It's almost time!
Adventure Mode will be launching out of beta on January 23rd, 2025. Watch the release date announcement trailer here:
Thank you to all the urists who participated in the beta and left their helpful feedback. The mode has come a long way since it first launching in beta and we couldn't have done it without your help! We are excited to shift focus back to Fortress Mode very soon but this is also not the end of Adventure Mode development. Many updates in the future will be applied to both modes and there's still more to add to Adventure Mode in the future. As with everything in Dwarf Fortress development, it will all come in due time. More details about the next steps soon.
We also have beta 28 out today with a long list of improvements and additions:
[h2]Beta 28 changes[/h2]
- Child portraits!
- Baby portraits!
- Pebble floors are differentiated from stone floors
- Mythical remnant images by sphere
- Fixed broken human hair palettes
- Fixed missing hoods for cloaks in portraits
- Fixed coin palettes and pile size images
- Fixed off-center mythical dungeon map images
- Tame vermin can be made available as pets in fort mode!
- Added adventure soundtrack to Fortress mode
- Added adventure mode music track credits
- Improved initial loading speed
Adventure mode character creation changes
- Changed description and added tip if chosen destiny is disabled
- Correct destiny name shown on character sheet in creation
- Difficulty tooltips
- Creature description tooltips on character creation
- Civilization description tooltips on character creation
- Home site description tooltips on character creation
- Ordered adventurer start sites by population
- Belief description tooltips on character creation
- Tweaked spacing in background paragraph in character creation
- Added character archetypes to character creation for attributes and skills
- Skill/attribute tooltips in character creation
- Made some additional skills available in character creation
- Made character creator choose better starting materials if some points can be spared
- Changed item category order
- Highlighted item categories in character creation that are for fortress mode
- Item quality button explanation in character creation
Adventure mode general changes
- Added mythical animal populations to mythical sites
- Made mythical populations wear less armor and decreased leader skills somewhat
- Added more protection against unintended infighting at mythical sites, though goblins can still argue
- Compass for retrieve artifact quest
- Improved adventure shopkeeper placement and table handling
- Stopped chosen from starting in towns with ruined temples
- Added handling of player that has been knocked out or unable to act for a long time
- Made reputation visible for people and groups in adv log in chosen/hero modes
- Improved adventurer log map display somewhat
- Added more information about where companions are located in companion list
- Right click allows drinking from tiles
- Right click on self has view option
- Right click on hatch gives option to go below
- Made adventurer NPCs tend toward taverns instead of castles
- Made priests start in their temples more correctly
- Hover info for sounds, vampire senses, memory map
- Fixed problem where enemy healing liquids healed you instead
- Added more chosen god popups
- Added some adventure mode help guides
- Made stop travel button flash if travel is impossible
- Clarified wording of surrounding obstacles message
- Clarified wording in talk button tutorial window
- Added announcement button to menu overview
- Improved travel restrictions check
- Added highlight for travel restrictions
- Made divine intervention stronger
- Fixed divine intervention crash against projectiles
- Cleaned up quest display between games
- Added more combat audio layers
- Changed songs less often in adventure mode
- Fixed audio crash related to ambiance
Other tweak
- Fixed broken medium taupe coloration for nightmare sphere screaming mouths fabric
Strike the Earth (again!)
- Tarn + Alexandra