1. 4th Era - The RuneChild
  2. News

4th Era - The RuneChild News

Demo is ready.

My demo is ready on Itchi.io, and can be use to test the game:

4 Classes

The Gun Fighter and his two specialty are ready.
The Necromancer and one of his extra classes "The Skeletor" is also ready

Alpha GameTest v a0.6

Playing my game: Youtube Video

Other stuff:
Adding some background music.
Debugging the store. the top things couldn't be bough.:hushed:
Change money to 50$, so you start and can buy a little stuff.
Added that you can press X to find closets enemy/hive.

Change the zombie collider, so You can hit Zombies, that are lower than you.
Added an marker on the map, so you can find yourself easy.
Updated the user manual. Not that pretty, but ...


Divide the Sell/buy, in to two different menu's.

Make the sleep circulate more closer following normal day/night.

Changing the loading scene to start with the pause scene.

If You don't have a weapon/spell ready, it show a warning.

Adding Clues, notes and random weird stuff.

Stop the Camera shake, when you move.

The Main Map is finished

The main map is finished, And I am starting to add stuff like zombie hives, and building in the cities.

Still only the Gun-Fighter is ready, with his two specialization.
The Ninja, that can be cloaked, and kill without being seen.
And the Lazer-Lord, that uses his Mana to fire different lazerguns.