Release 1.9.83
📜You can find the full changelog here:
- Added tile based water animation
- Added building attribute "draw water ground" to signal game to draw water under the building
- Added support for custom water (see here)
- Added "draw water ground" attribute for specifying what type of water to draw beneath a building
- Added water height smoothing after placing water or land
- Added tile based water sparkle
- Added Tile.setGroundHeight, Builder.getZonePrice Lua functions
- Added draft script load/unload event functions
- Added script:exit event function
- Added support for custom water border frames using the attribute "water border frames"
- Added drafts picked by eye dropper to toolbar history
- Added Tile.isCoast function
- Added "add prices" support for road decorations
- Added support for animations on fences, helicopters and planes
- Added non-privileged plugin support for waste and body disposal buildings
- Added lights for various buildings made by DESOLAN and Kulche
- Added heightmap import functionality
- Added more light definitions by DESOLAN
- Added support to remove 2nd level ground by placing normal ground
- Added font for tagalog language
- Fixed diagonal one-way roads had to provide custom dirs array
- Fixed an interesting script execution concurrency issue which could cause some strange crashing
- Fixed coasts always drew default water under them
- Fixed draw water ground attribute lead to slightly blue colored buildings
- Fixed out of money preview in tools when using a mouse
- Fixed inherited, native drafts were hidden in regions which didn't allow plugins
- Fixed not enough money dialog did not show amount on premium versions while using German language
- Fixed stage background sometimes did not show the current city
- Fixed visual result of "draw water borders":false did not include coast
- Fixed optional parameter of was ignored
- Fixed background of removal price dialog showed performed removal
- Fixed graphical glitches in list boxes with zebra pattern item backgrounds
- Fixed draw building water ground did not work correctly for rotated cities
- Fixed dialog animation was shown when switching between influences in tile info dialog
- Fixed auto build plugin buildings were still built in cities with not allowed plugins
- Fixed pollution color could color bleed into neighboring buildings
- Fixed start screen background would change upon rebuilding the window
- Fixed water near map edge drawing
- Fixed some translation issues
- Fixed missing railing issue for roads on slopes
- Fixed some grass ground used old, rough coast graphics
- Fixed aligned building tool did not build zones
- Fixed experimental mode was required to build water on hills
- Fixed doubled income didn't show length in feature selector
- Fixed gifts and comments sidebar buttons were not hidden in hide ui mode
- Fixed hidden upgrades would still add up to total building upgrades
- Fixed click sound did not abort when leaving tile dialog via influence view
- Fixed "disable plugin" action on plugin error stage did not work on PC
- Fixed upgrade drafts could cause Lua crashes when a type was specified
- Fixed automatic disasters still occurred in uber mode
- Fixed legacy settings file was hidden by default
- Fixed remove tool was broken when asking about removal price
- Fixed buildings that did not support terrain were drawn with coast and water border at the same time beneath
- Changed some Lua function permissions
- Updated libraries
- Adjusted terrain shading
- Water related adjustments
- Changed default behavior of water drawing for backwards compatibility with older plugins which rely on drawing water below them
- Adjusted ogl2.1 missing error to make clear that there are GPUs that are not capable to run the game
- Adjusted Lua Builder library to build zones automatically
- Attempt to fix cyclic worker executor is null issue
- Attempt to fix a silent game exit by throwing an exception when trying to save city from outside of main thread
- Disabled script:event functions when neighboring city connections are applied (caused some issues since City libraries are missing at that point)
- Adjust road decoration light switching
- Attempt to fix strange lines near gradient frames
- Merge sandbox and free mode into one, as they are functionally the same
- Adjust max building size limit for all buildings to 16x16
- Adjust button behaviour to let buttons loose selection on tap when said tap moves outside of the button
- Move City.load and City.execute into TheoTown module
- Ensure that car paths are validated in regard to road flags before re-using them
- Updated translations