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  3. Vote Now! Which Mini Metro Map Should Come to Mini Motorways?

Vote Now! Which Mini Metro Map Should Come to Mini Motorways?

Hello, city planners!

We are so excited to invite you to take a seat at the developers’ table and give you a peek under the hood – in fact, we’ll hand you some tools so you can help. We’re selecting one map to bring from Mini Metro to Mini Motorways – this is where you come in!

Cast your vote on which Mini Metro map we should bring to Mini Motorways by selecting your top choice from 30 cities! Whether it’s your favourite city to explore or a map that constantly challenges you, we want to know which Mini Metro city you love the most. After the voting closes, we’ll share the top four contenders for a final round of voting.

The winning Mini Metro map will be announced here on May 8th, along with even more exciting news you won’t want to miss! Tune back into this news post as we make more announcements.

To cast your vote, see a timeline of the voting and announcement of the winning map, and learn more about the General Conditions of the competition, see below.

  • Cast your vote for your top choice map on our website at https://dinopoloclub.com/2023/04/17/nominate/

  • What comes next?

    1. Round one: Vote on your favourite map from a selection of 30 maps found in Mini Metro - Voting closes April 17th PST!
    2. Round two: Vote on your favourite map from the top four contenders - Voting closes April 29th PST!
    3. Winner will be announced on May 8th PST along with a big announcement!

To learn more about the general conditions and rules of voting, visit our website at https://dinopoloclub.com/2023/04/17/rules/