The EnFloofening
[h2]New Velociraptor[/h2]
+The Velociraptor has been given an entirely new model and set of animations
+The Velociraptor can now enter a gliding state if the jump key is pressed while the velo is already in the air. While gliding, the crouch and jump keys offer control of the pitch angle. Note that holding jump only mildly improves pitch angle.
+While gliding, holding the sprint key will further improve pitch angle while gliding
+Releasing all movement keys while gliding will cause the glide to end, placing the player into freefall
+While gliding, pitch angle gradually becomes more and more angled downward. The longer you glide, the harder it is to stay aloft.
+Entering freefall and then re-entering a gliding state will refresh the pitch angle decay, allowing you to begin a fresh glide. Each time this is done, the stamina cost of doing so doubles. The baseline cost is 10 stamina, so it will cost 10, then 20, then 40, then 80, and so on to re-enter a glide. This is reset when the player touches the ground, enters a body of water, or enters the climbing state
[h3]New Velociraptor Specialization: Changyuraptor[/h3]
+The Changyuraptor, a specialization of the Velociraptor, is a quad-winged gliding specialist with feathered pantaloons
+The Changyuraptor and Velociraptor share skins, animations, and sounds. The Changyuraptor, however, has its own unique model
+Changyuraptor and Velociraptor can group by default. If servers wish to keep them separate, it can be done by editing the appropriate settings in the server's config file
+Changyuraptor is substantially better at gliding than Velociraptor. It is, however, a slower climber.
+Changyuraptor has slightly less health, damage, and weight than Velociraptor
+The Changyuraptor can use its pounce while gliding by holding down and releasing the right mouse button. It can do this to gain altitude while gliding
+Added new talent to Changyu's talent tree in talent socket M3.1, Sugar Glider
-Sugar Glider decreases how much more Stamina each successive re-entry to glide costs during one flight
-Sugar Glider also decreases the baseline Stamina cost of entering glide
+Added new talent to Changyu's talent tree at socket M3.3, Updraft
-Updraft also increases the maximum pitch angle you can fly at while holding the jump key
+Added Airborne Ambush as a new talent to both Velociraptor and Changyuraptor talent trees in socket P3.1
-This talent greatly increases damage dealt while pouncing or gliding.
+Baseline, Velociraptor can now use an ability called Intuition. It allows dodging the direction of your current movement keys when quickly pressing and releasing the Secondary Attack key
+Added new talent, Intuition, to Velociraptor's talent tree in socket S3.1
-This talent greatly reduces the cost of using Intuition
-The baseline cost of dodging is 30 Ability and 30 Stamina, which reduces significantly with talent points invested
-Note that if you flick the camera up or down quickly while using this ability, you can control the pitch angle you launch at when using dodge.
+The Velociraptor and Changyuraptor have multiple tail and crest plumage options you can choose from. There are, in total, 4 tail options and 3 crest options. Choosing no crest or tail plumage is also an option.
-Note that you won't have any crest or tail plumage by default. Crest and tail plumage can be added by going to the Character part of the skin customization UI
+The Velociraptor now has a dance emote. It requires owning the BoB OST on Steam to use
+Added Velociraptor taunt emote. It requires 100% in the Hunt Points Trial.
+Added both Velociraptor idle variant animations to the emote action wheel
+Added velo fat, skinny, incest, elder, and baby morphs
[h3]New Skins[/h3]
+New Velo Skin: Redtail by Valhalla and Twilightwolf
+New Velo skin: Snow Leopard Remake by Valhalla (originally by Misha)
+New Velo Skin: Skua by Twilightwolf & Pixeldeer
+New Velo Skin: Chimera by Valhalla
+New Velo Skin: Nuclear by Pixeldeer & Natahi4
+New Velo Skin: Charged by Omnomnivore
+New Velo Skin: Carved by Valhalla & Natahi4
+New Velo Skin: SunBather by Callie
+New Velo Skin: Kākāpō by Soals
+Added Velos Elder Eyes
+Added Velo Supporter Warpaint + Supporter Eyes Cosmetics
[h3]Misc Velo Changes[/h3]
+Velociraptor can now enter the climbing state while gliding by pressing the Ability key
+Velociraptor now enters the climbing state by using the Ability key
[h2]Winter Event 2024[/h2]
+For a limited time, players will be able to earn the new Coahuilaceratops Hyperboreos skin. Previous Winter-themed cosmetics and skins can also be earned once more at this time.
