1. 4th Era - The RuneChild
  2. News
  3. The Schools of Magic are Ready

The Schools of Magic are Ready

Finished with making the Mage.

School of Divination: See, find and known stuff.

School of Necromancy: Control and Summon undead, and even Infected the living.

School of Invocator: Spells for the Battle mage, fighting and killing with magic.

School of Abjuration: Protection yourself from harm, and Mending equipment.

School of Alteration: Change Yourself or other, or even Teleport yourself.

School of Conjuration: Get help from Minions, or Even cast a Wish.

School of Enchant/Charm: Enchant objects, charm others, or even Create Scrolls.

School of Illusions: Illusion, but sometimes Solid Illusions.