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  3. People Playground 1.27

People Playground 1.27

[h2]If you are having issues with your camera, uninstall Cloddymod.[/h2]

1.27 - October 21 2023


  • New map: Reactor A5
  • Decoupler
  • Adhesive Coupler
  • Pointer
  • Counter
  • Office Chair
  • Office Desk
  • Office Computer
  • Office Monitor
  • Naval Mine
  • Chain
  • "Mute" context menu option to the Lagbox, Metronome, Missile Launcher, Timed Gate, and pistons
  • Blunt impact can now emit blood particles
  • Blunt impact have a chance to cut the skin open
  • Sound effects for bullet cracks and whizzes.
  • Grid and angle snap size settings with optional keybinds
  • Bus window can shatter
  • Some ambient sounds in the main menu
  • "Artery sections", where cuts and shots will emit a larger, more focused bloodstream


  • Bullet holes age more visibly and eventually cause larger bruises
  • Casing ejection particles no longer scale with the weapon
  • Closed suspicious mod rejection loophole
  • Made tempered glass shatter quicker
  • Changed map selection buttons
  • The hand grenade now correctly loses its pin and lever when armed
  • Increased default physics iterations to 32
  • Increased maximum physics iteration count to 256
  • Increased minimum physics iteration count to 8
  • Made it easier to select objects inside other objects by prioritising the smallest object under the cursor
  • Improved fragmentation explosion crushing behaviour
  • Organisms can now fully restore their blood levels on their own
  • Missile Launcher missile will now explode when shot with a sufficiently large round
  • Increased headshot fatality rate
  • Slightly increased bullet knockback force
  • Made sentry turret AI more consistent
  • Doubled the lethality of the landmine
  • Changed water surface explosion SFX
  • Lowered wood bullet impact volume
  • Increased ricochet sfx spread
  • Reduced blood impact mist
  • The flamethrower and fire extinguisher now has slight recoil
  • Updated several item descriptions to color code different types of signals
  • Made detail view explosive killzone a vector image


  • Mods occasionally failing to upload
  • Rewrote significant parts of the control scheme system, fixing a few inconsistencies, bugs, and "what the hell" moments
  • Humans could live having all their blood replaced with a tasty beverage
  • Zombies healing wounds
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass machine collision serialisation working incorrectly
  • Attachments detaching when weapon is activated using activator electrode
  • Incorrect servo description
  • Immobility field - sentry turret interaction weirdness
  • Heart rate monitor showing 70 bpm when it shouldn't
  • Broken plate debris not showing up when flipped
  • Some more safety
  • EscapeRichText loophole


I expect a few hour-after patches lmao

Originally posted by Me

I need to remind myself to never
make updates large and infrequent. It's a lot better for everyone involved to make them more frequent and not as large. Ideally focused on a theme or single feature implementation.

... is what I said after 1.26 after which I decided to create the most elaborate map so far. I can't promise anything, but I'll try harder to make updates a little smaller and more frequent. I hope. Thank you for your patience (if you had any).