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  3. Priority Points QoL Improvements, More Options, Many Fixes and More v1.034

Priority Points QoL Improvements, More Options, Many Fixes and More v1.034

[h2]Priority Points:[/h2]
One of the most requested features is to add some QoL for priority points. The issue was having to select every unit individually and set their points. We received suggestions to add buttons to select them all, but we figured that would not solve it completely as you’d set points for units you don’t want to set points for. So now we added the option to select multiple units at once. You can use right-click and select multiple units with rectangle selection. You can also hold the CTRL key and add to your current selection, either with rectangle selection or just by clicking on more units.

Additionally, now you cannot click on enemy units while setting up the priority sliders. This was another big issue, as you’d accidentally select an enemy unit while trying to set their priority sliders, which would deselect your unit.
And slider sizes are increased to make it easier to select and drag them.

[h2]Start Game Options:[/h2]
At the start of the game, we have two new options as requested by the community:

Unlock All Gladiators from the Start - Normally, new gladiator buildings appear as you finish championships. However, you can enable this option to have them all available from the start. Recommended only for players familiar with the game and looking for more customization.

Unlock All Gladiator Traits from the Start - Same as above. If you are already familiar with the game and want to play with more options, you can enable this. Keep in mind that higher tiers are still available only once the gladiator reaches those levels. But you won’t have to wait a few arenas to see all the traits from that tier, they will all be available.

We reworked the options panel, adding tabs so you can more easily find what you’re looking for.

[h3]In the Gameplay tab, we added: [/h3]
Save Gladiator Positions - In the previous update, we made gladiators save their positions during championship and tournament rounds. A few people wanted to play the game as it was before, so now we added this as a toggle that can be enabled or disabled depending on your preference.

Enable Clear Team Button - This option will add an button that can clear the team if you quickly want to reposition them.

Random Team Sizes - To add the Save Gladiator Positions feature in the last update, we had to lock the variation of how many gladiators you can use in championship and tournament. Still, some people preferred the challenge of adjusting their team to different numbers of allowed units in each fight. So now you can re-enable it. The difficulty of the game will remain the same since the level of enemy gladiators will be adjusted to the number of gladiators you can use.

We have one more tab in options called Game Tips - where you can manually go through all the info about the game that is displayed randomly after each battle ends.

  • You can hold CTRL and click on an item to sell it.
  • Right-clicking on gladiator stats will assign 5 points to it.

We dug into the unit's priority system and changed how taunt works. There were issues where ranged units would not shoot the unit that taunted them if this unit was very close because they cannot shoot units in the minimum range. Now they will prioritize the unit who taunted them and move to an appropriate range to shoot them.

- Shop units are now closer to the levels of your gladiators to avoid the issue where you keep having to buy new ones.
- Taunt and AoE abilities are reported as the most OP things in the game. We had to nerf some of the AoEs to address this, especially now that taunt is working a lot more effectively. We also lowered the rest of the AoE radius a little bit to keep other team builds viable.

To differentiate Drummer and Rhino, we listened to your feedback and made Rhino have a bigger AoE radius (in comparison, both are nerfed overall) but shorter duration, while Drummer has a smaller AoE radius but a much longer duration, making them effective at different things.

  • Drummer - Drum of Terror taunt ability starting AoE radius reduced from 3 to 1.3 and max reduced from 4 to 2.25. But the duration of the taunt is increased from min 3 and max 6 seconds to min 5 and max 10 seconds. Making him good at keeping the small group of enemies around him taunted.
  • Rhino - Roar taunt ability starting AoE radius reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 and max reduced from 4.5 to 4. (Initially, we wanted to nerf this all the way to 2.5 but decided to nerf the duration instead). Min duration remains 3, but max is reduced from 6 to 5. Rhino's cooldown is also increased from starting 4.5 to 8, and from min 3.5 to 6 seconds. Making him good at taunting a bigger number of enemies but for a shorter time.
  • Pyromancer - Unstable Firebolt max AoE radius reduced from 3.5 to 2.7.
  • Dark Mage - Dark Void max AoE radius reduced from 2.5 to 2.2.
  • Cryomancer - Frost Bolt max AoE radius reduced from 5.5 to 4.5. Max duration increased from 4.5 seconds to 5 seconds. Icicle Shot ability increases damage from 1 per intelligence to 2.5 per intelligence point.
  • Hunter - Burst Shot increases damage from 14 per strength to 16 per strength and from 1 per agility to 2 per agility. Impact force increased from 3.5 to 4.5.
  • Cleric - Melee attack increases damage from 1 per strength and 4 per agility to 2 per strength, 4 per agility, and additionally 2.5 per intelligence, so he scales a bit of damage with intelligence as well.
  • Iron Scrap - Armor resistance increased from 40% to 55% to stay relevant with other units. For example, Drummer already has 40% for all attacks and has a taunt, while Scrap resists only melee and ranged attacks.
  • Shaman - Summoning totems used to take 50 stamina and now requires 80 to be closer to the summoning costs of other summoners. The Shaman wasn’t this strong before because he would go forward and fight with the rest of the team. But, after receiving feedback that this is not best behavior on his side, we changed him to stand back and summon totems, making him very powerful as he would just sit back and summon totems throughout the battle. Even with the increased cost, if he has default stats, he does not lack stamina to summon them. However, if you focus all his stats on intelligence to increase the levels of his totems, he will start having stamina issues. This small adjustment just grounds him with other summoners like the Warlock, whose stamina needs to be taken into consideration.
  • Druid - Roots ability used to give 0.5 damage per intelligence and now gives 1.5. Her regenerate ability used to give 8 heal per agility, and now it gives 9.
  • Spearman's Spear Attack - Push force is increased from 2.7 to 10, but damage is lowered from 12 per agility to 11 per agility.
  • Bossed Decaying Abomination and Blightspreader Abomination AoE abilities are nerfed for about 25% as they were too strong unless you had a team with a lot of ranged and crowd control units to keep them away.

  • Extrovert - Now has a cap of 125% max main stat bonus, which is still very strong for tier 1 Trait but prevents abuse with a lot of summoners.
  • Foul Mouth - AoE radius decreased from 2/2.5/3 to 1.5/1.75/2.
  • Hold My Beer - AoE radius reduced from 2.5/3.25/4 to 1.5/2/2.5.

  • Herculean Anchor - Reduced from giving 40%/60%/80% to 25%/37%/50%, because the downside of this item is only movement speed percentage, which is not nearly as big a downside as other similar items that cause gladiators to lose health.
  • Sage's Sacrificial Diadem - Nerfed on rare (blue) and epic (purple) versions from 50/120/200% to 50/75/100%. This one was way OP compared to the rest of the items and might have been an oversight during the last balancing round.

We fixed a lot of reported issues and bug like:
  • Projectiles that were dodged, not calculating damage correctly when hitting the next target.
  • Units above level 60 had issues where they’d start leveling up even faster.
  • Max movement speed of enemies is capped at 50 points.
  • Selling items in Tournament mode and going undo does not keep the gold
  • Resetting stats for enemies in Tournament mode is fixed
  • Fixed friendly units who did damage to friendly shields as well as Vail traits damage leaking
  • Lacking Stamina after battle stats is fixed
  • Fixed many other issues or bugs with different gladiators, traits, or items.

We hope you'll enjoy these new additions, fixes, and polishes to the game! We invite you to join our Discord Community.

Thank you!