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Tales of the Neon Sea News

The third big update

This update optimizes and adjusts the overall plot and checkpoints of the game, making the game experience more fluent. This update adds more sections and details to make the game more complete and dramatic.
Some adjustment may lead to errors on saved games and process. You may click on (Chapter Selection) to read the node of the last chapter to recover.

1. A new function Notepad is added, which records the latest 30 conversations so that players can review the latest information repeatedly.

2. In the beginning of the game, a tutorial is added to avoid unnecessary failures.

3. We have optimized and adjusted the first chapter of the game.

4. We have optimized and adjusted the part of Flower Night Town in the second chapter.

5. We have optimized and adjusted the part of Old Hydroelectric Station Zone in the second chapter.

6. Adjusted and optimized the "crane game" in the game [Chapter 3 - smuggling passage way], removed unnecessary elements;

7. Adjusted and optimized the story and process in the game of [Chapter 3 - Rainy Lane], removed unnecessary elements;

8. Adjusted the contents of some [archives]

9. Added several secondary NPC avatars;

10. Added the story of [female police officer Katherine];

11. Fixed some bugs

The final chapter of the game is also in development. We will determine the specific release time as soon as possible.

2019 July 23th, updated

Update on 23 July 2019:

PS4 Gamepad has been fully supported.

Fixed the BUG that the elevator platform in Abandoned Trail can't go down.

2019 July 17th, updated

After the launch of “Tales of the Neon Sea”, we have collected players’ feedback through all channels. All the adjustment and optimization we made are based on our analysis of the players’ suggestions.
In the latest update, we have further optimized the level process, and changed the tasks that affect the main tasks experience into side-line tasks.
We have improved and adjusted the narrative content of the game, as well as added more description, animation presentation and interaction, in order to make the story line stands out.
Some adjustment may lead to errors on saved games and process. When you are playing, you are able to press (Chapter selection) to read the node of the last chapter to continue with your game.

1.We have optimized and adjusted the (first chapter) of the game, turning the “wine cellar” level into a side-line task in the first chapter.

2.We have thoroughly optimized and adjusted the (second chapter), deleted and improved some necessary process. We have turned the process that affects the main-line story into sideline ones in the game.
When you are playing in this chapter, you are able to press (chapter selection) to read the node of the last chapter to continue with your game. You may also replay the (second chapter), which we believe is a better game experience for you.

3. We have optimized and adjusted the (third chapter) of the game.

4. We have rebuilt the (file system), which has clearer categories, to make it easier for players to check the files.

5. We have improved and deleted some unnecessary puzzles.

6. Added profile images to some minor NPC.

7. Fixed some bugs.

We are still improving the game, and we are working on the final chapters of the game as free updates.

Update 6.6

This update removes some redundant and unnecessary elements, optimizes various puzzles and minigames, adds more detailed puzzle descriptions, and clarifies the story in certain sections.

It is possible that these adjustments may lead to errors in existing save data. In these cases, restarting the current chapter should resolve the problem.

1. The early section where William must catch a number of robo-rats has seen a reduction in difficulty, and the goal has been made clearer;

2. The second act of "In Brank's Place" has been optimized to make the story clearer;

3. Re-optimized the second scene of the "Old Hydroelectric Station Zone" to clarify the objectives. The "Cellar Backroom" has been removed temporarily, and we will put it in a more appropriate position in later updates by means of a side quest. If you are working on this chapter, it is recommended to use "Chapter Selection - > Mistake or Trap? Uncovered Tracks" and then continue to play this level;

4. Optimized the third act of the "Square Street" case, if you are currently on this chapter it is recommended that you restart using "Chapter Selection - > We Meet Again, Whispers of Death!"

5. Optimized the third act of the "Smuggling Passageway", adjusting the use of the container crane to make it more user friendly. If you're working on this chapter, it's recommended to restart through "Chapter Selection - Left or Right? Making the Choice".

6. Optimized the third act of "Abandoned Dock", by removing and streamlining some puzzles so that the goal is clearer. If you are on this chapter, it is recommended to restart through "Phantom Echoes in the Records."

7. Multiple save slots added. By choosing "load", you can now select from up to 5 save slots;

8. Optimized some minigames, and removed some repetitive puzzles;

9. Rex has been working out and can now run faster than before;

10. Adding some minor NPC avatars;

11. The controller’s direction pad can now also be used;

12. Fixed various bugs;

We continue to optimize and improve the experience, and the next update is expected for late June 2019. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful support!

Tales of the Neon Sea going to Gfusion 2019 Beijing China

Detectives, it’s been over a week since Tales of the Neon Sea released on Steam, and your comments and suggestions have been pouring in ever since. As mentioned in our previous update, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to your feedback and are actively using this to help shape and improve the current experience. Sections we are focusing on include the gang elevators and conveyors in the final chapter, as well as the sonar puzzle on the abandoned ship. These have caused problems and we intend to rectify those.

We’ve also been taking general feedback on board, regarding areas such as puzzles, level design, story pacing, and more. We don’t want to dramatically change the game that many of our players love, but we do want improve on these areas in order to provide a more well-rounded experience. Thanks again for all your support, and please keep the feedback coming!

We are going to attend Gfusion 2019 Beijing China, more detail please check the office page:
https://www.gcores.com/fusion2019 (only in Chinese)