-The Hyperboreos skin was made by Valhalla and Gortys
-The skins have a glowing, bioluminescent layer.
-The skins unlock separate equippable cosmetic overlays. The Hyperboreos skin unlocks a snowy overlay and equippable icicles. The unlocked overlays and items can go on any skin of their corresponding species.
[h3]Earning the Skins:[/h3]
+To unlock the Hyperboreos skin and its Overlay, players need to find and collect Coahuilaceratops-themed idols scattered around the map.
+To unlock any previous Winter-themed cosmetic and associated overlays or other equippable items, players need to find and collect appropriately themed idols scattered around the map.
[list][*] The idols will match the dinosaur type the cosmetic corresponds to. This Winter, you can earn cosmetics for Mosasaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Coahuilaceratops.
[*] Gathering the idols will allow the player to progress through achievements associated with earning the skins.
[*] The idols will be spawning on all servers and on both Life Cycle and Free Roam game modes.
[*] Completing the achievement on any server will unlock access to the skin and cosmetics game-wide.[/list][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31308067/8ca1b1de190c64669a7bbc1aad4f456f76edda37.png[/img]
[h3]Idol Collecting Tips![/h3]
[list][*] The idols will be found scattered across land and sea, spawning randomly anywhere carcasses spawn.
[*] The Coahuilaceratops Hyperboreos skin and any previous Winter-themed, earnable skin can now be earned by collecting idols scattered around the map and returning them to a matching deity shrine.
[*] All skins require gathering 50 idols that correspond with their dinosaur type. All idols must be gathered on the same server to complete the achievement and unlock the skin, but they can be individually gathered by different creatures or during different lives.
[*] Idols show up on the compass when nearby with a color themed for the deity shrine they belong to
[*] Turning in an idol will show achievement progress in the top-right corner of the screen
[*] You should also be able to view the progress you've made towards unlocking both the event skins by viewing the corresponding achievements in the achievements gallery's Limited Time Events page[/list]
[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Nest Raiders can now get food out of empty looking or incompletely filled carcasses dropped by juvenile dinosaurs that would otherwise be non-interactable or have very little food value. Full carcasses do not provide additional food to baby snatchers.
-Carcasses cannot contain more total food than the creature that dropped it ate in total. This was added a while back to combat self-feeding behaviors and to make fresh spawns not an enticing kill for players to hunt, but it also adversely affected the Nest Raider talent. The above change allows only Nest Raiders to bypass this mechanic, getting access to the full carcass value of food regardless of whether or not the dropper of that carcass ate food or not before dying. Full 5/3 Nest Raider allows 100% access to all the remaining, unfilled food value that would otherwise be absent in a carcass. Lower point values of Nest Raider only allow partial access. Nest Raiders eating from a carcass will deplete the hidden Nest Raider food first.
-Nest Raiders will see carcasses with more meat on them if they contain this hidden food that only they can interact with and eat.
-Legging a carcass does not pull Nest Raider food off the carcass. It always stays with the original carcass.
+Disabled Ability key climbing toggle from controls settings. The Ability key is now always used to enter the climbing state.
[h2]QoL Changes[/h2]
+QoL: Improvements to how the moon direct light is handled. It should now be brighter and easier to see at dusk and dawn on all maps.
+QoL: Public branch Velociraptors now get a specialization reset. Skins from public branch should select the best-matching new velo skin.
+QoL: Servers now spawn a world event immediately upon booting up. The first world event has no countdown timer and is immediately active. Additional world events will continue to spawn as normal.
+Added Shape_Plane_Snow and SM_Cube_Snow to the foliage placement tool
+Added looping Save Select and Dino Select music tracks to their respective UIs
+Added new Near Combat music. This music plays when you are near members of your group that are engaged in a fight but are not in the fight yet yourself.
