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Wizard101 News

Coming Soon!

We will take care of this place, Wizard. 🤝

New Mad Animancer's Bundle!

Bring inanimate objects to life with the Mad Animancer's Bundle! 🪄

This $29 bundle is available exclusively on GameStop.com and includes many lively items such as 3 haunted housing items, the Chewy Quinze Chair Mount, and more!

See Bundle >>

NOTE: This bundle is currently only available for the NA server.

Dungeon Defenders II x Wizard101!


Dungeon Defenders II x Wizard101! 🎉

The worlds of Etheria and the Spiral collide with the new Propeller Cat Pet! Now available in the Online Cart for a limited time, this flying feline's frowning face will only lift your spirits!

Learn More >>

Coming Soon!

We can become anything, blend in with anything, and you’ll never be able to tell us apart... 😈

One of these things is not like the other... 🤔

Coming Soon