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Dark Envoy News

Patch 1.5 - Tactical Combat update is Live!

We are excited to release our first update since the last Director's Cut update. Patch 1.5, called the Tactical Combat Update, introduces expanded specialization choices, additional skill levels, and numerous bug fixes. Balance changes include reduced weapon damage and enhanced skill power, along with difficulty adjustments to improve gameplay.

Version:; download size: 4.1GB
  • Extended secondary specialization choice by all remaining specializations to make reaching the milestone more exciting. For example warrior characters will be able to become elementalist, gunslinger or technomancer.
  • Introduced additional levels for both active and passive skill (4th and 3rd respectively) for base class and first specialization. Skill costs of additional level equals 2, but their mana cost remains the same.
  • Fixed a potential issue with game breaking in case unit wasn't properly removed when leaving a dungeon
  • Fixed an issue with auras (e.g. from chaos armor enchantment) triggering with every unit attack
  • Fixed an issue with multishot enchantment not applying resistance strip even when applied on items with resistance strip
  • Vasso will now join us in autonomous mode during tutorial sequence
  • Party will automatically be reselected after Vasso leaves during tutorial sequence
  • Fixed a critical issue with input hotkeys not working for players who had played earlier versions of the game
  • Fixed an issue with inventory item slots not updating correctly when lots of items were sold and the inventory was almost emptied
  • Improved camera fade in/out during dialogues and cutscenes in game
  • Lighting improvements in cutscenes in chapter 1 and 2, and Capital Ruga Quest
  • Fixed an issue with player not being able to interact with quest characters if settings from a previous version of the game were corrupted
  • Suggested characters will now be shown when selecting party for different quests
  • Characters not added to party will now be presented as holograms when taking part in dialogues
  • Fixed bug with damaging auras that dealt damage multiple times (cooldown reset every time unit attacked).
  • Fixed Gunslinger’s Stream of Metal issue where bullets were stopped by allied units.
  • Fixed some audio issues on skills.
  • Fixed a game breaking bug in explosions challenge that prevented players from completing the challenge

[h2]Balance Changes and Crafting Changes

All tier 2 and 3 weapons damage (both melee and ranged) was slightly reduced across the board as we received feedback that they were too powerful in comparison to skills:
  • Tier 2 weapons damage reduced by 2
  • Tier 3 weapons damage reduced by 10

In addition to that we reduced crit chance and crit damage values that could be rolled during crafting as secondary stats. Those values are doubled for two handed weapons.

Crit chance
Crafting research 0
Crafting research I
Crafting research II
Crafting research III
Tier I - 5% to 3%
Tier II - 7% to 4%
Tier III - 8% to 4%
Tier I - 7% to 4%
Tier II - 8% to 5%
Tier III - 10% to 6%
Tier I - 8% to 5%
Tier II - 10% to 6%
Tier III - 12% to 8%
Tier I - 10% to 6%
Tier II - 12% to 7%
Tier III - 15% to 10%
Crit damage
Crafting research 0
Crafting research I
Crafting research II
Crafting research III
Tier I - 12% to 4%
Tier II - 20% to 8%
Tier III - 24% to 12%
Tier I - 16% to 8%
Tier II - 24% to 12%
Tier III - 28% to 16%
Tier I - 20% to 12%
Tier II - 28% to 16%
Tier III - 32% to 20%
Tier I - 24% to 16%
Tier II - 32% to 20%
Tier III - 36% to 24%

[h3]Skills general boost
[/h3]Most of the skills in base classes remained at the same power level as before.

All of the specialization’s active skills were buffed across the board by increasing their damage, summons duration, buff duration etc.

Indirect buff to skills in crafting - allowing Skill Power to roll in additional stats for weapons. Detailed values (doubled for two handed weapons) below:

Skill power
Crafting research 0
Crafting research I
Crafting research II
Crafting research III
Tier I - 5%
Tier II - 6%
Tier III - 12%
Tier I - 6%
Tier II - 8%
Tier III - 15%
Tier I - 7%
Tier II - 9%
Tier III - 17%
Tier I - 8%
Tier II - 10%
Tier III - 20%

[h3]Debuff nerf
[/h3]As it was possible to strip all of the enemy stats we added cap for strip status effects:
  • Armor strip cap introduced at 50 stacks
  • Resistance strip cap introduced at 25 stacks

[h3]Difficulty changes
[/h3]We decided to make some changes in difficulties as we received some feedback that for some players the highest difficulty is too easy and vice versa normal difficulty is too difficult.

To target those issues we:
  • Added 10% damage reduction at normal difficulty. If it is still too hard we recommend decreasing it even further.
  • Buffed enemies hp on insane difficulty to make fights longer and force to build more tanky instead glass cannon raw damage:
    • Normal enemies from 5% to 25% hp increase per party level
    • Boss enemies from 2% to 25% hp increase per party level

We hope these updates enhance your experience and make the game even more enjoyable. Thank you for your continued support and feedback.
Event Horizon team 🛡️✨


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Patch 1.5 - Preview

The upcoming patch 1.5 is called the "Tactical Combat Update", and it aims to enhance combat throughout the entire game, making it more polished, challenging, and entertaining. Below, I want to share with you some of the upcoming changes that hopefully will bring us closer to making this game as perfect as it can be.

