Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.9.4b | Nov 14
Updates to W40K: Inquisitor have been released. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
Patch v2.9.4b
[h2]Hierophant Class[/h2]
Patch v2.9.4b
- Numerous crash and stability fixes
- Fixed a wrong model for the Tech-Adept's Psiloi Combustor
- Fixed a weapon hide mechanism during cutscenes
- Retinue Only items are now hidden in the Crafting menu for other classes except in the "All" tab
- Tech-Adept construct modules now drop properly
[h2]Hierophant Class[/h2]
- Fixed the lower volume of the Hierophant during missions
- Fixed weapon-set switching issues with a controller
- Fixed missing talk/listen animations
- The Sacred Vault shop is no longer empty
- Fixed the Short Burst animation for the Autopistol
- Ethereal Form and Echoes of Purgatory will now stay active during cutscenes and inventory management
- Moved the Seasonal popup textbox above the Retinue Portraits in Season of Escalation
- Critical Hit Strength and Critical Hit Chance enchants can now roll on Retinue Weaponry
- Fixed an issue where the Retinue Heavy Bolter's Full auto attack did not switch targets fast enough
- Fixed an issue where any node was learnable as the first one on Retinue passive skill trees with a controller
- Fixed an issue where Skill-slot related enchants could roll for off-hand weaponry
- Fixed equipment-related Seasonal objectives not unlocking properly
- Fixed an issue where Relic versions of Retinue Belt items rolled without Relic Enchants
- Skulls event related items are now equippable
- Swapped default armors between the Cardinal and Confessor subclasses