1. Gladiator Guild Manager
  2. News
  3. V1.022: Localization and Typo Fixes, Slight Balancing of a Few Units

V1.022: Localization and Typo Fixes, Slight Balancing of a Few Units

[h3]Localization and Typo Fixes[/h3]

We had reports of people encountering “Localization Not Found” text in some places. This was really hard to track at first, but now we've developed a tool to help us locate those instances. We've gone through all of them and fixed them. Additionally, reported typos in English have been corrected. Let us know if you still run into any issues.

[h3]Gladiator Adjustments:[/h3]

- Shaman: Nerfed slightly. The cooldown of his totems has been increased. The starting cooldown is now 14 seconds (up from 12), and the minimum cooldown is now 7 seconds (up from 6). It also requires a bit more agility to scale to the minimum cooldown.

- Dark Mage: Damage nerfed from 9 damage per intelligence to 8 damage per intelligence.

- Knight: Buffed. His melee attack damage per strength point has been increased from 3 to 4.5. The agility scaling remains unchanged at 6.

Let us know if you notice any gladiators that are too strong or not strong enough, and we’ll test them to see if they need any slight adjustments.

Thank you all!