[h3]Updated skill tree[/h3]
We have received a lot of feedback that as players progress, leveling up becomes less enjoyable. Many feel that starting skills are sufficient throughout the game. That's why one of the first changes in the 1.5 update is revamped skill trees for all classes and specializations.

As seen in the screenshot, each skill has gained an additional level, with the new skill cost increased to 2 points instead of 1. Additionally, to highlight the uniqueness of specializations, we have boosted their power compared to the base class skills.

[h3]Choose any secondary specialization!
[/h3]Currently at level 14, players can choose one additional specialization from two options, which, based on your feedback, did not significantly impact gameplay. With the upcoming update in version 1.5, you can select from the remaining 11 specializations across all classes at level 14, rather than just two for your class.

We believe this will provide the opportunity to create new, exciting combinations. The possibilities are endless, and we can't wait to see what ideas you come up with.

[h3]What Else
[/h3]Of course, there is more. From this patch, You can also expect balance changes, enhanced crafting options, and improvements for late-game caster builds, based on all your feedback in the store reviews and Steam threads, like this one HERE.

Of course, if you want to share your own feedback, feel free to comment or come to our Discord and share your thoughts and ideas. We want to make this game as perfect as it can be, and we can't make it without you.

Event Horizon team 🛡️✨


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Hotfix 10 - 23.05.2024

It's time to drop our first hotfix after our latest Director's Cut Update. As before, we want to express our gratitude to everyone who shares feedback with us. Your input is invaluable in shaping the game.

Version: download size: 301.4MB

  • Fixed an issue causing units summoned from unique items to infinitely multiply in the hub area. Previously created copies will despawn when you leave the location. We learned the hard way that you can, in fact, have too much of a good thing.
  • Slight rebalance focused on early game experience - minibosses have had their HP pool lowered on lvls 1-6 so as not to be so deadly to a 2-3 character party without proper equipment. Enemy DMG and HP was lowered by 10-20% on Normal and lower difficulties. Hard difficulty was very slightly rebalanced as well. Insane remains as it is - a significant challenge, requiring the most game-breaking builds to be conquered.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the new Elite Assassin to appear too often.
  • Fixed an issue with Warrior’s Frenzy passive skill that could have caused an infinite Attack Speed bug.
  • Fixed small glitches in dialogues and cutscenes throughout the game, including a bug that caused units that were sitting down to glitch and return to idle for a brief moment at the start of a dialogue.
  • Fixed a slight graphical issue on the opening splash screen.
  • Fixed a scrolling issue with conflicting drop-down lists.
  • Fixed a co-op issue that could have caused the client to be unable to change their weapon.
  • Fixed various exceptions that could have caused the game to become unstable.
  • Google Analytics data gathering was turned off by default.
    Please note that all data gathered is completely anonymized and only tracks your in-game actions (skills used, story choices, character classes, etc.). We do not gather any data from your operating system or other software. You can always opt-out using an in-game option to remove all data related to your gameplay that was stored so far.

Please continue to share your feedback with us. The best way to do it is via the in-game "Report Issue" option or by joining our Discord and sharing it there. If you encounter a crash, please send a report after restarting the game.

Event Horizon team 🛡️✨


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Director's Cut is Live! The letter to our community.

Dear Community, Players, Warriors, Sorcerers

We want to share an enormous thank you! We’re releasing Dark Envoy: Director’s Cut using each and every comment, report, and piece of feedback you’ve shared with us over the last six months.

Summary of most important Changes:
  • Less shy about connections with Tower of Time universe, new main meta level voiced narration
  • Major narrative changes, reworked main cutscenes, some VO reworked, creating a completely different experience, especially during the first few hours of the game.
  • Balancing, polishing then reworking again, then repeating the process
  • Improved Jaan map and unique boss items
  • further optimization and QoL improvements
And we fixed one major sinister memory leak bug that made us all so miserable!

Instead of pushing the marketing for Dark Envoy, we gave this game 6 months of pure love and improvements. We’re still not done, but want to share this news with you.

If you’ve enjoyed your time with Dark Envoy, please leave us a review and share your thoughts with your fellow players! Tell your friends, sister, neighbor and maybe a hamster or two; HELP OUR LITTLE INDIE STUDIO COMPETE FOR VISIBILITY in this harsh AAA market.

Here is our Socially Awkward Zero Budget Launch Trailer:


Brutally honest one, but dire straits tend to create the best anecdotes.

The Director’s Cut update is coming, along with a 40% off Steam Daily Deal starting from Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, which will last for a week.

It was thanks to your immense support and belief in out team that we've managed to complete this enhanced version. We deeply appreciate your ongoing collaboration with us on this world that we love so dearly. We are committed to making this game as perfect as it can be.