[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Balance: The talent Resilience now adds comfort for beached aquatics
+Balance: The talent Arboreal now increases the rate at which you regenerate Ability, Stamina, Comfort, and Health. With full talent investment, these match their resting regeneration rates.
+Balance: The talent Wing Tear now also applies its damage increasing effect to Velo and Changyu if they are gliding. Note that Velo and Changyu are injury immune, meaning no additional injury damage will be dealt.
+Changyuraptor's base bite damage is 25. Velo's is 33
+Changyuraptor's base health is 110. Velo's is 125
+Changyuraptor's size is 110. Velo's is 120
+Changyuraptor's gliding stats are substantially better than Velo's
+Changyuraptor's sprint speed is 760. Velo's is 815
+Balance: Elasmosaurus now has Out of Element in its P3.3 talent socket
+Balance: Kronosaurus now has Out of Element in its P3.3 talent socket
+Improved Megaraptor Slash Attack hitbox
+Balance: Mosasaurus now has Out of Element in its P3.3 talent socket
+Balance: Palaeophis now has the same dietary requirements as Mosasaurus, and cannot eat fish food without risking getting sick
+Balance: Palaeophis is no longer considered a piscivore. This means Chinlea give substantially less food and give negative comfort bias when eaten.
+Balance: Regurgitating now costs 25 Ability Power baseline. The talent Ready to Run reduces this cost.
+Balance: The Palaeophis can no longer use its primary attack while darting, resulting in it doing more damage than intended
+Balance: Adjusted how venom damage is calculated such that the Palaeophis cannot deal more venom damage than it would with a 2:1 weight advantage vs its opponent. This prevents it dealing very high levels of venom damage to very small weight class creatures such as Velociraptor and Oryctodromeus.
+Balance: Saichania now resists 50% of all venom damage
+Balance: Velociraptor now has Tough Stomach in place of Adrenaline
+Balance: Reduced Velociraptor pounce leap stamina cost to 25, down from 40
+Balance: Velociraptor no longer consumes stamina while coiling its pounce leap
+Balance: Velociraptor can now continue to hold its pounce leap indefinitely until RMB is released. Pressing other movement keys will cancel the pounce leap.
+Using pounce leap with insufficient stamina results in a shorter leap
+Balance: Sturdy now activates when above 75% health, rather than 90% health
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor climbing speed by 33%
+Balance: Increased Changyu and Velo heal rates by 60%
+Balance: Velo can no longer use its pounce while blinded by Sand Attack
+Balance: Increased Velo's base damage to 33, up from 30
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed GPU-related clientside crash
+Fixed: A rarer but similar instance of growth loss and reversion of save state to a previous version of a saved character being possible.
+Fixed: Sacrificing at a shrine now properly marks the dead creature as having sacrificed to the shrine and awards proper Trials points. It also fixes a sacrificed creature not receiving a boost to their Trials in that deity category for the purposes of reincarnation.
+Fixed: Tyrannosaurus rex's Devastating Ambush ability no longer prints Devastating Bite in the log when consuming stamina
+Fixed: Creatures spawned by the creature select screen now properly despawn if you take an egg while the screen is in use
+Fixed: Pressing the Talent button while in an egg no longer jams the camera
+Fixed: Growth now properly un-pauses if you die with your growth paused
+Fixed: Attacking eggs no longer grants enemy-ship with yourself
+Fixed: Ichthy's animations now work properly in the main menu creature editor
+Fixed: Game should no longer crash randomly or when sniffing other creatures when effects are set to higher or above
+Fixed: Preview animations now work on the main menu's customization preview editor
+Fixed: Typo in scent tooltip for sea anemones
+Fixed: Velo can now climb properly while carrying another player
+Fixed: Attacking eggs no longer makes the Near Combat music play for grouped players
+Fixed: Motion blur should now be disabled regardless of graphics settings
[i]Thank you to the BoB Testing Team for the provided images.[/i]
[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages[/h3]