed a bug that caused cars leaving the Station to block other cars
  • Fixed a bug that caused a Employee to reset inside the Campers
  • Fixed a bug with missing Comercial category for airbrush decals

[h3]Tidal Wave🏝️[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Tidal Wave sign to be interactable even if the DLC was not installed
  • Fixed a bug that caused traffic issues on the station exit
  • Added missing Employee tutorial translations

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a player from using [Z] & [X] buttons to switch between car part categories
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a player from using [A] & [D] buttons to rotate the wreck
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a player from using [S] & [W] buttons to move the camera

P.S. If you haven't yet had a chance to check out Car Dealer Simulator Prologue from our friends at Garage Monkeys, we think now is the perfect time.


Restocking Shelves Update is Available Now 🔥

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

I’m more than thrilled to announce that the Restocking Shelves Update is finally available for you to download. Make sure to update the game and while you wait, let’s dive right into what’s in store for you this time around 🤩

Yeap, you hear that right! From now on, your employees will finally have the possibility to restock those empty shelves and do the tedious work for you. Of course it’s totally up to you – you can still do it by yourself, but if you feel like you need some well-deserved rest, you can freely assign this task to one of your employees. If you want to see how it looks in the game, make sure to head over to our previous announcement

Oh… And along with the update, our team has managed to fix some of the issues you’ve reported previously. Check the full patch notes below and let us know in the comments down below what you think 👇


  • Automatic Restocking: now you can use your Employees to restock your Shelves. You can pick between automatic restocking and custom set up which allows you to control which products are restocked and when. We also reworked the mechanic of picking up shelves.
  • Challenges Rework: Challenges have been balanced in the Base Game and Tidal Wave. In TW, they contribute to reducing the volcano’s anger. For the ones already present in the Base Game, We’ve added two new challenges related to refueling boats.
  • In the Base Game, challenges have been modified based on the popularity level – up to level 8, challenges require fewer customers to be served and offer smaller rewards in terms of popularity points. After level 8, challenges require serving more customers but grant more popularity points.
  • Show/Hide HUD: we added another Display Option that allows the player to hide HUD.

[h3]Base game⛽[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug where 12 PM was displayed as 12 AM
  • Fixed a bug that allowed player to place cigarettes shelves twice on the same slot after loading the game
  • Fixed a FPS drop when Party Bus arrives at the Station
  • Fixed a bug that required player to click on screen first in order to be able to skip cutscene
  • Fixed a visual bug with wrong material on Fuel Delivery outflow that made it too dark
  • Fixed a bug that caused blocking a fixed car on the Workshop lift after Save/Load
  • Fixed a bug that showed picklocking challenge during the last cinematic
  • Fixed a bug that caused a player to be stuck in sewers
  • Fixed a bug that caused a player to coles Shelve UI with pressing any button
  • Fixed a bug that caused Tobacco products to be hard to target on Shelves
  • Fixed a landscape hole near the Workshop
  • Fixed a visual bug that prevented some parts of the Workshop from loading properly on Notebook graphic setting
  • Fixed a bug that prevented player from opening Tool menu pressing Tab
  • Fixed a bug that stopped music when player entered Rudy
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect display of Management Tab in 3440x1440 resolution
  • Fixed a bug that caused Party Bus customers to be blocked by Police Car waiting for Fuel
  • Fixed a bug that caused both levels of Christmas decorations to be displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed missing localization for Hammer tool and new Cash Register
  • Fixed a bug that caused display of wrong Cash Register model after Save/Load
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect font for Party Time Timer in Polish version of the game
  • Fixed a bug that caused employees to get stuck in car wash ruins
  • Fixed a bug that caused a game to crash when player went back to washing car after popularity cutscene
  • Fixed a various problems with spawning Employees

[h3]Tidal Wave🏝️[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug that allowed player to set up multiple queues to the Cash Register
  • Fixed a bug that caused music to stop when using PC management tab
  • Fixed a visual bug with missing lighting at the entrance of the Level 8 Gas Station
  • Fixed a bug that caused a Workshop lights to get turned off i player exited the Workshop holding Shift
  • Replaced a wrong picture for Lvl 1 Car Wash in Upgrade Tree
  • Removed redundant stone that appeared only on High Graphic setting

  • Fixed bug with Joe’s crash site spawning above the map.
  • Fixed a visual bug with incorrect placement of the hats on the hanger
  • Fixed a visual bug with disappearing smoke from Joe’s plane
  • Fixed a bug that significantly reduced chances for success after a failed trade
  • Fixed a bug that started Sandstorms before the first trade
  • Fixed a bug that caused Joe to have incorrect position on bench after Save/Load
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Joe’s plane to smoke even after towing it to hangar

  • Fixed a bug that changed quest to Junkyard questline after loading the game
  • Fixed a bug that showed Car Wreck UI during the cutscenes
  • Fixed incorrect description in Square Lvl 4 Upgrade
  • Fixed a bug that caused to show incorrect “Money Lost” value after a failed delivery
  • Removed redundant Projectors tutorial

[h2]Stay up-to-date 📰[/h2]

We hope this update enhances your Gas Station Simulator experience and helps you keep those shelves looking spick and span. As always, thank you for your continued support, and be sure to let us know your thoughts. Until the next devlog!


