Gas Station Simulator Hotfix #8 is available now!
[h2]Base game:[/h2]
[h2]Tidal Wave:[/h2]
- Fixed a bug where the second car in the queue could stop the whole line
- Fixed a bug where pick-locking trunks of cars in the fueling line could stop vehicles from moving
- Fixed a bug with the bad visibility of Cacti from a distance
- Fixed a bug where the player couldn’t fuel some of the Junkyard cars
- Fixed a bug that prevented Employees from going back to their camper after their shift ended
- Fixed a bug that caused Party Bus customers to stack between fuel pumps
- Fixed a visual but with ambient occlusion that caused a wall to look bad in the shadows
- Fixed a bug with a missing scroller on the Upgrade Card
- Fixed a bug with bad visibility of Neons from a distance
- Fixed various issues with foliage like sand/bushes sticking out of the floor
- Fixed multiple problems with items or foliage floating in the air
- Fixed visual bug with glitching Bus Stop
- Fixed visual bug with Old Man Guitar decoration being underground
- Fixed visual bug with glitching car right lights in some cars
- Fixed a bug with a low frame rate on the propeller in golf mini-course
- Fixed a visual bug with a big cactus covering the fuel dispenser overview
- Removed collision from cactus between Workshop and Gas Station
- Removed various holes in the landscape
- Fixed a bug with the cars getting stuck while driving off the parking lot
[h2]Tidal Wave:[/h2]
- Fixed bug that caused Party Boat to disappear and leave customers without a way out
- Fixed a visual bug that caused missing textures on level 9 of the Station
- Fixed a bug with a missing pop-up when the player failed to lockpick the trunk in Workshop or Car Wash
- Fixed visual bug with Wrench being out of focus in lower screen resolutions