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Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition News

Campaign multiplayer beta now unlocked for all players

Greetings commanders,

We've pushed out a small update to Total War: EMPIRE today which unlocks the campaign multiplayer beta for all owners of the game.

Previously, in order to access the campaign multiplayer beta you were required to request a code from SEGA Customer Support, but this is no longer the case. We still receive requests for Total War: EMPIRE multiplayer beta access codes on a regular basis, and thought the best solution was to open this up to all of you without need for any extra hassle.

We hope you enjoy!

See you on the battlefield.

—The Total War Team

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Wage Total War with huge Steam sale ahead of TW Pharaoh

With Total War Pharaoh on the horizon, what better way to get ready for the next installment in Creative Assembly's masterful historical series - featuring some of the best strategy games of all time - than a massive Total War sale? With everything from the series' earliest games, all the way up to the most recent historical entries prior to Total War Pharaoh, you won't want to miss out. So, move fast to grab these bargains.

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Medieval 2: Total War cheats and console commands

A Witcher mod is in the works for Medieval 2: Total War

The Witcher becomes a strategy game in this Total War mod

Small update to Total War: EMPIRE

Greetings commanders,

We've pushed out a small update to Total War: EMPIRE which addresses crashes with 12th gen Intel CPUs, while also removing integrated chat from the game. Read on for full details:

Due to difficulties supporting and moderating dated chat systems in the current online environment, we’ve taken steps to remove the integrated chat from Total War: Empire and other legacy titles in our catalogue. We are, however, continuing to investigate ways to properly implement and support chat in our future projects and will keep you updated on any changes or developments we make.
In the meantime, we encourage you to make use of the official Total War Discord server as a free chat and voice option, or to use one of the many third-party programs available to communicate with your teammates.
In addition to this change, we’ve updated the game to better use of modern architecture, which should result in notable performance improvements in Total War: Empire. We’ve also added support and fixed a crash seen with 12th-generation Intel CPUs.

For the latest news and announcements, don't forget to visit our official social channels.

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The best Empire: Total War mods

Let's take a look at some Empire: Total War mods. It's over ten years old now and Empire was never the most popular Total War game, so the scene is quite mature and in some respects, sparse. That doesn't mean there aren't some excellent choices with which to spruce up the vanilla experience, however, some of which are still being maintained today.

Empire: Total War kicked off the modern era for the series with shiny new 3D graphics, a new updated engine, and an advanced time period set during the Age of Colonisation and the truly 'global' setting. It's still fondly remembered by many, even if it was a bit of a technical mess on launch, and is often overlooked for its more targeted cousin in Napoleon: Total War.

Empire: Total War was also the first Total War game to introduce tactical naval combat, something that is considered one of the better aspects of the game. While there's plenty of mods that tweak this, or fix that, few take a hard look at naval combat, so you'll be pleased to know there's one thing you don't have to worry about.

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Total War fans are celebrating Empire: Total War's glorious naval battles

Total War fans are celebrating Empire: Total War's glorious naval battles

Empire: Total War (now Total War: Empire) was released in the distant past of 2009 and as far as Total War games go, it doesn't get a lot of attention these days. Empire was important for a few reasons: it was the first Total War game to use a modern-looking 3D engine, and was the first game to feature dedicated 3D naval battles. It was also the first to fully embrace firearms.

Despite some impressive milestones, Empire: Total War received a mixed reception. Critics generally praised it - I remember giving it high marks at the time myself - but fans were more critical. It offered unprecedented strategic breadth and made great strides for strategy games at the time, but it was also unpolished in many places. The AI was also quite subpar, as it found naval invasions problematic.

It was eventually succeeded by 2010's Napoleon: Total War, which sacrificed Empire's global strategy for a more focused - and stable - spin-off. Despite this, fans on the Total War subreddit have been showing their appreciation, especially for the naval battles as many consider Empire's to be the best of the series.

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