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  2. News
  3. Update 0.946.9 Beta - Trait tier selection and gladiator buildings updated

Update 0.946.9 Beta - Trait tier selection and gladiator buildings updated

In update 0.946.9, you can now choose lower tier traits for higher tier slots. We also reworked gladiator buildings due to previous issues where they sometimes stopped giving buildings. Now, you get three buildings after each finished championship arena, with a better variety of gladiator types.

Unfortunately, because we had to edit how this works in the save game, we had to start from a clear save in v946.9. However, if you’re in the middle of a playthrough in beta, you can switch to the beta version called “beta pre-release v0.946.8 (before latest Trait and Gladiator Buildings Update - Save Purpose Only)” to continue with your previous save.

Let us know how the new trait options feel and if it’s easier to find the gladiators you need for your team now.