P.S Our friends over Garage Monkeys wanted us to share that Car Dealer Simulator: Prologue just had its release. The free introduction to the base game allows you to get your hands-on the core mechanics of the game, so if you’re looking for something to pass the time over the weekend, feel free to check it out.


Restocking Shelves Update when?🤔

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

Welcome to the first announcement of 2025! I hope you had an amazing time during the Christmas break and you’ve celebrated New Year with a blast 💥But worry no more if you’ve had a rather peaceful time – I’m gonna do my best to get you in the proper mood, cause the news I bring today are definitely from the jaw-dropping category, as we finally know when the long-awaited feature is gonna be available in our beloved Gas Station Simulator 👀Let the games begin then! 🔥

[h2]Restocking Shelves Update will be available next week 🥳[/h2]

That’s right! Your employees will finally be able to restock the shelves for you some time next week. I know there are many of you who have been eagerly waiting to get your hands-on restocking shelves by employees, so I’m more than thrilled to bring it to you. Now, I won't leave you without anything spicy, so what about a little sneak peek into the restocking shelves and how it looks right now, shall we?

The way it works is quite simple – first of all, make sure to assign the "Restocking Shelves" task to one of your employees.

Then, you need unlock restocking on the shelves by clicking on it, and go to the employee restock tab.

Last thing you need to do is to choose whether you want to customize the amount of products that's gonna be on the shelve, or you want to let the employee restock it randomly.

And job's done! You can now sit and relax while your employees will do the dirty work for you.

[h2]We’ll be streaming next week 🕹️[/h2]

We’ll be live streaming on Thursday 23rd of January at 6 PM CET. If you have any questions, issues, or simply want to chat with us, don’t hesitate and head over to our official twitch.tv channel. I’m expecting as many of you as possible, so don’t disappoint me 🙇

[h2]Stay up-to-date 📰[/h2]

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Let me know in the comments down below how many of you cannot wait for the restocking shelves update. We'll be still working tirelessly to make the update as best as possible and we'll hear each other once again in the next week. Until the next devlog!



P.S Our friends over Garage Monkeys are thrilled to share that the upcoming Car Dealer Simulator: Prologue will launch in just a couple of days (23rd of January to be precise). So, if you’re looking for something similar to Gas Station Simulator, this game should be right up your alley 🔥


Last update of the year and some important information about the DLCs🔥

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

Welcome to the probably last announcement in 2024. It’s hard to believe that we’re already a couple of days away from the end of 2024. It feels like yesterday we announced the Economy Update or Car Junkyard DLC, but time flies as the saying goes.

Today, I thought it’s gonna be the perfect time to talk about both the present and the future for your favorite – Gas Station Simulator. I’m gonna share some information regarding the upcoming updates, DLCs (Shady Deals included), and more. So, grab a drink and snack of your choice, and let’s roll 🔥

[h2]Another batch of visual improvements has landed on Route 66 👀[/h2]

Let’s kick things off with a little update for the Gas Station Simulator. Some time ago, we did a whole performance and visual revamp for the GSS, but some of the models were still left unchanged simply because they were still a little bit rough around the edges and we needed some additional time to polish them. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait much longer as the update is already available on Steam. Along with that, the cash register also went through some changes mainly introducing some brand-new customization options.

And yes – we remember about the ability to restock shelves by the employees. We’re already working on it, but we want to emphasize proper balancing before releasing it to you, hence some additional time is needed.


[h3]Base game⛽[/h3]

  • Increased distance between Car Parts Truck and other cars to improve traffic.
  • Cash Register Upgrade: now you can upgrade the cash register on higher leves of Gas Station. You can also customize its colors on the higher levels.
  • Products Revamp: We reworked all products, increased quality of topology and textures
  • Shelves Revamp: New design and quality bar for shelves of all products.