Great THANK YOU from all 13 of us!

Dark Envoy Team

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[h3]Full Patch Note:[/h3]

Version: download size: 23,1 GB

  • Reworked tutorial. Characters will no longer split up for the first part of the game, allowing for more seamless co-op play from the first minutes of the game. NOTE: Due to multiple changes to the flow in the early part of the game, saves made on the very first location will not be compatible with the new version. All other saves from further points in the game should be fully compatible. If you encounter any issues, please inform us using the in-game Report Issue function.
  • Rebalanced and updated combat encounters throughout the game and a general overhaul of player skills, items and even the tech tree. Our focus was to increase the variance in valid player options instead of nerfing the builds that were performing extremely well. As such, the changes mostly include buffs to the most overlooked items and upgrades, including a considerable boost to 2-handed weapons and melee options. There was, however, slight nerf to the most powerful combinations but we expect them to still perform well despite the changes (looking at you, dual pistols with chaos damage enchantment and maxed out Crit Chance). Detailed overview of balance changes can be found here: [LINK]
  • Recut and improved dialogues with high emphasis on improving the overall pacing, especially at the beginning of the game.
  • 4 new cinematics throughout the game, including a brand new intro.
  • 18 new unique items including custom handcrafted Boss drops, granting distinctive new weapon skills. Ever wanted to be able to throw explosive rats like a certain Rodent Monarch or summon Manaless out of enemy corpses? Now’s your chance!
  • 2 new minibosses: Imperial Elite Assassin and League Winter’s Breath. Both may now appear on any random dungeon with the corresponding faction, further increasing their variance.
  • New cutscenes as well general improvement and polish on the existing ones.
  • Added a highly requested UX feature: clicking on the map will now move the camera to the designated point.
  • Reworked Rex bossfight for increased clarity in boss mechanics and smoother experience.
  • Upgraded world map: it now has an additional layer, showing the geographical names and borders of various regions for some extra lore and greater immersion. In addition, previously visited locations will remain visible (although grayed out, to be easily distinguishable), showing a map of your previous voyages.

[h3]Other changes
  • Added tutorial pop-ups explaining each side objective as they appear for the first time - either in the main game or in random dungeons.
  • New 20 level challenge awaits in the challenge arena - complete with a unique reward.
  • Polished audio, with high focus on UI and player abilities. New audio events for many interactable objects.
  • Respecialization Trainer got his own custom icon. He certainly deserved one!
  • Skill cooldowns will now immediately reset on combat end. No more sitting around, waiting for this juicy ultimate to be available again.
  • Further improvements to lighting and level art on both quest locations and random dungeons.
  • More dynamic cameras in select dialogue scenes, overall cutscene and dialogues polish.
  • Fixed issues with healing fountains occasionally bugging out and not healing the user despite having additional charges.
  • Most skills effects will now automatically disappear as soon as a cutscene starts. No more firewalls and summoned trees blocking the view.
  • Mining deposits received new looks based on the resource they grant.
  • A “select all” button was added over the leftmost character portrait.
  • Added an option to hide all tutorials. It can be turned on and off at will in the settings.
  • Forgotten Altar side objective will now reset on each game load, making it harder to brute force it with a save/load tactic.
  • Increased responsiveness on enemy units and fixed an AI issue that occasionally caused them to get stuck in-between actions.
  • Ancient Generator side objective will now correctly count down on the timer at the top of the screen, as indicated by the player goal.
  • Enemy tooltips will now correctly appear when the currently selected character is armed with a prism.
  • Crafting menu will now display a “Craft Item” button instead of “Precraft Item” for Normal rarity items that do not need to be precrafted.
  • Invisible units will no longer immediately exit combat.
  • Solved numerous small graphical issues on enemy and summon units and their abilities.
  • Multiple fixes to desync issues and other co-op specific bugs.
  • Fixed waypoint interactions on gamepad.
  • The Challenge Arena will no longer misleadingly inform the player that they would not be able to return if they leave. In fact, they are welcome to!
  • Fixed an issue with HP bars occasionally not updating correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally could have caused the controls to glitch upon changing the keybindings.
  • Fixed a potential blocker in the Faction Meeting quest.
  • Numerous other fixes, corrections and slight upgrades throughout the whole game.

Retro RPG with big new version is like Commandos meets Baldur's Gate 3

It's nine months since Baldur's Gate 3 launched in full, which means you're probably on your twentieth playthrough by now. Epic, open, and impelled by choices that have real, tangible consequences, Larian's opus remains the pinnacle of the genre. But maybe it's time for something a little different. Finally available in a huge new version, a CRPG, played from the classic, isometric viewpoint of legends like Fallout and Planescape, feels like a fantastical twist on the beloved - and soon to be returning - Commandos series. This is definitely worth a look.

Read the rest of the story...


Dark Envoy looks to be a real-time RPG blend of Firefly and Divinity: Original Sin

Dark Envoy is a Divinity-like CRPG in which you save or doom the world and get an airship