[h3]Base game⛽[/h3]

  • Epic settings have been merged into High settings. We removed the Epic setting as it became redundant after the Revamp.
  • Fixed a lag after opening tutorials on PC.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed a player to reach the Dead Zone with an RC car around checkpoint 7.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Employees from getting XP from cleaning.
  • Fixed a bug that caused music to be muted after Biker Guy beating cinematic
  • Fixed various issues with traffic mostly related to problems with the environment.
  • Fixed bug that stops music after leveling up the Station.
  • Fixed bug with traffices caused by cars trying to leave the station with entrance.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Party Bus customers to be blocked at the bus entry.
  • Fixed a bug with cars spawning in strange positions after loading the game.
  • Fixed a bug that caused employees to be stuck in Car Wash ruins in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to pick up shelves with tools equipped.
  • Fixed a bug with collisions on some cacti.

[h3]Tidal Wave🏝️[/h3]

  • Fixed bug with music missing after loading the game.
  • Fixed a traffic issue where new cars had problems with turning right.
  • Fixed a traffic issue where combi cars could be stuck near the Station entrance.
  • Fixed a bug that caused music to break after loading save with Party Boat on the map.
  • Fixed a bug that could break music when starting the electricity generator.


  • Fixed bug with Joe’s crash site spawning above the map.
  • Fixed a bug that let players spawn Joel after the Marshal Wand mini-game.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Joe to disappear from the plane.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get double Joe after second landing.
  • Fixed a bug that could stop music after skipping Airstrip upgrade cinematic.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented a player from completing the “Earn 25000$” objective after a sale.

[h2]Drive-In Cinema is coming in Q1, 2025🚗[/h2]

Now let's talk about the release date for our upcoming DLCs. After careful consideration we decided to postpone the release of Drive-In Cinema DLC to Q1, 2025. We want to use this additional time to work on some extra features, expand the DLC further, and focus on polishing the stuff that we already have prepared. Sincere apologies and I’m more than open to read your comments down below.


[h2]What about Shady Deals 🍺?[/h2]

Similar to Drive-In Cinema DLC, we’ll be pushing forward the release date of Shady Deals. As this is a more story-focused DLC for the Gas Station Simulator, it requires much more attention than any other DLC that we’ve made so far.

Do you have any estimates - you might ask, and honestly you have all the rights to do so. However, with the current state, we can’t share anything apart from coming soon. We simply don’t want to throw any dates until we have the quality that we’re happy with. As soon as that time comes, I’ll be thrilled to reveal more about the Shady Deals, including its release date.


[h2]Stay up-to-date 📰[/h2]

And that’s gonna be it for today’s announcement. I’m more than open to hearing your feedback and thoughts regarding the update and the release dates for the DLCs. Don’t forget that every cloud has a silver lining, and I can say that we have more than one ace up in our sleeves.

Last but not least, as this is (probably) our last announcement before the Christmas break and New Year, on behalf of the entire DRAGO entertainment team, I’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays) and a Happy New Year! May this time be filled with joy, love, and the presence of your loved ones around you. Charge up your batteries and welcome the new year with a blast. Here is for even greater 2025 🍺Until the next devlog!

And so, at the very end, I toss you the Car Dealer Simulator from Garage Monkeys, whose release is already approaching in the coming year



Gas Station Simulator Hotfix #8 is available now!

[h2]Base game:[/h2]

  • Fixed a bug where the second car in the queue could stop the whole line
  • Fixed a bug where pick-locking trunks of cars in the fueling line could stop vehicles from moving
  • Fixed a bug with the bad visibility of Cacti from a distance
  • Fixed a bug where the player couldn’t fuel some of the Junkyard cars
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Employees from going back to their camper after their shift ended
  • Fixed a bug that caused Party Bus customers to stack between fuel pumps
  • Fixed a visual but with ambient occlusion that caused a wall to look bad in the shadows
  • Fixed a bug with a missing scroller on the Upgrade Card
  • Fixed a bug with bad visibility of Neons from a distance
  • Fixed various issues with foliage like sand/bushes sticking out of the floor
  • Fixed multiple problems with items or foliage floating in the air
  • Fixed visual bug with glitching Bus Stop
  • Fixed visual bug with Old Man Guitar decoration being underground
  • Fixed visual bug with glitching car right lights in some cars
  • Fixed a bug with a low frame rate on the propeller in golf mini-course
  • Fixed a visual bug with a big cactus covering the fuel dispenser overview
  • Removed collision from cactus between Workshop and Gas Station
  • Removed various holes in the landscape
  • Fixed a bug with the cars getting stuck while driving off the parking lot

[h2]Tidal Wave:[/h2]
  • Fixed bug that caused Party Boat to disappear and leave customers without a way out
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused missing textures on level 9 of the Station
  • Fixed a bug with a missing pop-up when the player failed to lockpick the trunk in Workshop or Car Wash

  • Fixed visual bug with Wrench being out of focus in lower screen resolutions
